Global Goddess Coconut Alma Hair Treatment! - On Sale

I just called AmeriMark and told them that I ordered their Global Goddess Oil and that I contacted the actual company and they told me AmeriMark was selling a fake product and I wanted my money back. The Rep put me on hold for about 3 minutes, came back and told me that my money would be back on my account within two days. I had my Trademark Infringement and legal arguments all ready and didn't even have to use them. lol.

I called and did the same thing and they said that their product was real and it had already been shipped :rolleyes:
I am so pissed. I placed my order before I read all the way throuhg this thread and I turned right around and cancelled it. I did it so quickly that she couldn't even find the order right away. She said that it was cancelled and that I should call them tomorrow to verify. I said, "I HOPE that this isn't going to be a problem."

I didn't even SEE anything about a medical plan, but I only ordered two bottles, so I wasn't worried. I didn't click on ANYTHING extra, so if they sign me up for anything, they are going to have a problem.
I am so pissed. I placed my order before I read all the way throuhg this thread and I turned right around and cancelled it. I did it so quickly that she couldn't even find the order right away. She said that it was cancelled and that I should call them tomorrow to verify. I said, "I HOPE that this isn't going to be a problem."

I didn't even SEE anything about a medical plan, but I only ordered two bottles, so I wasn't worried. I didn't click on ANYTHING extra, so if they sign me up for anything, they are going to have a problem.

I went back onto the website to see if there were any plans offered and I saw none either, so they must be just signing people up without their knowledge. There were no plans offered to click on.
I went back onto the website to see if there were any plans offered and I saw none either, so they must be just signing people up without their knowledge. There were no plans offered to click on.

Yeah I went through a ton of complaints about this when I googled it, and the people weren't even aware that they had been signed up. Some guy just bought a cushion and he was signed up :ohwell:
I just called the company (Amerimark) and was told that they got it from a different disturbutor. I told her I dont care where they got it from I need to make sure it is legit and was assured they were. I also told her that I got an email from the company (Global Goddess) and was told that this is a knock off. The lady on the phone was suprised at what I had just told her. She said that if I want to send it back I could and get a full refund. I dont know if it is worth the hassel now cause I send it to them and have to wait for them to recieve it and process it and then send me the money. They wont be in a big hurry to send me the money.

I dont know I am so utterly dissappointed in myself for jumping on this without research. Now I got to check my CC to make sure they havent added something stupid to my care. Good thing I am with USAA.
I saw on one site that they were signing up a bunch of senior citizens via telephone. Then reps from their company were cussing people out for complaining.

Yeah I went through a ton of complaints about this when I googled it, and the people weren't even aware that they had been signed up. Some guy just bought a cushion and he was signed up :ohwell:
My stuff has already been shipped also (I received my shipment notice the other day) and I'm not sure if they can stop the shipment while it is in route. They gave me no instruction to send the product back. About 15 minutes after I called I received an email "Return Notification Email". I would just try calling again and see if you get a different representative.

I called and did the same thing and they said that their product was real and it had already been shipped :rolleyes:
My stuff has already been shipped also (I received my shipment notice the other day) and I'm not sure if they can stop the shipment while it is in route. They gave me no instruction to send the product back. About 15 minutes after I called I received an email "Return Notification Email". I would just try calling again and see if you get a different representative.

Thanks I'm going to try again tomorrow!
Oh wow. I wondered why this thread was constantly on the top. I ordered mine when this thread first got started...and I still haven't received my order. I just hope that I get it within the 14 days of the date on receipt. I'm disappointed...and I thought I was getting a deal.

Thanks you all.
I only ordered I called and tried to cancel but they already shipped, and yeah they sign you up for some junk I called and cancelled that the same day.
They signed up that fast :nono:

They make you disappear fast too. When I called asking all of those questions about the plans they sign you up for, and had them check and make sure I wasn't signed up, they claim they didn't even see my name in the system anymore. I had just cancelled over the phone this morning, and now I'm not even in the system? When you cancel an order with a company, you are still in their system and they can see it, only it will state that your order has been cancelled. That is one fishy company!
I just called again to make sure I was not signed up for anything other than the purchases I made and they assured me I wasnt. I used my VERY professional voice and very bluntly said ok if I see anything on my card other then the purchases made I can me assured that the company will be held liable and will correct anything and everything, Allison (letting her know I remember her name).
I just called again to make sure I was not signed up for anything other than the purchases I made and they assured me I wasnt. I used my VERY professional voice and very bluntly said ok if I see anything on my card other then the purchases made I can me assured that the company will be held liable and will correct anything and everything, Allison (letting her know I remember her name).
When you order they offer a 10dolla back coupon so when you click on that and follow the process you are actually signing up for a discount network that will be like 12dollas a month...ummm no thanks, I called right after that and was like cancel that ish...wish i could have cancelled that order.
I emailed Global Goddess and this is what I received:

Dear Libra08 -

Thank you so much for contacting us. We will definitely look into this as this is not our approved formulation and product. It looks like someone is selling a rejected batch which makes me very unhappy since I pride myself on providing you and all of our customers with only the best formulations. This one does not contain Neem and was rejected due to floating debris in the oil. Please let your friends know not to purchase it as we can not guarantee what it will do to your hair.

