Global Goddess Coconut Alma Hair Treatment! - On Sale

I have a box of this oil already and I ordered from ameri-mark. My order has not arrived. However, I got mine from a lady on ebay; several months ago, who said she got it from HSN and did not want it, this was an extra bottle. I have no proof where it really came from, but its just like the ones posted here.

As for the oil, it does cloud when cold, as stated on the packaging. I like it, I have not used it a lot but it has not damaged my hair in any way. I am not convinced the product is bootleg, that's some pretty expensive packaging for a knock-off. Why go through all the trouble and then sell it so cheaply, it's not even half price. Is the company denying changes to box and formula? My box is dated 2008, has a UPC bar and a serial number stamped on the box. Is Ameri-mark known to sell imposters?
I am just curious as to how you ladies know that the ingredients listing are actually whats in the bottle? I mean if the company is fraudulently using the other company name, what makes you think that everything else isn't false?

That's why I cancelled my order today. I don't wanna have to cross my fingers and hope it's not Crisco, I don't care how little it cost. I like to know what I'm putting on my hair and skin.
Well Ladies, I contacted the lady I made my first purchase from off Ebay, and she confirms that her supplier buys all of his products from HSN/QVC as closeouts. I believe her, as I know of other people who do the same. Again, my package is the same as the one posted here. Perhaps there is an error on the packaging that they have not noticed, the changes on the bottle are slight. Oh well maybe someone else can get to the bottom of it, the product as is, is alright with me.
So some of the ingredients on your packaging is missing as well?

Well Ladies, I contacted the lady I made my first purchase from off Ebay, and she confirms that her supplier buys all of his products from HSN/QVC as closeouts. I believe her, as I know of other people who do the same. Again, my package is the same as the one posted here. Perhaps there is an error on the packaging that they have not noticed, the changes on the bottle are slight. Oh well maybe someone else can get to the bottom of it, the product as is, is alright with me.
Yes some ingredients are missing, and the bottle designs and layout are slightly different. I also noted the serial number on the bottle and box are the same. That's a whole lot of work for a knockoff, could it be these are the mis-printed bottles/boxes that are being sold by others as closeouts? The lady I bought from says she has no idea why the original company would say its not their product.
For those who have received the oil, does it get cloudy? I was googling the product and it warns about the product becoming cloudy because of the coconut oil. Maybe someone could put theirs in cold water to see if it becomes cloudy.
For those who have received the oil, does it get cloudy? I was googling the product and it warns about the product becoming cloudy because of the coconut oil. Maybe someone could put theirs in cold water to see if it becomes cloudy.

I have posted that I have one of these supposed imposter bottles and yes it does become cloudy. I got my imposter bottle from an ebay seller who said it came from a person who buys closeouts from HSN/QVC.
Hi all this is the message I got from Global Goddess:

Hi Karla,

Thank you so much for your inquiry...Let me assure you that this is NOT our product, but a knockoff, which we are seriously looking into. We really appreciate the email and as you said.."if its too good to be true" ...we are trying to find out what this is about. I can keep you updated and as soon as we find out, I can let you know.

Kind Regards,


Karen Kampfl Global Goddess Beauty

Thank you - I placed my order today but turned around and canceled it.
For those who have received the oil, does it get cloudy? I was googling the product and it warns about the product becoming cloudy because of the coconut oil. Maybe someone could put theirs in cold water to see if it becomes cloudy.

I believe it has coconut oil in it, but you can get coconut oil cheap and easy. It's the Neem, Grapeseed oil, amla, and the other good stuff that may not be in there. I don't need more coconut oil.

I'm also wondering why the box talks about the benefits of Neem, but there's no Neem in the ingredients list? There are so many people out there that knows how to duplicate those boxes and bottles.
Hi all this is the message I got from Global Goddess:

Hi Karla,

Thank you so much for your inquiry...Let me assure you that this is NOT our product, but a knockoff, which we are seriously looking into. We really appreciate the email and as you said.."if its too good to be true" ...we are trying to find out what this is about. I can keep you updated and as soon as we find out, I can let you know.

Kind Regards,


Karen Kampfl Global Goddess Beauty

Hey everyone. I just recieved a response to the email that I sent to Global Goddess. Karen Kampfl said that this is not their product and it is a total knock-off of their oil. She apologized and said that they have gotten lots of emails from other people like me, concerned that we have been sold an imposter oil.

I'm going to cancel my order.

Thanks gals! I thought as much. I should have known that 95% off would be too good to be true :rolleyes: :sad:

I wanted to try this oil for the ayurvedic properties, so it makes no sense for me to purchase it and $4.50 for a 5 oz bottle of coconut/jojoba/oil/what ev oil, isn’t even worth it for me not when I can buy a 16oz jar for the same price :ohwell:

So, I googled the company (I knew the name “Amerimark” was familiar) and it is that company that were involved in that health passport scam. Basically when you order from them or you use one of their discount codes, they sign you up for some health membership and charge your CC 29.99 a month. If you google “Amerimark scam”, there are a bunch of complaints all over the net... They are/were under investigation by the Better Business Bureau you can read the report on the BBB site.

Just a heads up for the gals who ordered from this company …. Make sure that you check your CC statement over next few months to make sure that you have not been charged miscellaneous membership fees.
I wanted to provide Noir with a picture of THIS product, from THIS company, that was being sold in THIS SPECIFIC sale. So she could know that she had nothing to worry about as far as parabens. Just trying to ease a sista's mind.
Hey thanks! Yea wasn’t trying to make a big hoohaa about it neither LOL I just like to know exactly what I’m spending my money on :wink2:

Thanks for trying to ease my mind though :)
When people commit fraud they will go to any length to stick it to people no matter how much work is in it.

