"Get your hands Outta Your Hair!" Challenge

Since I bought the supplies I tried to do a bun yesterday. I wasn't too suprised by the fact that I need longer hair. Of course I can get it into a ponytail but not really a substantial bun. That's okay along with this challenge and the relaxer stretching challenge I should gain some length.
I took my twists down 2 days earlier than planned because they were feeling icky so I c/w w/Suave then I DC'd w/WEN then I retwisted my hair...I haven't touched it since Thursday except to mega'sagge. I prefer to redo my hair in the middle of the week so that will be when I will wash/dc/retwist my hair. :yep:

Keep up the good work ladies!! :hug2:
Hi Ladies. I'm just writing for some strength and support right now. My hair still feels super soft and smooth from the treatment I gave it on Thursday, and I am SOOO tempted to just wear it down and play in it all day long :weird:, lol. But I want to be strong and do well. It's only the beginning of the challenge and I don't want to slip up now. So like it or not my hair's going up and it's not coming down until the end of the day when I put it in my silk scarf It's difficult, but I know that after the four months are up we will all reap the benefits of our hard work. And who knows? We may carry on the good things that we've learned from this challenge even after it's over :).
Girl Muffin you can do it honey. I have my hair cornrowed to force my hands out of it and to be honest this is working better than expected for me:yep:. Perhaps give the cornrows a try and get a wig and wear it this way at least 5 days at a time.
Ya know I am finding that not manipulating my hair is really working out great for me. Especially because I'm transitioning, but its still soo hard to stop digging in my new growth... This stuff takes some serious discipline..
Thank you for the support :hug3:! And you'll definitely like the bentonite clay treatment. My hair still feels ultra soft, even though I was kinda bad yesterday. I went swimming in this pool that had TONS of chlorine in it (I know this because my friend went in wearing a pitch black shirt, he came out wearing an ashy gray shirt :look:) It was funny because I kept telling everyone "Don't wet ma herr" because I didn't feel like co-washing it or manipulating it, but when you tell your friends not to do something, of course they're going to do the opposite, lol. So I guess I used two days to manipulate my hair this week. I didn't need to comb it when I co-washed it (it was already pretty detangled), but I did wear it down for a period of time to help it dry. And even after all that my hair felt super soft and smooth. I'm definitely in love with that clay :).

P.S. I just checked Clark's website online. They have this bentonite clay called Aztec Secret: Indian Healing Clay. It costs $6.19 for a pound of it and I believe it is the same clay I have :yep:.

Thanks, hun, I hope I can get there sometime this week:drunk:. It sounds like a winner!:yep:
This challenge has really inspired me to keep moving forward with my goal of not over-manipulating my hair for these four months (and most likely longer) http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=162323&highlight=end+summer. So I'm going to use this as motivation to not do anything that may cause me to break of the length of my hair during this challenge. So this leads me to ask what are your goals for your hair at the end of this challenge and/or in one year's time? At the end of this challenge I hope to be BSL and in one year's time I hope to be WL (or close to it :grin:).
I don't even know what a realistic goal would be right now. I'm just frustrated with my hair right now. My ends are a HAM! I will attempt to baggy for the first time tonight. I was planning to wait until Friday which is co-wash day but I can't tolerate it. We'll see what happens. I'm off to check out some baggy threads and tutorials.
I don't even know what a realistic goal would be right now. I'm just frustrated with my hair right now. My ends are a HAM! I will attempt to baggy for the first time tonight. I was planning to wait until Friday which is co-wash day but I can't tolerate it. We'll see what happens. I'm off to check out some baggy threads and tutorials.

My ends have always had a hard time absorbing moisture and always looked dry and brittle, but since I started using unrefined shea butter for them (because it's a super-heavy moisturizer) they don't feel so dry anymore. I guess you could try using a very heavy moisturizer for your ends and a lighter one for the rest of your hair.

P.S. You have the right idea with baggying. I've heard it helps with dry ends as well :).
Girl Muffin you can do it honey. I have my hair cornrowed to force my hands out of it and to be honest this is working better than expected for me:yep:. Perhaps give the cornrows a try and get a wig and wear it this way at least 5 days at a time.

Thanks for the advice :). I definitely do want to try braiding my hair and leaving that way for a whole week, but I'm ashamed to admit that I'm afraid to try wearing a wig. I guess it's because I feel I'll accidentally knock it off (I am quite clumsy :look:) or it won't look right on me or something like that. But I guess it really depends on finding one that fits properly and looks good on you, doesn't it?

The next time I'm washing my hair is Saturday soo I'll post up a pic sometime this weekend =D

:lachen: Hey there! This may be a dumb question, but are you interested in joining the challenge? I think you are but I want to make sure before I add your name to the list :).
Thanks for the advice :). I definitely do want to try braiding my hair and leaving that way for a whole week, but I'm ashamed to admit that I'm afraid to try wearing a wig. I guess it's because I feel I'll accidentally knock it off (I am quite clumsy :look:) or it won't look right on me or something like that. But I guess it really depends on finding one that fits properly and looks good on you, doesn't it?

Well I can certainly understand your hesitation, especially if you haven't worn a wig before. If you could use some motivation just, check out my protective styling album in my fotki. They really do transform my looks quite a bit. I really do like them. I hated them years ago but not anymore, I'm happy to say:yep:.
Well I did the baggying last night and I can tell the difference. I think I used too much product--I tend to be heavy handed--so I will work on that. I used Hairveda's whipped baggy cream (it might just be named whipped cream now bc people use in other ways also). I can't decide how often I want to do it. 1-2 times a week maybe. We'll see.
Well I did the baggying last night and I can tell the difference. I think I used too much product--I tend to be heavy handed--so I will work on that. I used Hairveda's whipped baggy cream (it might just be named whipped cream now bc people use in other ways also). I can't decide how often I want to do it. 1-2 times a week maybe. We'll see.

