FROM BC TO WAIST LENGTH! Natural growth and health CHALLENGE.

Im a newbie i want to join as well. 100% natural. I BC'd December 10, 2010. I currently have 3.5 to 4 inches of hair...the front is very short barely 3 inches. I dont really know what to do with my hair so im going to get kinky twist.
:hiya2: I've recently BC'd and will be perusing this thread. I'm very hair lazy with about 8" of natural hair. So, I've been wearing my hair in Kimmaytube's tuck and pin style. Thankfully, I have just enough hair for this style.
Requirements to join:

1. You must be 100% natural.
2. You must be serious.
3. You must have BC'd in 2010 and/ or have no more than 4 inches of stretched hair.(Spin off challenge for people with longer hair/09'BC).FROM BC TO WAIST LENGTH! Natural growth and health CHALLENGE. Spinoff for 09 BC. - Long Hair Care Forum (Exceptions may be made for people who have lost hair due to ill-health or trauma and those on the border) PM me.
4. Your hair goals must be for healthy, natural WL or beyond hair.


Please, check in twice monthly minimum this is a support-group style challenge. We will be giving feedback, asking questions and giving praise.

The focus will be on WHAT IS WORKING and if something is not working addressing it immediately. Please ask for help asap so there are MINIMAL SETBACKS!!

KNOWLEDGE OF YOUR HAIR TYPE. Know your hair type and what it needs. Please have or be trying hard to develop a regimen that is suitable for your hair type.

CONSISTENCY is key, if you are not consistent, you will slow your progress and may sustain damage. Posting regularly here can keep you on track and focused.

UPDATES for hair length and hair health will be done in JUNE and DECEMBER of each year and any other time you want to. Measure hair, take pics and check condition. Inform us whenever you trim.

Each month a product/technique will be chosen as Product/Technique/Style of the Month based on what was most beneficial to challegers in the previous month.

CHALLENGE START DATE JULY 1, 2010. Please have current pics and measurements posted by then.

THIS CHALLENGE DOSE NOT END UNTIL YOU TOUCH WL OR DECEMBER 31, 2013. Everyone should be there by then even if you, trim regularly, are tall, have a minor setback or grow slowly. If this part scares you this challenge is not for you.

If you cut off long relaxed hair because you want long natural hair this challenge is especially for you. I have knowledge about hair growth I grew dry SL relaxed hair to full MBL relaxed hair and then BC'd. I will grow it again and so will you.


The only way you can be in this challenge with more than 4 inches (round down if not a full inch) of hair is if you last relaxed after October 09' (There has to be a cut-off)

Transitioners can join when they BC if their hair is close in length on average to the length of most challengers at the time.

Naturals can join anytime if their hair is close in length on average to the length of most challengers at the time.


REMINDER, I will update the challenger list about once a month but if you have not posted your length in inches (in the thread do not PM me) and are not 100% natural you will not be added. Join in the discussion as soon as you post your length. WELCOME!

Contact me or Pookaloo if you have any questions!

Original Challengers:
1. Prettyeyes @ 3 inches *captain*
2. Pookaloo83 @ 4 inches *co-captain*
3. Deltagyrl @ 0 inches
4. TheHAIRLab @ 3 inches
5. Nali1987 @ 1 inch
6. ShiShiPooPoo @ 1 inch
7. Curltallk @ 4 inches
8. KaramelDiva1978 @ 3 inches
9. Jamoca5 @ 4 inches?
10. Evallusion @ 2 inches
11. Southern Belle @ 3 inches
12. Wanji @ 4 inches
13. Janda @ 4 inches
14. PositivelyRadiant @ 4 inches
15. Blackmagic @ 3 inches
16. Tamrin @ 2 inches
17. Explosiva9 @ 2 inches
18. bride91501 @ 4 inches
19. brianna-alyssa @ 3 inches
20. jazzycoils @ 4 inches
21. dcohen @ 4 inches
22. lp318lp @ 4 inches
23. MyAngelEyez~C~U @ 4 inches
24. n lucky @ 0 inches
25. preciouslove0x @ 4 inches
26. birdie @ 0 inches
27. lovelylocks@ 2 inches
28. dcohen1217 @ 4 inches
29. determined to grow @ 4 inches
30. Beautiful Boses @ 3 inches
31. SueA2 @ 4/6 inches (haircut)