The makers of Global Goddess have actually been on HSN so if the person you purchased yours from claim that HSN is where that go theirs from then its not the "fake" that many of the ladies are referring to.

Yes some ingredients are missing, and the bottle designs and layout are slightly different. I also noted the serial number on the bottle and box are the same. That's a whole lot of work for a knockoff, could it be these are the mis-printed bottles/boxes that are being sold by others as closeouts? The lady I bought from says she has no idea why the original company would say its not their product.
Thanks gals! I thought as much. I should have known that 95% off would be too good to be true :rolleyes: :sad:

I wanted to try this oil for the ayurvedic properties, so it makes no sense for me to purchase it and $4.50 for a 5 oz bottle of coconut/jojoba/oil/what ev oil, isn’t even worth it for me not when I can buy a 16oz jar for the same price :ohwell:

So, I googled the company (I knew the name “Amerimark” was familiar) and it is that company that were involved in that health passport scam. Basically when you order from them or you use one of their discount codes, they sign you up for some health membership and charge your CC 29.99 a month. If you google “Amerimark scam”, there are a bunch of complaints all over the net... They are/were under investigation by the Better Business Bureau you can read the report on the BBB site.

Just a heads up for the gals who ordered from this company …. Make sure that you check your CC statement over next few months to make sure that you have not been charged miscellaneous membership fees.

You know what, not trying to add anything to this, but after I ordered from here, my bank (USAA) love this bank..They called me and stated they are closing my credit card account, and opening me up another one with new everything and sending me a new Credit card.. After my last transaction,(which was with Amerimark) another invalid transaction attempted to come through, but it couldn't be trace and seem fradulant..I didn't think anything of it, but I never had that happen before. I didn't ask for details, cause Amerimark was the last purchase I made, and nothing else came through. So now I thinking that what was going to happen...USAA caught them from trying to make a transaction.
You know what, not trying to add anything to this, but after I ordered from here, my bank (USAA) love this bank..They called me and stated they are closing my credit card account, and opening me up another one with new everything and sending me a new Credit card.. After my last transaction,(which was with Amerimark) another invalid transaction attempted to come through, but it couldn't be trace and seem fradulant..I didn't think anything of it, but I never had that happen before. I didn't ask for details, cause Amerimark was the last purchase I made, and nothing else came through. So now I thinking that what was going to happen...USAA caught them from trying to make a transaction.

THANK YOU!! I used my USAA account to purchase this oil, too. I will definitely check my charges. Thanks again! I do love USAA!! They have treated me well over the years...
I called my bank and put a hold on my debit card while they send me a new one.

I called the company and asked them about being automatically signed up for some plan. They acted so fishy, like they didn't know or wasn't sure. Everything I asked took 3 or 4 minutes to check on. The lady had to keep getting off the phone to find out. Like she didn't know anything about the company she works for. After so long, she came up with several health plans that if you wasn't looking at what you were doing, you could be signing up for it.

Something is wrong at that company.

Another thing, I was listening closely and it sounded like they was in somebodys basement or garage. It sounded too hollow for a business. They could be in somebodys house doing this stuff.
Ya know this is so funny. I remember some years ago catalog companies were using inmates to process there orders. Can you just imagine giving your credit card number to a person convicted of theft

Something is wrong at that company.

Another thing, I was listening closely and it sounded like they was in somebodys basement or garage. It sounded too hollow for a business. They could be in somebodys house doing this stuff.
I just called AmeriMark and told them that I ordered their Global Goddess Oil and that I contacted the actual company and they told me AmeriMark was selling a fake product and I wanted my money back. The Rep put me on hold for about 3 minutes, came back and told me that my money would be back on my account within two days. I had my Trademark Infringement and legal arguments all ready and didn't even have to use them. lol.
Ya know this is so funny. I remember some years ago catalog companies were using inmates to process there orders. Can you just imagine giving your credit card number to a person convicted of theft

That is so scary. Something is up though. That lady was oh-ing and uh-ing too much like everything was confusing. She didn't sound confused when I called, she dindnt get confused until I started asking her questions. They could be doing anything with those card numbers. That's why I just went onand got a new number.

This has taught me a lesson. I'm not jumping on anymore website deals. I'm sticking to the companies I'm familiar with unless I check them out first.
I called my bank and put a hold on my debit card while they send me a new one.

I called the company and asked them about being automatically signed up for some plan. They acted so fishy, like they didn't know or wasn't sure. Everything I asked took 3 or 4 minutes to check on. The lady had to keep getting off the phone to find out. Like she didn't know anything about the company she works for. After so long, she came up with several health plans that if you wasn't looking at what you were doing, you could be signing up for it.

Something is wrong at that company.

Another thing, I was listening closely and it sounded like they was in somebodys basement or garage. It sounded too hollow for a business. They could be in somebodys house doing this stuff.

They are probably using a work at home company. I sent them an email about the authenticity of their product and they responded by telling me "it has been sent to the appropriate department".....:rolleyes:

I haven't received mine yet, but it is showing that it has shipped. I will probably end up sending it back as it will not make or break me to use this stuff. Besides, my hair is on the right track and I don't want to suffer a setback because I decided to be a guinea pig... Oh well, back to my trusty ole coconut oil prepoo...tried and true baby!!!:yep::yep:
Dammit, it was too good to be true. And I was so excited to try this. Now, I got to cancel my order. Oh well, you live and you learn.