"Get your hands Outta Your Hair!" Challenge


New Member
Okay, I decided to start this challenge because I have serious HIH syndrome and the madness needs to stop! I feel that due to excessive touching, combing, playing in, and overall manipulating my hair I've lost precious inches. I'm not hard-core enough to commit to the Hide-your-hair challenge but I still like the idea of the low manipulation. Let's usher in the New Year by breaking this bad hair habits :D.

From: September 15th 08'-January 1st-15th 09'

Goal of Challenge:
-To gain length by retaining hair growth
-To break any obsessive habits of overmanipulating hair.
-Support and motivate other challenge members to achieve their hair goals.

The Rules:
-Only allowed to comb, wash, style and otherwise manipulate your hair up to 2 days a week. You may also use these two days to put your hair in some more elaborate protective styles (like twists, bantu knots, or braids) that you may want to wear throughout the whole week or longer to assist you in not manipulating your hair.
-If you heat style your hair (flat-iron, blow-dry, etc.) try to do this as minimally as possible (like just 1 day out of the 2 days you are allowed to manipulate your hair) and/or do it at a cooler setting. We want to eliminate as much unnecessary damage as we can.
-On days that it isn't time to groom or style your hair you may only touch it to put it in a simple protective style (like bunning, wigging, or scarfing), moisturize, massage your scalp, etc. but you may not comb or manipulate it!
-You have three get out of jail free cards during the four months where you can style your hair on days other than your designating styling days, but only for special occasions.
-Refrain from changing your hairstyle throughout the day. Once you have chosen a style for your hair, stick with it and do not tweak it as the day goes on. This will help you to not lapse into overmanipulation.

P.S. If you want to get even more strict with the challenge (like only allowing yourself one day out of the week for combing and styling and/or not heat-styling at all) then you certainly may! I just wanted to make the challenge simple enough so that everyone, including those of us who have extreme HIH syndrome, can join and still get good results.

**If you want to post pics of the condition of your hair at the beginning of the challenge and at the end of it, and if you want to post the hair regimen you plan on following during this time, you certainly may :yep:.**

*Challenge Participants* (if I forgot to add your name to the participants list or you would like to quit the challenge/you don't want your name listed, please PM me.)

I shure do wish
november wind
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I'm in! I have HUGE issues with having my hands all up in my hair...especially at night! I've been wearing protective styles for about a month, but as soon as I get home...it's over! I'm up for a challenge!

One question...are we able to co-wash daily, or just twice a week?
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I'm in. I have to stop putting hand in my hair. I want to play w/ it so bad though. I actually put myself on this personal challenge last this past sunday. So great timing w/ this challenge. :)
I am with you on this one!!! I am consistanly touching and playing with my hair it's becomming a an ocd. So im joining this and I`m going to try my best to stick with it.
All right, I have no choice but to join this. My SO is going to lose his mind if I don't!:lachen:I told him to remind me not to mess with the left side of my nape because it's starting to thin where I bother it all the time. He saw this and said that I should definitely join. That and he's tired of me walking around his house in my unkempt extra thick hair just removed from my air dried half pony half bun!:lachen:I think that bunning daily in an ACTUAL bun will keep me from pulling it down and messing with it all day. I'm in!:grin:
I'm out. :lachen: I wouldn't even be through with the signing up before my hands would find their way into my hair. :lol: (Is there a prize for the biggest loser in this challenge?)
I'm in! I have HUGE issues with having my hands all up in my hair...especially at night! I've been wearing protective styles for about a month, but as soon as I get home...it's over! I'm up for a challenge!

One question...are we able to co-wash daily, or just twice a week?

I know before I unofficially started this challenge I used to co-wash either every other day or every day, and every time I washed I felt the urge to comb my hair. If you find that co-washing your hair goes hand-in-hand with manipulating it, then no. But if you are able to co-wash your hair without manipulating it and put it directly in a protective style after you moisturize, then that's all right. I feel bad for saying certain things can't be done, but I'm really serious about breaking my HIH compulsion. I've lost too many inches due to manipulation. I'm glad you're thinking about joining me in the challenge :yep:.
I'm out. :lachen: I wouldn't even be through with the signing up before my hands would find their way into my hair. :lol: (Is there a prize for the biggest loser in this challenge?)

Aww, I know how you feel. HIH syndrome is serious for me too, lol.
Here are some Wet and Dry pics of my hair in it's current condition:



I'm disappointed in my progress because, as you can see, I'm not quite BSL yet. I calculated the time it would take me to reach BSL (it took me 8 months to reach APL, so I figured I'd reach BSL by September) but I ended up falling a bit short :(. Hopefully this challenge helps me reach my BSL goal.

P.S. :blush: Excuse the messy room, lol.
Okay I'm thinking of joining this. I am a get up and go girl normally but since I've started taking care of my hair and it has been so soft I can't keep my hands out of my hair! My hair is only chin length now so no bunning. I can't wait to be able to do that. My starting pic is in my avi. I relaxed last Monday. I will be back with my regi.
I'm In. I unfortunately am always touching, or pulling at my hair which doesn't always result well.So I am going to try to hang in here with you ladies. Thanks to the OP for this challenge!
My regimen

-Wash/DC/Groom my hair once a week (On Thursdays, and if I decide on some weeks to do it twice a week then I will include Saturdays, but only to co-wash).
-On the other 5 to 6 days of the week I will wear my hair as I choose (which will mostly be in protective styles), but whatever style I pick I must not comb it out or alter it in a way that may cause damage. Also I will massage my scalp and moisturize it daily without combing it.
-When I'm lounging around my house I will wear my silk scarf around my hair and/or bun it up. I will not allow myself to wear my hair down because I usually play in my hair when I'm lounging around.
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Yaay my first LHCF challenge. This is perfect for me as I did the BC today and can not keep my hands out of my hair.