Joined between July 2, 2010 and December 31, 2010
32. CiCi24 @ 4 inches
33. lwilliams1922 @ 4 inches
34. Knotty by Nature @ 1 inch
35. Val @ 3 inches
36. flufflylocks @ 4 inches
37. fabgorgeouswestindian @ 0 inches
38. Neek-A-Nator @ 3 inches
39. Afrolatina @ 3 inches
40. Blkrose @ 2 inches
41. esthy777@ 2/4 inches (layers)
42. mocha5 @ 2 inches
43. speakingeasy @ 2 inches
44. divinefavor @2 inches
45. Ray Ray Furious @ 1 inch
46. bananaclipqueen @2 inches
47. iri9109 @ 4 inches
48. Duchese @ 4 inches
49. MsBizness @ 4 inches
50. Kenny-Ann @ 3 inches
51. Stepiphanie @ 5 inches
52. transitioning? @ 3 inches
53. Moopeh @ 4 inches
54. Topshelf @ 0 inches
55. bluwatersoul @ 4 inches
56. Itjusthair @ 1 inch
57. Sounique @ 3 inches
58. Mane.Attraction @ 4 inches
59. DivaD04 @ 0 inches
60. Masters2013 @ 5inches
^^You got married? If so, congratulations!!

Mini update: I was getting tired of dealing with my hair so I am now in my first weave. Can you say "itchy"? lol

Today officially makes one week with this weave...1 week down...7 to go!
I would also like to join. I am a 4a Natural. Please add me to this challenge. Okay I just deleted my enire post because I took my extensions out. I am wearing a 5 inch curly fro now. Noe extensions , I am just going to go with the flow. My big chop was at the end of May of last year. Chopped unevenly. Please add
Oohh - can I join?

I am a 4b natural, 4 inches all over, cept for the nape, where it is 3 inches (I am a little scissor-happy, you see).
Still me, just a different name.
I'm in a sew in now because my hair was doing somthing funny. I think it was because I was trying to many different products.
Just a lesson to all you ladies if it aint broke, don't fix it.

How are you doing Pook?
Still hanging in there, getting more & more excited about my hair growth. Left some pics in the daily hairstyle thread ;-)

Sent from my Zio using Long Hair Care Forum App
Just checkin' in...

I went on vacay 2 weeks ago and for a week and a half straight I wore WnG's. They were really cute, but the thing is, I can't get second day hair, so I had to do a new WnG each day which means LOTS of manipulation and tanglin' and detanglin' and therefore shedding! I hope I didn't do too much damage!

Well, I guess we'll see at June check in!
Hi ladies!
I haven't posted here since the beginning of February. I'm at a little over 5 inches now. Unless I have a major setback I should make SL this summer - maybe even in the middle of May (my post relaxer anniversary!) :yay: I like my stretched afro a lot more with the added length but still don't like how my hair looks in twists.
Started working out this past week so I will returning to cowashing mid-week since I cannot allow sweat to sit on my scalp (it causes me to itch like crazy.)
My plan is to braid my hair up and wig it for 2 to 4 weeks at a time if I can.
Still hanging in! Getting tree braids redone today. So I washed and conditioned then blew my hair out. My afro is HUGE! EXCITED!!!
I want to join! I bc'd kind of spur of the moment back in Sept 2010.

My story: I was b/t SL and APL when I texturized my hair and cut it very short (the "rihanna" cut) back in August of 09'. I wasn't consistent with texturizing the new growth since A) it was too expensive and B) I saw it as being unnecessary since I had my CHI and figured that it would be enough to maintain the straight look. Come Sept 30 my hair grew out to NL grazing SL and I was fed up with having to constantly flat iron to maintain the straight look which didn't last long especially with the humidity so I spontaneously bc'd one night and put my hair in crochet braids. When I bc'd I had about 6" natural hair. Since then I've retained 3-4 inches of new growth (I'll do a proper length check later this month) and I'm sure I'll make SL very soon. I'm crossing my fingers that I make APL by the end of the year.
Hey everyone!!

Sorry for the delay in posting! I've been SO busy and haven't been on the boards in a minute, but I have been keeping my hair in twists since about September of last year. I've retained a lot, and finally have a pic for y'all. Not sure the inches, but will check soon.

I'm posting from my phone, so I hope it posts!

Give Christ a chance ...
:yay:i made sl i dont really even nowhen since ive been wearing this wig so long but i updated my photobucket this past weekend and im sl:yay:
Discovered two things today.

