Global Goddess Coconut Alma Hair Treatment! - On Sale

Ladies, I figure I would just email the Global Goddess customer service center to get to the bottom of this. I am worried that we may get a bogus item and ruin their name. At least that is what I said in my email. I also attached a direct link to the amerimark site where the sale is. Hopefully I will get a response. I did mention the forum and how many of us have already purchased some of the discounted oil.
Ladies, I figure I would just email the Global Goddess customer service center to get to the bottom of this. I am worried that we may get a bogus item and ruin their name. At least that is what I said in my email. I also attached a direct link to the amerimark site where the sale is. Hopefully I will get a response. I did mention the forum and how many of us have already purchased some of the discounted oil.

Thanks so much. I want to know if it's legit. I still have time to cancel my order.
Ladies, Ladies relax! I sure didn't mean to start such a brouhaha on this wonderful Sunday morning! :nono:

We all know that companies change product formulations and packaging from time to time. [Case in point, peep the thread on the complete change in ORS Repleninshing Conditioner ingredients and packaging thats going right now]

So what was posted a year ago (and typed in by hand) may not be relevant to what we are talking about and considering for use today. Same for what is being sold in some other store or on some other site in some different looking bottle. That's why I wanted to provide Noir with a picture of THIS product, from THIS company, that was being sold in THIS SPECIFIC sale. So she could know that she had nothing to worry about as far as parabens. Just trying to ease a sista's mind.

What's jacked up is that on the Amerimark ($4.50) product, on the side panel, it talks about all the benefits of Neem. And yet there is no Neem (Azadirachta indica, syn. Melia azadirachta L., Antelaea azadirachta (L.) Adelb.) listed in the ingredients. Now that's bad juju and should definitely be addressed to them. Photo attached of course....

When its all said and done I paid only $4.50 for what is, at the very least, an Amla oil that doesn't stink. And for that I am very happy. :grin:


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A picture is worth a thousand words--NO parabens in the boxes I'm holding.

Thanks for pics...

even if it's a bootleg...with no parabens...

I feel okay about the purchase...I was willing to take a chance with the parabens..but if there are none, even better..not worried about the neem or shea butter, I was just happy that other oils were still present
Regardless of the fact, my hair will love the extra treatment..$4.50 a bottle is the only way my hair will get it.

Amen to that! I will never again buy that stinky Dabur amla oil. And I don't see myself dealing with the amla powder. So this is the only way amla is going to touch my head.
But I think that as a precuation I am going to put my extra bottles in the fridge until I am ready to use them. I bought three and that should last me for years.
Denise11 aren't you on a no buy challenge? I see someone's slipping and the challenge just started :lachen:

Girl, I failed that challenge about 3 times now. I'm new here, so you know I'm buying way too much. Its hard to resist. I ordered Ayurvedic powders yesterday too. I need help!
I learned not to enter no buy challenges while ok still new because everything is still so tempting and exciting, and hard to resist! Maybe I'll try again in a few months when the newness of it all has worn off.
Oh yeah I remember when I was a newbie :rolleyes:. My mom used to give me $10 a week for lunch money and every week I would have new hair products. She could never understand where I was getting the money from to buy all of those products. I would come home everyday with an empty stomach, but atleast my hair was on point :grin:
Hey everyone. I just recieved a response to the email that I sent to Global Goddess. Karen Kampfl said that this is not their product and it is a total knock-off of their oil. She apologized and said that they have gotten lots of emails from other people like me, concerned that we have been sold an imposter oil.

I'm going to cancel my order.
Hi all this is the message I got from Global Goddess:

Hi Karla,

Thank you so much for your inquiry...Let me assure you that this is NOT our product, but a knockoff, which we are seriously looking into. We really appreciate the email and as you said.."if its too good to be true" ...we are trying to find out what this is about. I can keep you updated and as soon as we find out, I can let you know.

Kind Regards,


Karen Kampfl Global Goddess Beauty
I don't care im still go use it, its not the first thing I bought that was a knock off it won't be the last.....I won't tell..if you won't tell...
To any of the ladies that have already used this bogus oil how did it do on your hair?

Thanks for the info SS!!!

I hope the ladies results are favorable...I just checked out the return policy on Amerimark and it is 14 days from receipt of order. I just hope I haven't bought some bottles of Crisco or something...I knew the price was ridiculously cheap but I was hoping that GG made an error in the packaging....anywho we shall see:ohwell:
If this is a knock off- how did they get the packaging with the owner's picture on it? At any rate I do like the way it performed on my hair.My BF made a comment on how good my hair looked after i used it, as a matter of fact he repeated himself a couple of times AND stared !!! :) I can think of worse things to spend $4.50 on. Who knows these could have "fallen off the truck" so to speak.... So far my hair loves it.
I ordered this too, but haven't received mine yet. If anyone else has used the oil and has any reviews please keep us updated.

As the saying goes, "Caveat emptor"...."Let the buyer beware"!!!!
Amen to that! I will never again buy that stinky Dabur amla oil. And I don't see myself dealing with the amla powder. So this is the only way amla is going to touch my head.
But I think that as a precuation I am going to put my extra bottles in the fridge until I am ready to use them. I bought three and that should last me for years.

It's usally good to store extras in the fridge. I'll probably do the same.
I just ordered 6 bottles, and got a few more things from the site. I used a 20% off coupon link from, plus a coupon code for $10 off, AAPR6Q.

Don't know if anyone has already posted about this, but the site let me use both promotions. I saved $21 off of a $51 purchase.

ETA: From other user's posts the coupon codes my sign you up for services, where the charges are automatically renewed each month. Buyer's beware.
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I just ordered 6 bottles, and got a few more things from the site. I used a 20% off coupon link from, plus a coupon code for $10 off, AAPR6Q.

Don't know if anyone has already posted about this, but the site let me use both promotions. I saved $21 off of a $51 purchase. :yep::yep::yep:

But the stuff is bootleg.
When its all said and done I paid only $4.50 for what is, at the very least, an Amla oil that doesn't stink. And for that I am very happy. :grin:

I agree. Even if it is bootleg, (and without the shea butter or other more expensive ingredients,) it's still a good price for what you're getting.
I agree. Even if it is a bootleg product the ingredients are real. And $4.50 is a great price for the oils we are getting. When mine come in the mail I'm going to *** some shea butter oil and maybe I will learn how to infuse Neem oil and add that.

Has anyone sent a letter to AmeriMArk complain about their false advertisement (Neem and Shea Butter oil in the product and it not being on the box) and their Trademark Infringement ?

I agree. Even if it is bootleg, (and without the shea butter or other more expensive ingredients,) it's still a good price for what you're getting.
I am just curious as to how you ladies know that the ingredients listing are actually whats in the bottle? I mean if the company is fraudulently using the other company name, what makes you think that everything else isn't false?
I am just curious as to how you ladies know that the ingredients listing are actually whats in the bottle? I mean if the company is fraudulently using the other company name, what makes you think that everything else isn't false?

Yeah, like someone else posted earlier, you just cross your fingers and hope you don't end up with Crisco or veggie oil.