I plan to use wigs and no heat until January or longer.

Wash, DC once a week.

Apply Vatica Oil every day

Moisturize daily

Pre Poo 2x/wk
Hot Oil tx 2x/wk
Shampoo 1x/wk
Co-wash 1x/wk
DC 2x/wk
Clarify 1x/month
Protein Tx 1x/month
Leave in, Moisturize and seal daily

I will also wear my silk bonnet when I am just hanging around at home.
Yay, the challenge is growing! Hopefully even more people join by the 15th. It's still okay to join afterward, though.
Please count me in this one!! My hair will thank me for this.. I'm a newbie to LHCF and I started my own lil personal challenge to hide my hair, so this is right up my alley. I'm wiggin it!!!

I cowash with Aveda Dry Remedy 2x week (Tues & Thurs)
Shampoo and DC 1x week with Mizani Hydrafuse/Kerafuse Mix on Saturdays
Throw on some Giovanni's Leave-In Conditioner.
I airdry overnight (satin scarf) in a ponytail w/ a satin roller on the ends.
Throw on one of my sassy wigs in the morning and I'm out.

Hopefully I'm be full shoulder length by the end of this challenge.
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You tempting me to join, *Muffin*, you tempting me. This challenge is right on time. What the heck, count me in. I'll PM ya!

ETA--having trouble with the PM, but please add me =)

Co-wash 2x week, then put in ponytail/baggy for at least 8 hours
DC 1-2x week
Ponytail w/ baggy

My starting pic is in my siggy (on the right). I already just cut off an inch on the weekend, so at least I won't have to worry about wanting to snip. Thanks for this challenge!
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You tempting me to join, *Muffin*, you tempting me. This challenge is right on time. What the heck, count me in. I'll PM ya!

ETA--having trouble with the PM, but please add me =)

Co-wash 2x week, then put in ponytail/baggy for at least 8 hours
DC 1-2x week
Ponytail w/ baggy

My starting pic is in my siggy (on the right). I already just cut off an inch on the weekend, so at least I won't have to worry about wanting to snip. Thanks for this challenge!

Your welcome! Thank you for joining! I guess I have to fix my profile so that anyone can pm me. I would like for us all to be able to keep in contact with each other through pm-ing and support one another.
Your welcome! Thank you for joining! I guess I have to fix my profile so that anyone can pm me. I would like for us all to be able to keep in contact with each other through pm-ing and support one another.

I think I'm just a dummy when it comes to the PM:ohwell:. At least I was able to get your message, thank you.

I'm really looking forward to this challenge. WE CAN DO THIS, LADIES YES WE CAN:yep:.
IDK about you girls, but I'm finding out that I actually have HIH syndrome worse than I thought :nono:. Even though the challenge doesn't officially start until Monday (because I wanted all of us to have time to formulate a regimen) I've been practicing what I'm going to do during the challenge, and it's hard! Yesterday I wore my hair up in a sort of bun and I wore one of my favorite purple and green silk scarves as headband around my edges, and let me tell you by the end of the day I wanted to rip that thing off my head and let my hair swang in the breeze, lol. But I stuck to it. I'm really serious about breaking my bad hair habits and I want us all to keep each other up to date on how we all are doing. If you feel you are struggling or you need ideas for protective styles/ways you can keep your hands out of your hair, feel free to vent here or pm a member of this challenge. We're all here to support each other :yep:
Been doing really good with keeping my "hands outta my hair". I know the challenge doesn't start officially until tomorrow but I've been practicing like you have Muffin. I washed, dc, etc today. I have my satin bonnet on now.
Yea, Muffin I have been feeling it too. I've been doing a little pre-practicing and its really hard. I solved my problem with wigs and half wigs during the week (will post some pics of my protective styles next week). My hair is in a silk roller underneath and as soon as I get home, I snatch the wig off , cowash occasionally and throw on the silk scarf for the rest of the night... That helps my HIH syndrome alot...
I agree it's been hard keeping my hands out of my hair especially now because I've been using wen, and my hair is so incredibly soft. My regimen otherwise is very simple

Wash once a week with Wen
Deep Condition with Lush Retread
Braid hair into cornrows and apply BT
Keep hair moisturized with Seyani-Nadia Hair butter
My style just being a phony pony or half wig.
I'm trying really hard to keep the HIH syndrome at bay. It's not helping that my scalp has been aching and calling for attention since last night LOL.
Please add me to the list......

Condition cleanse w/WEN then DC w/Pantene Relaxed and Natural then retwist or re-finger coil once a week

Will remoisturize hair (as needed) and will Mega'assage every other day.
Count me in :grin:

My lace wig should arrive tomorrow and I plan to only touch my hair once a week to wash, DC, and cornrow again.

I do plan to spritz homemade moisturizers and growth aids throughout the week ...

Let's make this fro GRO ! :drunk:
I want to join. I put my hair back in twists because I was getting to product and styling happy.
Im in. I put in kinky twists yesterday. Im so tired of manipulating and dealing with my hair. Its not that I don't love it. I need a break.