FROM BC TO WAIST LENGTH! Natural growth and health CHALLENGE.

The back of my hair has made SL, judging by my french braids my daughter did yesterday (sorry for the repeat pic, LOL):

I'm SL on one side and about really close on the other. Plan to straighten within the next couple weeks. Trying to get my hands on this apex pressing cream or whatever it's called first. :lol:
I would like to join! I BC'd on 05/08/11 after being relaxed for 30 years. My last relaxer was on 12/18/10 and i have 2 inches of hair. My goal is thick, healthy and long natural hair.

this year is going a little rough. the top of my hair is only at the top of my ears. culprit- single strand knots. so, im going to start putting a lot of coconut oil/shea butter on the bottom half of my hair before i braid it up for a sew in. i think i said i was going to start doing that before, but... i haven't.

i wish to get 3 inches, hope to get 2.5, but i guess i'll be ok with just 2 inches by the end of the year. i should make that with no cutting, and protecting my ends more. i have the same goal for the first six months of next year. i think i'll be able to get 2.5 inches both times, so i will be 5 inches longer, which will put me at apl by this time next year.

we'll see.
How have you all been???
I have about 9 inches of hair now and while it is a good amount of growth it still feels so short. I'm going to need like 18 inches of hair for it to feel like I have any hair.
Doing good so far. Lightly flat ironing my hair and doing a 1/4 to 1/2 inch trim today. I'm very happy with my hair right now but need to get rid of the annoying ragged ends.
I'm still hanging in there. As for length, I can't give a good estimate because I'm in box braids (w/ extensions), but I'm hoping to be shoulder length upon "takedown". This is the start of week 4 with these braids...I am sooo ready to take them out...but I'm trying to hold out for a total of 8 weeks. I'm going to wash my braids tonight.
Reached SL. Centimeters from CBL. Last month, I chopped some of my hair by mistake taking my tree braids down. :-(
Still hanging in though.
So off topic but I'm trying to get my body like girl in your sig. Mocha

PS your hair will grow back in no time. Think of it as a trim
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i've had to press my hair like four times in the last week because it sweats out so much. i can't go to work like that. if i don't press it, it doesn't blend with my straight sew in. i would like to avoid perming it because i hate hate hate permed hair. i hate the limp. i hate the smell when its wet. i hate the texture difference from new growth. and, i hate the fact that my father thinks kinky hair is ugly and should be permed.... but the constant pressing is more damage. its not long enough to wear kinky to me. its not the kink, its the length. i look stupid with short hair. i don't have enough bridge in my nose, and my cheeks are too fat.

i'm going to try to tie it up better at night, so the scarf actually stay on. i'm going to use more hairspray or something at work so it stays straight... i guess.if that doesn't work, i'm going to texlax and get curly weave so that it doesn't have to be straightened and it'll blend. :(
i've had to press my hair like four times in the last week because it sweats out so much. i can't go to work like that. if i don't press it, it doesn't blend with my straight sew in. i would like to avoid perming it because i hate hate hate permed hair. i hate the limp. i hate the smell when its wet. i hate the texture difference from new growth. and, i hate the fact that my father thinks kinky hair is ugly and should be permed.... but the constant pressing is more damage. its not long enough to wear kinky to me. its not the kink, its the length. i look stupid with short hair. i don't have enough bridge in my nose, and my cheeks are too fat.

i'm going to try to tie it up better at night, so the scarf actually stay on. i'm going to use more hairspray or something at work so it stays straight... i guess.if that doesn't work, i'm going to texlax and get curly weave so that it doesn't have to be straightened and it'll blend. :(

Find a style that doesn't require you to fight against your hair so much...try a curly/kinky weave instead of a straight one...or try individual braids instead of weave, or a whole head weave with no hair left out....
I agree with Angel_Eyez!

If you texlax because you love texlax hair, that's fine, but don't do it our of desperation for not having a better style during your short hair phase.

The length will come, and even before it's your ideal length, there will be a length that you can rock happily. Try some other options first, try a wig, try the full sew-ins, the curly weaves, try bunning with a phony puff or tail, try braids, cornrows, twistouts/braidouts.

