FROM BC TO WAIST LENGTH! Natural growth and health CHALLENGE.

Hello Ladies,

I've been out of the loop for a while, but needed to check in before bed-time. I washed my hair today and dc'd as well. I also trimmed a few inches all around because those peskily SSKs came back after I took my twists out.

I have been in twists for almost 10 months (that's with removing and retwisting, of course). Parts of my hair have grown longer than they've ever been in this natural state, but now the problematic areas are more apparent that ever.

I have yet to straighten my hair, but last week I was close to texlaxing it because she wanted to act all unruly!!! I did get her straight, but I was close y'all ~ The box was purchased and all!!!

I'm hoping to resolve these problems sooner rather than later so that I can make some strides. I'm going to just wear my hair in various PS until right before New Years.

What styles are you all using as PSs while in the "in-between" stages?


P.S. - I want to officially re-dedicate myself to this challenge. I want to see results and I know that the only way that that will occur is with continued communication with those in this particular community. Thank you ladies for being lovely!
Awww, thanks MyAngelEyez~C~U

I just have a hard time claiming it yet because it seems like it only appears to be APL when my head is at a particular angle.

I was a little surprised, myself, that these pictures made it look like it was there...I guess that's why I kept trying to adjust my posture. In real life as I move around it looks close but not quite there.

Thank you though, because you saying that just gave me an urge to do a little happy dance :grin:....I'm gonna be break-dancin' and pop-&-lockin' when I get about 2 more inches!:lachen:

@HoneyMama, you're already APL my dear...:yep:.
Just peepin in on y'all challenge! Thought I'd stop thru and speak...hey yall! :wave:

Keep it up ladies! Even tho I'm not in this challenge...we're all riding for WL in 2013!!!
so i officially hate my so called texlax. it looks just like my natural hair (mainly because i was scared it would go straight lol) only damaged. the problems are the elasticity and drying (damage), but i will try to deep condition twice a week like i did when i was natural. i will eventually cut this texlax out if my hair ever grows (since its short anyway) so, i'm not really worried about it. i don't know what to do, though. i want to be natural because my hair was healthy, but i don't wear it natural. i wear it straight, and i don't want to heat it all the time to get it to stay straight.
Redoing my regimen. Here's an outline (-ish) of what I plan on doing:

Saturday - Wash and DC >30 mins; Moisturize with Hawaiian Silky 14-in-1 and seal with Wild Growth Hair Oil
Sunday - nothing
Monday - Moisturize with Hawaiian Silky 14-in-1 and seal with Wild Growth Hair Oil
Tuesday - nothing
Wednesday - Moisturize with Hawaiian Silky 14-in-1 and seal with Haitian palm oil
Thursday - nothing
Friday - Moisturize with Hawaiian Silky 14-in-1 and seal with Wild Growth Hair Oil

Looking to add: LHCF update in this regimen because, I need your support and feedback! :grin: Trying to see when my update days should be.

Also, eating differently (more veggies and fruits) and exercising more...


Here's what my hair and I did today:

  • Clarified
  • Moisturizing Shampooed
  • DC'd with Hairveda Daily Conditioner, Aphogee Balancing Moisturizer, and Hot 6 Oil with shower cap for 2 hours (watched a movie with hubby to let time fly by).
  • Rinsed with cool water
  • Moisturized with Hawaiian Silky 14-n-1 + Wild Hair Growth Oil
I then took about a dime-sized amount of Hot 6 Oil and massaged it into my hair (ceramides! :grin:)!!! I then sectioned off and twisted my hair into several two-strand twists, and twisted the twists together to "design" my mane.

Had a show tonight, so I wore a wig cap and my costume wigs most of the night.

I just took off my wig cap, now that I've arrived home, and my hair looks ah-mah-zing! The natural curls are so pretty!!

Here's what my hair and I did today:

  • Clarified
  • Moisturizing Shampooed
  • DC'd with Hairveda Daily Conditioner, Aphogee Balancing Moisturizer, and Hot 6 Oil with shower cap for 2 hours (watched a movie with hubby to let time fly by).
  • Rinsed with cool water
  • Moisturized with Hawaiian Silky 14-n-1 + Wild Hair Growth Oil
I then took about a dime-sized amount of Hot 6 Oil and massaged it into my hair (ceramides! :grin:)!!! I then sectioned off and twisted my hair into several two-strand twists, and twisted the twists together to "design" my mane.

Had a show tonight, so I wore a wig cap and my costume wigs most of the night.

I just took off my wig cap, now that I've arrived home, and my hair looks ah-mah-zing! The natural curls are so pretty!!


