"Get your hands Outta Your Hair!" Challenge

Hey everybody! Just wanted to say welcome to everybody who's apart of the GYHOYH Challenge(long acronym but maybe it'll catch on, :grin:). It's almost the end of the first day of our challenge and I wanted to know how you ladies did and how you wore your hair today. Today I wore my hair in a low bun. I made sure I moisturized it really well with conditioner and my whipped unrefined shea butter (for my ends). I'm telling you, everytime I take my hair down to massage my scalp every muscle in my body tells me "Get the comb! Your hair needs to be combed!" but thankfully I resisted. I definitely agree with C. Nicole, Shay72, Opalsunset, and november wind. This challenge is definitely...challenging, lol. But we'll make it together. Hopefully I'll think of some cute protective styles I can use during this challenge. Maybe we could all share the different ways we plan on wearing our hair during this challenge. This might help those of us who are challenged when it comes to choosing protective styles (Like me :nono:). And if you want to post some pictures of cute styles that celebrities or hair models are wearing (like twists, buns, braids, wigs, etc... then feel free! Anyway, I'm really excited about the challenge and I can't wait to hear from you guys :).
I'm trying really hard to keep the HIH syndrome at bay. It's not helping that my scalp has been aching and calling for attention since last night LOL.

:lachen:My scalp has been itching too! I wonder if it's a nervous thing or if my scalp knows that I'm planning on not touching it a lot for a while :look:. I plan on massaging my scalp every night with coconut oil or some other kind of natural oil, so hopefully that soothes the itching.
My hair is in 2 strand twists this week. I still found myself molesting a few of the twists :look: I'm gonna pin these suckas up tomorrow. And YES keeping my hands outta my hair is DEFINITELY a challenge. :perplexed
I hope everyone has survived the first day. I put my hair in a baggied ponytail and then put a phony pony on. I'm proud of myself because I did not take it down or play with my hair for the whole day, yay. That's a record for me. I'm amazed how much I depend on playing in my hair when I'm bored. I was forced to actually be productive today LOL. The tenderness has finally gone away. In a few more hours I'm gonna take down this stuff and do my megassage. Then I will put my hair back in the baggied pony. That will be day one down. Thanks again for this challenge *Muffin* =)
Hey everybody! Just wanted to say welcome to everybody who's apart of the GYHOYH Challenge(long acronym but maybe it'll catch on, :grin:). It's almost the end of the first day of our challenge and I wanted to know how you ladies did and how you wore your hair today. Today I wore my hair in a low bun. I made sure I moisturized it really well with conditioner and my whipped unrefined shea butter (for my ends). I'm telling you, everytime I take my hair down to massage my scalp every muscle in my body tells me "Get the comb! Your hair needs to be combed!" but thankfully I resisted. I definitely agree with C. Nicole, Shay72, Opalsunset, and november wind. This challenge is definitely...challenging, lol. But we'll make it together. Hopefully I'll think of some cute protective styles I can use during this challenge. Maybe we could all share the different ways we plan on wearing our hair during this challenge. This might help those of us who are challenged when it comes to choosing protective styles (Like me :nono:). And if you want to post some pictures of cute styles that celebrities or hair models are wearing (like twists, buns, braids, wigs, etc... then feel free! Anyway, I'm really excited about the challenge and I can't wait to hear from you guys :).
I hope everyone has survived the first day. I put my hair in a baggied ponytail and then put a phony pony on. I'm proud of myself because I did not take it down or play with my hair for the whole day, yay. That's a record for me. I'm amazed how much I depend on playing in my hair when I'm bored. I was forced to actually be productive today LOL. The tenderness has finally gone away. In a few more hours I'm gonna take down this stuff and do my megassage. Then I will put my hair back in the baggied pony. That will be day one down. Thanks again for this challenge *Muffin* =)

Aw, you're welcome :grin:. This challenge also helped me discover that I play in my hair as a nervous habit. You know, like biting your nails and cracking your fingers. When I'm stressed or nervous I start messing in my hair and it makes me feel less stressed. But now I have to find other outlets for my stress. Lately I've been exercising more in order to calm nervous jitters. I guess that's just another benefit of breaking the HIH habit, lol.
My hair is in 2 strand twists this week. I still found myself molesting a few of the twists :look: I'm gonna pin these suckas up tomorrow. And YES keeping my hands outta my hair is DEFINITELY a challenge. :perplexed

Yep, it most definitely is. But it'll get easier in time...hopefully, lol.
:lachen:My scalp has been itching too! I wonder if it's a nervous thing or if my scalp knows that I'm planning on not touching it a lot for a while :look:. I plan on massaging my scalp every night with coconut oil or some other kind of natural oil, so hopefully that soothes the itching.