And remember even if your pressed styles aren't lasting as long as you'd like, its probably just in this season if you're in a humid climate, so your solution may only have to be temporary, but that texlax is no different than a relaxer is the fact that it is permanent. And if your end goal is a long head full of natural hair, that will just be a setback for you.

Girl, try some different styles, and post them so we can give you some feedback, (or pm me if you don't want to post them). Sometimes we can be our own worst critics and just need an objective opinion from a sister-friend.

I'll be sending some hugs and some "accept your beautiful hair even when it's not behaving" vibes your way! HHG:blowkiss:

i've had to press my hair like four times in the last week because it sweats out so much. i can't go to work like that. if i don't press it, it doesn't blend with my straight sew in. i would like to avoid perming it because i hate hate hate permed hair. i hate the limp. i hate the smell when its wet. i hate the texture difference from new growth. and, i hate the fact that my father thinks kinky hair is ugly and should be permed.... but the constant pressing is more damage. its not long enough to wear kinky to me. its not the kink, its the length. i look stupid with short hair. i don't have enough bridge in my nose, and my cheeks are too fat.

i'm going to try to tie it up better at night, so the scarf actually stay on. i'm going to use more hairspray or something at work so it stays straight... i guess.if that doesn't work, i'm going to texlax and get curly weave so that it doesn't have to be straightened and it'll blend. :(
Oh, I forgot to mention my update. I'm about 1.5 inches from *grazing* APL. I'm feeling confident that I can make it this year. I straightened my hair for an event this week, so I'll try to take some pics and post.

I realize that I don't like wearing my hair straight anymore, especially with the new length. My kids are always pulling at it, it's always in the way when I sit down or lean over. And for some reason, it just feels so fragile in its straightened state.

DH is loving it thoug. He was so shocked by the length that when I asked him if I should straighten it more often he was like "Naw, I want you to keep keeping it healthy!" TRANSLATION: "Grow it, baby, Grow it!"

So back to a my daily cowash, wet-bun mode by Tues! APL by OCT!!!!
aww thanxx honey mama & angel eyez !!!!!!!!!!!! ** congrats on your progress honey mama. that's exciting!

you're right. i do just need a temporary solution. i didn't even think of that. and angel eyez, i think i will try some kinky curly weave. i've been looking for some hair that may match my texture. i'm going to go with aamh. i think/hope/pray it will blend well.
Some update pics! these were taken Monday night.

first, I must say, DH was tired, and a bit confused as to why I was asking him to take pics of me for the internet...but he did his best to cooperate.

secondly, I kept crossing my arms to lower my shoulders as to not overstate the length, but it just served to make my torso look narrow and deformed... really it's not...:look:.. Oh, and I tried a dark and light background, but both looked a bit extreme... :ohwell:. Oh well...I think y'all get the picture.

lengthcheck1.jpg lengthcheck2.jpg

Anyway, I think it will be a while before I straighten again, so this shall serve as my midyear check-in pic. Like I said, I think I'm about 1.5 maybe 2 inches from reaching APL. :grin: I'm really happy with my growth rate and the little effort it takes to maintain my hair right now. I know that may change as my journey continues but it's nice now to not have to over think my regi. HHG to you all!

PS: a note on wearing it straight: I LOVE my overpriced FHI flatiron and blow-dryer. for any naturals who are compelled to straighten, I highly recommend shelling out the bucks...I mean, INVESTING in the right tools that will do little damage to your hair and have maximum ease of use. I can rock a pressed looked for up to 2 weeks with little to no reversion even though I work out regularly...just a thought!
Checking in...I am mostly doing wash n go's or banding for styles this summer, and doing more oil rinsing as well. I think I have about 2 inches to go in the back till APL....
i'm texlaxing my hair. i've had enough with the single strand knots. so, yea. i got some regular ol relaxer and olive oil. i'm still going to get aamh hair, though. hopefully i will be able to order it on friday :)
Just found this thread and I'd like to join! I BCd in the early part of May and am right at 4 inches in top and 5.5 in the back.