Global Goddess Coconut Alma Hair Treatment! - On Sale

Oh and by no means do I think it's funny when it comes to pples money I am talking about GG lying through email not knowing that the ladies frequent the same hair forum..
Wow this blew up!

I don’t care whether or not the oil is an ol’ expired batch, some bogus crap or fell off the back of a van; BOTH companies (amerimark AND global goddess) are dodgy as heyal and that oil is more trouble that it is worth LOL.

Yea, I just stick to some good ol' vatika and my own infused oils.

Sorry to the gals who feel jipped.
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Sounds like someone at Global Goddess, instead of throwing it out, gave it to her cousin Craig and 'dem. They got their hustle on and Amerimark and Beauty Boutique jumped on it. They knew how to clear them babies out. And at only $4.50 a bottle, you know Amerimark got them cheap.

This is so so so funny!

Wow this blew up!

I don’t care whether or not the oil is an ol’ expired batch, bogus or fell off the back of a van; BOTH companies (amerimark AND global goddess) are dodgy as heyal and that oil is more trouble that it is worth LOL.

Yea, I just stick to some good ol' vatika and my own infused oils.

Sorry to the gals who were feel jipped.

ITA 150%!!!!
I was thisclose to ordering this mess...but i talked myself out of it because i know that i just don't need it.
I'm so sorry that some of you ladies have to deal with this mess.I hate having my account messed with!!!
ITA 150%!!!!
I was thisclose to ordering this mess...but i talked myself out of it because i know that i just don't need it.
I'm so sorry that some of you ladies have to deal with this mess.I hate having my account messed with!!!

I'm glad I used my debit card. I told my bank about this mess, they said the whole thing was fraud against us, and issued me another card. So they don't have my card number anymore.
I almost ordered myself but that markdown just didn't feel right to me and I realized I didn't put a dent in my Deyshani Elixir(SheScentIt) oil!!!!
Ok, they making me mad, I was go buy the real one and use the discount code, but now, I changed my mind, they know whats going on..and they trying to play us..

I emailed Global Goddess and this is what I received:

Dear Libra08 -

Thank you so much for contacting us. We will definitely look into this as this is not our approved formulation and product. It looks like someone is selling a rejected batch which makes me very unhappy since I pride myself on providing you and all of our customers with only the best formulations. This one does not contain Neem and was rejected due to floating debris in the oil. Please let your friends know not to purchase it as we can not guarantee what it will do to your hair.

Once again, I sincerely appreciate you contacting us. To thank you and because we truly understand everyone's financial situation during these times, please accept my offer for 25% off anything on our site. Type in Coupon Code - Oil.

All the best,
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I don't think you ladies are aren't just signed up for a subscription out of no where because you buy something from them. If you take advantage of that $10 off your next offer advertisement (which I didn't see) then you will be signed up for a monthly subscription which it states in the fine print. Many popular LEGIT sites use that same you just hit no thanks and keep it moving.

Also if I had an expensive a$# product out and a site had it deeply deeply discounted of course I would be like oh that's not the real thing or it's fake and no telling what's in it to convince people not to buy it and buy stuff from ME so I can make MORE money come on yall be serious look at what's really going on here.​
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I jumped the gun and purchased 4 bottles but I just canceled my order, so hopefully they won't ship out or charge me... I've learned my lesson as a PJ..
Just placed my order! I ordered 6 bottles...that is a great deal and I used coupon code AAMQOZ for 5 bucks off my my total for 6 bottles came to 27.99. Not bad at all! Let's hope no other great deals pop up out of nowhere! I'm supposed to be saving!!! Ahhhhh!!!!
I was just wondering if you read this thread before you placed your order?

Just placed my order! I ordered 6 bottles...that is a great deal and I used coupon code AAMQOZ for 5 bucks off my my total for 6 bottles came to 27.99. Not bad at all! Let's hope no other great deals pop up out of nowhere! I'm supposed to be saving!!! Ahhhhh!!!!
Oh yeah, you definitely have to be careful about those extra offers, however, the product they are selling at a deep discount is more than likely the true product. They probably dont want multiple returns and in extreme cases, lawsuits for selling counterfit merchandise.