Mine too what is that about? I too will massage with coconut oil. I have been planning to do that but will definitely do it now. I have chin length hair so no protective style really at this moment. I do plan to bun when my hair gets long enough. I never really cared about my hair until recently so hopefully being a part of this challenge will assist me with continuing to keep my hands outta my hair. I put my satin bonnet on as soon as I get home.
Today went well. I actually got compliments on my hair today. They talked about it being shiny. As soon as I got home today, 5pm, massaged scalp with coconut oil, put in leave in, moisturized, sealed ends, and put on satin bonnet. I found an old thread with a lady with short hair that bunned. Really easy too. I gotta go get some ponytail holders, bobby pins,and get something to take care of my edges and nape area. Once I get all of that I will give it a try.
Today went well. I actually got compliments on my hair today. They talked about it being shiny. As soon as I got home today, 5pm, massaged scalp with coconut oil, put in leave in, moisturized, sealed ends, and put on satin bonnet. I found an old thread with a lady with short hair that bunned. Really easy too. I gotta go get some ponytail holders, bobby pins,and get something to take care of my edges and nape area. Once I get all of that I will give it a try.

I'm glad you're doing well on the challenge! I did pretty good today, too. I had the urge to play in my hair, but I notice that as time goes on I want to do it less and less. I pretty much just clipped up my hair with a butterfly clip, making sure the ends were secure. This morning I spritzed my hair with my hair mist (I make it using distilled water, Aloe Vera juice, honey, glycerine, rose oil, lemon oil, and sweet orange oil), applied some a little conditioner to it, coated my ends with my whipped shea butter, and just put it up in the clip. No combing from me, :grin:, When the day was done I took down my hair and massaged my scalp with coconut oil, then lightly sprayed my hair with my mist, sealed with a light layer of coconut oil, then clipped it up and put on my silk scarf. I've noticed my hair has been retaining moisture a lot better lately :yep:.
I haven't touched my hair all day ..
It's in cornrows and it's been under a wig or scarf ... :grin:

Lucky you! I wish I had the discipline to just put my hair in cornrows, scarf it up and forget about it, but I notice when I braid my hair I get this overwhelming urge to just take the braids out (usually after just a day of wearing them) and let my hair roam free. I'm probably going to pick a week out of these four months where I will challenge myself to wear my hair in braids and leave it alone for the entire week just so I can learn to tolerate braids :).
Oh yeah, no combing for me either. I actually prefer to finger comb if needed. I don't need that "perfect look". One of my co-workers had a messy bun today and it was cute to me.
Ok, I'm late, but this is one challenge that I can do since I have been wearing braids for almost 8 years.

So count me in!!!!
So it's Day 3 of the GYHOYH Challenge. How you girls holding up? As for me my hair feels really grimy right now. I think it's due to the way I moisturize my hair. I'm kinda heavy handed with product and I tend to over-moisturize my hair, but my hair usually never feels weighed down because #1 it sucks up moisture and #2 I used to co-wash my hair every other day and product really didn't have a chance to build up. I'm going to have to re-evaluate how I moisturize my hair throughout the week and make sure I'm not to heavy handed with product. I'm probably going to moisturize my hair very thoroughly on my wash day (which is tomorrow, thank goodness) and for the rest of the week just spray it lightly with my hair mist mixed with a little conditioner for moisturization. That way my hair won't feel greasy throughout the week. Anyway, for my hair-care routine tomorrow I'm going to:

1. Make a bentonite clay hair mask-I bought some bentonite clay at Whole Foods last Friday and I'm going to mix it with some of my oils, honey, and distilled water to make a deep cleaning hair mask.
2. Co-wash/detangle-I may or may not shampoo the clay out of my hair. It depends on how clean it rinses, but I'm definitely co-washing and detangle my hair with my wide-toothed shower comb.
3. Deep Condition-I'm just going to use my Aubrey Organics Normalizing Conditioner mixed with some oils and leave it on for about 1 hour with heat.
4. Moisturize-After I rinse and blot dry I'm going to use my Hugo Naturals Vanilla and Sweet Orange conditioner as a leave-in, then use my whipped shea butter (mostly for ends hydration), and then I'll seal with coconut oil.
5. Style-After it dries I've got to think of a style to put it in. I may just throw it into a bun or something, but I would like to think of something else to do with my hair (perhaps braid it or something) Oh well, we'll see :)