Once again, I sincerely appreciate you contacting us. To thank you and because we truly understand everyone's financial situation during these times, please accept my offer for 25% off anything on our site. Type in Coupon Code - Oil.

All the best,
Now Global goddess is lying! She told me and southernstunner that it was not their oil and that it wasnit legit. Now she's saying that it is their oil - only a bad batch that she can't guarantee won't damage your hair?

Who's telling the truth? Boy, people lie way too much!

I emailed Global Goddess and this is what I received:

Dear Libra08 -

Thank you so much for contacting us. We will definitely look into this as this is not our approved formulation and product. It looks like someone is selling a rejected batch which makes me very unhappy since I pride myself on providing you and all of our customers with only the best formulations. This one does not contain Neem and was rejected due to floating debris in the oil. Please let your friends know not to purchase it as we can not guarantee what it will do to your hair.

Once again, I sincerely appreciate you contacting us. To thank you and because we truly understand everyone's financial situation during these times, please accept my offer for 25% off anything on our site. Type in Coupon Code - Oil.

All the best,
Now Global goddess is lying! She told me and southernstunner that it was not their oil and that it wasnit legit. Now she's saying that it is their oil - only a bad batch that she can't guarantee won't damage your hair?

Who's telling the truth? Boy, people lie way too much!

And the plot thickens. :perplexed
I do not believe Global Goddess one bit! Who would make a bad batch of oil, then make bottle and box labels to match. The label and packaging is more likely the true culprit. She knows these are out there, if they still sell and the buyer likes the product they will more than likely get more.
When you order they offer a 10dolla back coupon so when you click on that and follow the process you are actually signing up for a discount network that will be like 12dollas a month...ummm no thanks, I called right after that and was like cancel that ish...wish i could have cancelled that order.

Many online shopping sites offer that. I ordered a skirt from Chadwicks recently and their site does the same thing. I want to say even Amazon had done it at one point. It is an outside service. All about advertising and making that money. Even Ebay now has offers that you have to pass just to click the arrow to see the next items in a list.

You don't have to click on it and it has nothing to do with your order.
Now they done switched up their game. :rolleyes:

They are like : DA&N! I thought yall got rid of those?!?! Now they selling our ish for only $4.50.

Now I done told them it was not ours and these chicks gon' figure this ish out. Offer a discount so we can get them dollas instead.

I emailed Global Goddess and this is what I received:

Dear Libra08 -

Thank you so much for contacting us. We will definitely look into this as this is not our approved formulation and product. It looks like someone is selling a rejected batch which makes me very unhappy since I pride myself on providing you and all of our customers with only the best formulations. This one does not contain Neem and was rejected due to floating debris in the oil. Please let your friends know not to purchase it as we can not guarantee what it will do to your hair.

Once again, I sincerely appreciate you contacting us. To thank you and because we truly understand everyone's financial situation during these times, please accept my offer for 25% off anything on our site. Type in Coupon Code - Oil.

All the best,
Now Global goddess is lying! She told me and southernstunner that it was not their oil and that it wasnit legit. Now she's saying that it is their oil - only a bad batch that she can't guarantee won't damage your hair?

Who's telling the truth? Boy, people lie way too much!

Then why in the h** didn't they throw this batch out?!?! They knew d*** well they were going to sell this stuff at a very cheap price to whoever bought it and really thought that the American public would not question it. They could not sell it because of the "debris", bottled it and forgot the other ingredient(s), or for whatever reason, so what do you do...cut your losses and sell it to some small time retailer so the loss will not be that exorbitant and you can still write it off.

It is just like buying some irregular draws or something from Marshalls, TJ Maxx but at least those retailers indicate they are "irregular"....
Not interested. I've already infused coconut oil and amla...seems like the same thing only with other oils and henna added....the coconut makes it smell great tho
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Wow this is just to much. Ya don't know who or what to believe. Either way I hope the ladies that have used it do not have any adverse effects to their hair.
Then why in the h** didn't they throw this batch out?!?! They knew d*** well they were going to sell this stuff at a very cheap price to whoever bought it and really thought that the American public would not question it. They could not sell it because of the "debris", bottled it and forgot the other ingredient(s), or for whatever reason, so what do you do...cut your losses and sell it to some small time retailer so the loss will not be that exorbitant and you can still write it off.

It is just like buying some irregular draws or something from Marshalls, TJ Maxx but at least those retailers indicate they are "irregular"....

Sounds like someone at Global Goddess, instead of throwing it out, gave it to her cousin Craig and 'dem. They got their hustle on and Amerimark and Beauty Boutique jumped on it. They knew how to clear them babies out. And at only $4.50 a bottle, you know Amerimark got them cheap.

This is so so so funny!
LOL @ this mess, I read this thread being nosey cause I sure don't need to order any oils. My first thought was GG know darn well that AM and 'em bottles are legit, they just don't want to loose out on $40.50. I also believe that the $4.50 price is about right I have seen oils with ingredients just that good at the Indian, not exactly but still good. GG just know that the Indian Oils are on the move and wanted to slap a high price on something to make the customer feel like it has to be "the bomb" for that price, NOT! GG more than like took an already existing product and just put their name on the bottle.