NICE! sounds like you pampered your mane today! where da pitchas!!!:popcorn:
NICE! sounds like you pampered your mane today! where da pitchas!!!:popcorn:

LOL!! My camera is on the fritz and my celly is ackin' all kindz of cray-cray. I lost all my previous pics, but am going to begin re-tracking my progress as of this month. Once I finish converting my cell phone's software interface from Windows mobile (Boooo! :wallbash:) to Android (YAY!! :yay:) I'll be posting pics each month.

Thanks for the encouragement SunnyHoney!!

Thinking about moisturizing, sealing, and retwisting today. I'll keep you ladies posted as to what I finally decide to do.

Happy 4th!!

I went ahead and moisturized with my Hawaiian Silky 14-n-1, sealed ends and massaged scalp with Wild Growth Hair Oil, and retwisted my mane.

Sent from my Desire HD using Desire HD
Got my hair in twists! Gonna see how long I can last. I started having the itchies today and I just put them in 2 days ago! Where's the OP to this thread? Hope she's ok.
I'm cornrowed straight back under a wig. I've missed my beloved wigs so much! And I've finally reached SL but only in the back. Baby steps...

Updated pics in my avatar and siggy.
hey there, ladies! I am lurking & rooting for you all from the sidelines! :bouncegre

will be trending my progress as well, but was too late finding this thread to join. :wallbash::cry3:

HHG and best of luck to all!!
Got my hair in twists! Gonna see how long I can last. I started having the itchies today and I just put them in 2 days ago! Where's the OP to this thread? Hope she's ok.

I sent her a PM just yesterday as I have also been thinking about her... Prettyeyes, we are looking for you!!

HAIR UPDATE: Wore a scarf over my hair today. Underneath the scarf, I wore my satin bonnet for a large part of the day... Will probably leave it alone tomorrow as well...

Hello everyone!

I've been doing WnGs for about a week since it been so hot here in Cali. 104 yesterday and just not feeling like messing with my hair. I bought a bottle of KKNT and love it! That's all I need for a perfect WnG. Why did I take so long to try that product? Oh well. My hair is growing and I think I'm SL. I'll have to post some pics within the next few day. Hope everyone is well!
I would love to do this. Am I too late? I am also in the Hide Your Hair Challenge and will be wearing protective styles until December. I BC'd in Feb 10 and my progress is in my sig.
Just notice I missed the July 1st deadline too. I will be watching from the side lines. I'll just have to protective style my hair to WL as an army of one lol. Good Luck ladies.
Hello everyone!

I've been doing WnGs for about a week since it been so hot here in Cali. 104 yesterday and just not feeling like messing with my hair. I bought a bottle of KKNT and love it! That's all I need for a perfect WnG. Why did I take so long to try that product? Oh well. My hair is growing and I think I'm SL. I'll have to post some pics within the next few day. Hope everyone is well!

Esthi777 - What does KKNT stand for? Although I promised my husband that I would not purchase another product until my current stash is used up, I'm just curious (:drunk:) to see what... a girl can go window shopping, right?! LOL :lachen:

I'm cornrowed straight back under a wig. I've missed my beloved wigs so much! And I've finally reached SL but only in the back. Baby steps...

Updated pics in my avatar and siggy.

Evallusion - Loving your progress, girl!! :lick: Keep up the good work!!!

Wore my fro today (see siggy), back to wash n go's tomorrow...

MyangelEyez - THAT HAIR IS AH-MAHH-ZING!!! :lick:

lp318lp KKKT stands for Kinky Kurly Knot Today. Oops, I think I messed that up. Sorry :( Target sells it for 11.99. It leaves my hair soft and not crunchy. I like soft natural curls so I don't brush or comb just use my fingers. I also use paper towels instead of towels or T shirts. HTH
Hiding my hair in my silk bonnet and scarf today (AGAIN)! :lachen:

Trying a low manipulation thang these days! It should work out well. I remember when my mom BC'd once in January of 2000-something. All she did was wash once a week. As her hair grew out, she used Haitian palm oil and braided her hair. She wore a wig regularly. 9 months later, her hair was about 5 - 5.5 inches long! I was BLOWN away!!! :roadrunner:

I'm want to see how much length I retain doing the same thing... Patience + Time = Retention

Hiding my hair in my silk bonnet and scarf today (AGAIN)! :lachen:

Trying a low manipulation thang these days! It should work out well. I remember when my mom BC'd once in January of 2000-something. All she did was wash once a week. As her hair grew out, she used Haitian palm oil and braided her hair. She wore a wig regularly. 9 months later, her hair was about 5 - 5.5 inches long! I was BLOWN away!!! :roadrunner:

I'm want to see how much length I retain doing the same thing... Patience + Time = Retention


I had to moisturize my mane today. Even under the silk bonnet she was lookin' a bit dry, so as I'm re-developing my regimen I see that I have to moisturize and seal at least 3x a week. Tomorrow is wash, DC, and re-twist/braid my hair. Pics to come at the end of the month.