Have any of you had to reformulate your routines while on this challenge?
Today went well. A long one for me so I am just getting in. I plan to do a pre poo tonight since tomorrow is wash day. I may air dry and flat iron. Pretty much sticking to the same routine I have had for the last month. I am looking forward to using up old products and using my new stuff. I hope at the latest by the end of October all of my old stuff will be gone. I will post what products I use then.
That cleansing mask sounds delicious, *Muffin*:lick:. I did okay today, had it in a bun all day. It was my first successful bun, yay! I don't think the products I use will change up all that much. Just bought the ORS olive oil moisturizer and still seeing how it will incorporate. Still debating on if I'm gonna weave it up before the NY trip:look:. I hope that the less I mess with my hair, the easier it will be. At least I got through day 3:grin:.
It really seems like I am able to keep my hands out of my hair all day (it's wrapped under a wig), but once I get home and that wig comes off....I'm all in my roots!!!! I'm about to go tie my hair up so that I can keep my hands out!
It really seems like I am able to keep my hands out of my hair all day (it's wrapped under a wig), but once I get home and that wig comes off....I'm all in my roots!!!! I'm about to go tie my hair up so that I can keep my hands out!

Lol. Same with me. I do well all day and as soon as I get home I can't wait to take my hair out of the bun and massage my scalp. It feels so good to let your hair down that I feel tempted to let it stay down and play in it, but that's when I put scarf on it. It's hard, but I think I'm getting better :yep:.
Okay here is what I am going to have trouble with....because we are trying to keep our hands out of our hair the days I wash are going to be HARD!!! I air dried today but I was in my hair all fascinated by the wave pattern and just combed too much. Well they say knowing is half the battle. Something to work on!
Okay I'll join this challenege as well because i have been overmanipulating my hair quite a bit in the last 4 or 5 months myself and I notice that I am starting to have some breakage from all the combing. I will keep my hair cornrowed but for Christmas and New Years celebrations, I want to wear my hair out.

I haven't even been using my beloved MT/OCT for the last week and a half but I will use our 2 days a week to treat my hair with my MT and deep condititon, so add me in please OP.
I have been doing O.K. I am fascinated with this new growth patch in the back of my head that has this tight amazing curl pattern. It feels so different than the rest of my texture..That is my only problem. I am continuing to wear my wigs and cowashing 2x week, till I'm shoulder length. I get so tempted to blow dry/ flat iron for a length check...lol
Hey ladies! Today's Thursday, my wash day :yay:, and I've actually turned it into a mini Spa Day. When I got home from work I made my bentonite clay mask (which I used both for my hair and my face) and applied it. I left it on my hair/face for about 15-20 minutes before I washed it out, and let me tell you that bentonite clay ain't playing. It had my hair feeling super soft and smooth and looking shiny. It also made my skin have a glow to it. I thought that the mask would make my hair feel really squeaky clean and stripped, but it actually feels really clean and moisturized at the same time. It's definitely a keeper. After I rinsed out my hair I applied my Aubrey Organics conditioner to my hair and am now DC'ing it. I also made a moisturizing face mask [made with 1 banana, 2 teaspoons of honey, 5 drops of rojoba oil (rose oil mixed in jojoba oil :grin:), a capful of acv, and 5 drops of sweet orange oil]. I think I'm going to make a routine of this and do this every Thursday. I might even make a face/body scrub out of brown sugar or something. Now I'm going to look forward to every Thursday, lol.
Hey ladies! Today's Thursday, my wash day :yay:, and I've actually turned it into a mini Spa Day. When I got home from work I made my bentonite clay mask (which I used both for my hair and my face) and applied it. I left it on my hair/face for about 15-20 minutes before I washed it out, and let me tell you that bentonite clay ain't playing. It had my hair feeling super soft and smooth and looking shiny. It also made my skin have a glow to it. I thought that the mask would make my hair feel really squeaky clean and stripped, but it actually feels really clean and moisturized at the same time. It's definitely a keeper. After I rinsed out my hair I applied my Aubrey Organics conditioner to my hair and am now DC'ing it. I also made a moisturizing face mask [made with 1 banana, 2 teaspoons of honey, 5 drops of rojoba oil (rose oil mixed in jojoba oil :grin:), a capful of acv, and 5 drops of sweet orange oil]. I think I'm going to make a routine of this and do this every Thursday. I might even make a face/body scrub out of brown sugar or something. Now I'm going to look forward to every Thursday, lol.

Well of course, you deserve to treat yourself =) Enjoy! I gotta find me some of that bentonite clay mask, it most certainly sounds fantastic. Where did you get yours if you don't mind me asking?
Well of course, you deserve to treat yourself =) Enjoy! I gotta find me some of that bentonite clay mask, it most certainly sounds fantastic. Where did you get yours if you don't mind me asking?

