Happy 2 YR Wedding Anniversary!

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Wow! Glad you came back to update us OP. Glad that you are doing ok and have come to terms with your situation. Without going into details, is this something you think you could have avoided? Did you not see red flags? I'm just wondering if there is more advice you could share on what to look for when dating, etc. since you said he is a good man. I have never been married, but your story sort of scarying me. :perplexed
Thanks for the update....and you can't be serious.

No one here forced you to post a thread announcing your divorce. If you couldn't speak about it why post at all?..or all you had to say was "I can't speak about it now...but yes it's true...please send me your good thoughts and I will be back when I can".. Simple.

Instead you post, watch the thread disintegrate, and then come back in weeks later to chastise people for wishing you ill (probably because they don't have a man like you had)....which I don't see here. I see people wondering why you would post something that is especially explosive given your history on the board and disappear. You seem to like drama. Honestly your behavior is absolutely ridiculous.

All of that said I truly wish you well. Divorce is painful and I wish only the best for you in your life.
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I mean for real--the audacity!! the audacity!!!! for homegirl to post her life long story then post another thread about it and be shocked that ppl would want an update--your disappointing the only person disappointing here is you!!!

ppl here actually were genuinely concerned and initially sent well wishes and etc--now your gonna post about how ugly ppl got wanting to be updated on a thread you posted and shared with everyone here
if water is not wet....

there are many colorful e-perosnalities on lhcf but ppl were genuinely concerned and sending well wishes to you...foehhhhh!

hope the mods delete this thread and the other one--so we dont all have to be disappointing/dissapointed by this garbage!

Thanks for the update....and you can't be serious.

No one here forced you to post a thread announcing your divorce. If you couldn't speak about it why post at all?..or all you had to say was "I can't speak about it now...but yes it's true...please send me your good thoughts and I will be back when I can".. Simple.

Instead you post, watch the thread disintegrate, and then come back in weeks later to chastise people for wishing you ill (probably because they don't have a man like you had)....which I don't see here. I see people wondering why you would post something that is especially explosive given your history on the board and disappear. You seem to like drama. Honestly your behavior is absolutely ridiculous.

All of that said I truly wish you well. Divorce is painful and I wish only the best for you in your life.

How fair is it to call people nosey on a public forum? No one asked for an update on your marriage you started the thread. Posters didn't wish for your marriage to fail either; you came in saying you were getting a divorce. I'll chalk all this up to grieving because there is no way you truly believe people were wishing for a chance to be ugly to you.
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