I heard that whipped baggy cream (or however it's pronounced :grin:) is the truth. A lot of women on this forum like it. I want to try it one day. I think that it will work great for your ends. I guess you could start off using it 2 times a week until your ends get balanced and then you could switch to once a week.
I heard that whipped baggy cream (or however it's pronounced :grin:) is the truth. A lot of women on this forum like it. I want to try it one day. I think that it will work great for your ends. I guess you could start off using it 2 times a week until your ends get balanced and then you could switch to once a week.

Sounds like a plan. I have to have patience. I have not taken care of my hair for years and I can't expect it to be healthy overnight. It's only been about a month and I haven't really settled in on all my products and my regi yet.
Sounds like a plan. I have to have patience. I have not taken care of my hair for years and I can't expect it to be healthy overnight. It's only been about a month and I haven't really settled in on all my products and my regi yet.

Yeah, it definitely takes a while to figure out a regimen that works well for both you and your hair. It took me a LONG time to figure out what kinds of things my hair liked, and an even longer time to try and find those things at affordable prices. I still haven't figured it out completely, but I think it's a non-stop learning process because hair's needs change from time to time.
:lachen: Hey there! This may be a dumb question, but are you interested in joining the challenge? I think you are but I want to make sure before I add your name to the list :).

LOL Yes I am! :grin: And I just got my Mega Tek too so I really don't want to do anything to mess up my progress... this challange would be PERFECT!
Still in cornrows ... just applying growth aids and my lace wig daily ... I better see some improvement too at the end of the year :drunk: LoL!!!
Things are still going well. I actually got compliments on my hair today. Tomorrow is wash day. I need to do a protein tx. I'm thinking my hair might love protein. Maybe 1x/month is not enough. My hair is starting to do more breaking. I'm noticing hair more and more each day. According to Sistaslick's article doing a pro tx wk before, during relaxing, and week after is suggested. I did that and my hair was great. I think I did an additional one prior to that bc I planned on relaxing and changed the date. I was seeing minimal to no breakage. Now that I am 4 wks post I'm seeing a different story. Maybe I need to do a protein tx every 2 weeks. Hmmm...well you know what I forgot I have a protein condish coming from Hairveda. Maybe I can do the intense tx 1x/month and use the protein conditioner 1x/wk.
I feel the need to re-state my regimen due to the fact that it's changed slightly. My new routine is as follows:

-Wash/Detangle/DC every week on Thursdays. If done twice a week the other day will be Monday.
-Massage scalp/moisturize hair daily.
-Every 2 weeks to 1 month do Hendigo treatment for hair strength and vitality.
-Any style I wear my hair in wear it like that the whole day without tampering with it or combing it.
-Sleep every night in silk scarf.

I guess I'll keep a blog to document my regimen and any changes therein and products I've tried.
Yea, Im thinking I wanna start rollersetting my hair. Its gonna be harder to keep my hands out of it though...Its much easier now with wigs, but those nylon wig caps are starting to get on my nerves... I'll let yall know how this one goes.
Child please:perplexed. I put myself on this challenge and it lasted until I got home from work. I finally had to get braids
I'm really contemplating getting braids. I've had them on & off for about 18 years now. The difference this time around is when they are taken out I won't let my hair break off.
If I get braids I want to leave them in for at least two weeks. This way I won't be manipulating my hair at all during that time period. I know myself and I start getting the HIH shakes and quakes when I can't touch my hair at all. But maybe it's the best thing. Baby steps, right :grin:?
WHY is it that every time I see this thread on the main page I have my hands in my hair? LOL I can't join ladies, I can't imagine not twirling my hair all day LOL Good luck tho!
Please count me in. I have a serious HIH problem. I always pull at my curls or do what my momma calls digging. I pull at the roots and I have to touch it and feel for new growth. This is going to be hard. I keep it roller set so I don't have a problem with the compulsive combing, but compulsive touching is definitely an issue.
If I get braids I want to leave them in for at least two weeks. This way I won't be manipulating my hair at all during that time period. I know myself and I start getting the HIH shakes and quakes when I can't touch my hair at all. But maybe it's the best thing. Baby steps, right :grin:?

The bolded works very well for me, only I leave mine in for 3 weeks at a time. I am trying to stretch my relaxer a few extra weeks this way too.
I just took my cornrows out and put them right back in so this challenge is quite easy for me but without cornrows i'd be in troooooooooble .... :perplexed
Please count me in. I have a serious HIH problem. I always pull at my curls or do what my momma calls digging. I pull at the roots and I have to touch it and feel for new growth. This is going to be hard. I keep it roller set so I don't have a problem with the compulsive combing, but compulsive touching is definitely an issue.

Welcome Silkydreamgirl! You're in good company :yep:. So, how's everybody holding up on the challenge? I'm doing pretty well. I'll admit that sometimes I don't keep my hair in it's set style though. I'll take it down and put it another way that feels more comfortable, but I don't comb it or anything. I realize the reason why I was messing with my hair so much was because the way I was getting bored with the way I wear my hair all the time. I've been trying to switch it up my protective styles lately :grin:. Today I wore my hair in two big braids and pinned the ends up. I didn't mess with it at all and it was very comfortable.