I bought it from Whole Foods. If you don't have a Whole Foods near you try Rolling Oats or Trader Joes. It was actually pretty cheap, too. It was less than 10 dollars, as I recall. I'm finally finished DC'ing, and my hair feels softer than it ever has before. Bentonite clay is definitely a staple for me. I'm also only going to moisturize my hair lightly throughout the week so as to not weigh it down. When my hair feels weighed down it makes me want to wash/comb it :nono:
Hi Ladies. I'm just writing for some strength and support right now. My hair still feels super soft and smooth from the treatment I gave it on Thursday, and I am SOOO tempted to just wear it down and play in it all day long :weird:, lol. But I want to be strong and do well. It's only the beginning of the challenge and I don't want to slip up now. So like it or not my hair's going up and it's not coming down until the end of the day when I put it in my silk scarf It's difficult, but I know that after the four months are up we will all reap the benefits of our hard work. And who knows? We may carry on the good things that we've learned from this challenge even after it's over :).
Last week I just got my MaxiGlide. I only straightened a little but of my hair....It was so difficult to keep my hands out of my hair at that point. So two days ago I washed and DC with Wen and Retread, then I braided my hair. So I've been leaving that alone, but I've kind of been having trouble leaving the brakage in the back alone. I'm trying to braid it to catch it up, but I'm never satisfied with how it comes out so I always end up taking it back out. ugh. So day 1 of truly, NOT touching my hair has began.
Hi Ladies. I'm just writing for some strength and support right now. My hair still feels super soft and smooth from the treatment I gave it on Thursday, and I am SOOO tempted to just wear it down and play in it all day long :weird:, lol. But I want to be strong and do well. It's only the beginning of the challenge and I don't want to slip up now. So like it or not my hair's going up and it's not coming down until the end of the day when I put it in my silk scarf It's difficult, but I know that after the four months are up we will all reap the benefits of our hard work. And who knows? We may carry on the good things that we've learned from this challenge even after it's over :).

Hang in there, *Muffin* we're here for you =). Thanks for letting me know where to get the hair mask. We have trader joe's here, as well as a whole food store called Clark's, so when I get a chance I'll go find it. I just put my hair in a weave to see if that will help keep my hands out of this hair of mine. Now the next challenge for me will be not to want to take it back down again LOL. I'm gonna try real hard to keep it in for at least a month.
Last week I just got my MaxiGlide. I only straightened a little but of my hair....It was so difficult to keep my hands out of my hair at that point. So two days ago I washed and DC with Wen and Retread, then I braided my hair. So I've been leaving that alone, but I've kind of been having trouble leaving the brakage in the back alone. I'm trying to braid it to catch it up, but I'm never satisfied with how it comes out so I always end up taking it back out. ugh. So day 1 of truly, NOT touching my hair has began.

I know what you mean Opalsunset, I have this nasty habit of when I put my hair in a weave I end taking it out the next day, sometimes even that day, because I decided I didn't like how it looks or feels. We're rooting for you. =)
Hang in there, *Muffin* we're here for you =). Thanks for letting me know where to get the hair mask. We have trader joe's here, as well as a whole food store called Clark's, so when I get a chance I'll go find it. I just put my hair in a weave to see if that will help keep my hands out of this hair of mine. Now the next challenge for me will be not to want to take it back down again LOL. I'm gonna try real hard to keep it in for at least a month.

Thank you for the support :hug3:! And you'll definitely like the bentonite clay treatment. My hair still feels ultra soft, even though I was kinda bad yesterday. I went swimming in this pool that had TONS of chlorine in it (I know this because my friend went in wearing a pitch black shirt, he came out wearing an ashy gray shirt :look:) It was funny because I kept telling everyone "Don't wet ma herr" because I didn't feel like co-washing it or manipulating it, but when you tell your friends not to do something, of course they're going to do the opposite, lol. So I guess I used two days to manipulate my hair this week. I didn't need to comb it when I co-washed it (it was already pretty detangled), but I did wear it down for a period of time to help it dry. And even after all that my hair felt super soft and smooth. I'm definitely in love with that clay :).

P.S. I just checked Clark's website online. They have this bentonite clay called Aztec Secret: Indian Healing Clay. It costs $6.19 for a pound of it and I believe it is the same clay I have :yep:.
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I have been doing O.K. I am fascinated with this new growth patch in the back of my head that has this tight amazing curl pattern. It feels so different than the rest of my texture..That is my only problem. I am continuing to wear my wigs and cowashing 2x week, till I'm shoulder length. I get so tempted to blow dry/ flat iron for a length check...lol

Hang in there girl! You're doing really good. We won't be disappointed at the end of this challenge. We'll probably have tons of growth :yep:.