1. I can make a pony puff outta my stretched hair :yay::yay::yay::dance7::dance7:

2. I have a very odd-shaped styles look flat cuz I have no hook. I have a flat head. I want a hook...:ohwell::look:
hi! *waves like a dork*

i know im a little later than everyone else :) but can i join?? i joined this forum long time ago, technically, but i was practically never here because i couldn't comment. i only got a subscription recently. im more active on bhm, but now that i have a subscription i may as well use it....


i basically bc'd last year in jan, and again in july, and i trimmed a good deal this january, but i think i've worked out what hinders my hair growth and i should be able to avoid having to cut it very much

i'm a 4a, though i think all the edges are about 3c if that. they are very different from the rest of my hair. i have no idea how that is. i'm natural. the cut in july of last year was to get rid of my color, so i don't even have color... yet. i think i'll henna instead of dying it, though.

right now, i'm in a sew in, which is sort of bad because i haven't cowashed or anything since i've had it now for a week and a few days i think. i guess its not that bad. i really have to do it twice a week, though. usually my cowashes become dc's, so i dc twice a week really.

i wash my hair once a week generally. i don't know what people think about it, but i use a neutralizing shampoo either once a week or every other. it really helps my hair because of the 5.5 pH... i guess that's why. it feels better and retains moisture when i do that. otherwise, it will not at all and the ends get crunchy. i acv rinse on occasions... probably once a month is what it happens to be. i do it whenever i feel like it. it makes my hair a little more manageable.

my hair is very protein sensitive, but i usually put an aphogee 2 step treatment on every two months. i don't really know if this does anything for me. i don't remember when i did it last, but my hair is fine right now, so i may not continue with it. idk...

my hair really reacts well to ceramides, which i learned when i used Skala from Big Lots. now, they don't carry it where i live. boooo. i have wheat germ oil, though. i've added it to my conditioner along with aloe vera juice that i have in the house, though i think i will not buy that again. maybe the gel instead.

i use some 'henna' conditioner from the health food store. they didn't have the kind i was looking for, so i got this. it doesn't have cones or parabens, so i thought i'd try it. i don't know if i care for it. i will try it without adding anything to it to see what i think of it by itself.

i really love V05 and castor oil, and really i'm fine only using this as a conditioner. it works for me. i don't really need to do anything else to my hair whether this is a deep conditioner or not. i do, however, need to seal with shea butter and coconut oil a lot to prevent single strand knots. these mostly happen when i'm not co-washing enough or when i sleep without tying my hair up in a silk scarf.

so, i think this is it. my hair is about to my eyebrows on top to grazing shoulder length on the bottom. i have a problem with constantly cutting my hair, but i think i'm getting over it now that i know how to work with it. i take a multivitamin (should anyway) because i'm deficient in many of them and it happens to help my hair growth. i get about an inch or two every three months (ETA i get about an inch when i don't take a vitamin and about two inches when i do). i hope to retain as much as i can and see where i end up :)

sorry this was so long :) hope i can join!!!
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Same here with everyone else as far as hanging in there. I have a HUGE puff now and I LOVE IT!! I also recently colored my hair -- I couldn't take the ridiculous gray hairs anymore, they were driving me NUTS. So I am truly loving my hair even more so nowadays. I keep my hair either in two strand twists for gorgeous, wild twistout 'fros or a scalp braided hairstyle with some hair left out to two strand twist. The longer my hair gets the more I love the flexibility and creativeness I can try.

I cannot believe its almost been a YEAR already. This time last year which seems like it was a few weeks ago, I couldn't wait to be "puffalicious" and be able to have hair from my BC and 11 months later on tomorrow, I have more than enough and am taking on other hair goals. Like I would love to have a huge curly afro by July, August timeframe.

I have nailed my regimen down to a science and it only includes SheaMoisture products, DE curl stretching cream and coconut oil for twists, Yes to Carrots conditioner and ORS and GPB for protein treatments. That's it!! My hair loves SheaMoisture and I'm loving the effects on my hair.

I'll be updating with pics next month!! Grow baby grow!!
Things that I have learned:
-As easy as wash and go's are I cannot do them because of tangles and SSK
-My hair needs to be stretched when airdrying
-Blow drying isn't for everyone
-I always need to sleep with my bonnet
-My hair is not the protien sensitive as I thought it was
-My hair LOVES AO HRS shampoo and conditioner, Shea moisture smoothie, and olive oil.
-Deep conditioning is a MUST at lease once a week.

I think that is it for now but I'm still learning.

Keep growing ladies
Never posted in this thread but I BC in june 2010 I remember this thread floating around that time. I will start posting more often. I will make full APL this year I am claiming it. ;-)
Howdy all! Just checking in, nothing new with me, but just hoping the thread picks up soon!

Welcome to all the new posters!!! Aleemah, you look like a younger Janet Jackson, cute siggy pic!