I don't think you ladies are aren't just signed up for a subscription out of no where because you buy something from them. If you take advantage of that $10 off your next offer advertisement (which I didn't see) then you will be signed up for a monthly subscription which it states in the fine print. Many popular LEGIT sites use that same you just hit no thanks and keep it moving.​

Also if I had an expensive a$# product out and a site had it deeply deeply discounted of course I would be like oh that's not the real thing or it's fake and no telling what's in it to convince people not to buy it and buy stuff from ME so I can make MORE money come on yall be serious look at what's really going on here.​
I actually looking forward to my order. :yep:

I seriously think GG knows there is no problem with these oils, they are just mad that they are being sold so cheap.

But if you gonna sell a bottle of $10 (if that) oil for $45, they gotta be perfect. Something was a little off (it happens!!) and they knew they could not send them to a person that is crazy enough to spend $45 on them.

I look forward to getting my order. And I will enjoy my oils, because I am never going to buy from GG again. They got too much of a racket going on for my taste.
How crazy! I only read the first few pages when I placed my order. I went on ahead and cancelled it because I dont want to chance a counterfit batch...I dont want the drama some of the other ladies have unfortunatly experienced. Yikes....I'm more!

I was just wondering if you read this thread before you placed your order?
Thank God I read this before I ordered and I hope all you ladies get your money back in a timely fashion!
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Im glad you were able to cancel. Check your account over the next couple of days to make sure no other charges are on it.

How crazy! I only read the first few pages when I placed my order. I went on ahead and cancelled it because I dont want to chance a counterfit batch...I dont want the drama some of the other ladies have unfortunatly experienced. Yikes....I'm more!
Why do you all think there will be extra charges on your card? :ohwell:

There has been nothing to indicate that.

Even if you mistakenly agreed to that ad that pops up after the order, it is done by another company. Cancelling your you with Amerimark might not cancel that program so you may want to dig further.

I am surprised you have never seen those on other online shopping sites. Even Amazon does it.

Excuse me, if you guys are talking about something else.
Over the last day or so I have been looking up the scams that this company has been a party to. According to most of the complaints they were signed up without their knowledge and over 75% of them were elderly.
This program is directly links to Amerimark "passport to health"
Reps from Amerimark go so far as to call customers to get them signed up so you do not have to click on an ad in order for them to sign you up. All they need is your credit card and its a done deal. Whether you want it or not. This is not the 1st company that has done this to consumers.

Why do you all think there will be extra charges on your card? :ohwell:

There has been nothing to indicate that.

Even if you mistakenly agreed to that ad that pops up after the order, it is done by another company. Cancelling your you with Amerimark might not cancel that program so you may want to dig further.

I am surprised you have never seen those on other online shopping sites. Even Amazon does it.

Excuse me, if you guys are talking about something else.
I ordered one bottle last week. And although it hasn't been shipped yet, the customer service rep said I couldn't cancel the order.
This was my first order with them, and I won't be ordering from them again. :nono:

I placed my order using a Secure Card, which is a one-time-use debit card. And after reading this thread (and the recent discoveries), I thought some people may be interested in learning about Secure Cards.

Secure Cards are for those who like to order online, but don't want companies to keep their credit card information on file. They are also for people who like to order from companies that offer Paypal checkouts.

They are available by Paypal, through the Paypal Plug-In.

Secure Cards work as regular Paypal transactions. The only difference is that Paypal will generate a one-time-use debit card for you to use for the website. Paypal then debits the EXACT funds from your bank account/credit card.

Paypal is the only one who handles your credit card information, and NOT the website your ordering from.

You can read more about Secure Cards, and the Paypal Plug-In, after logging into your Paypal account. The link is on the left side of the page.

Paypal isn't the only company to offer these. One-time-use debit cards are offered by some credit card companies as well.

I love this Paypal option. I have been using it and it makes me feel so much more comfortable shopping online.

I got my oil today and some of it was leaking out....checked my bank account..did not see anything fishy...Has anyone else used the oil...I just keep looking at it and sighing...
