FROM BC TO WAIST LENGTH! Natural growth and health CHALLENGE. Spinoff for 09 BC.

hey hope all is well! just checking in, here are some pics of my twists, its been two weeks since i had them in and they have shrunken quite a bit. i have been using leave-ins and oils on my hair. i will probably be washing them next week and i bet they will shrink up even more.

cant wait to get to APL my goal is by May 2011. Does anyone else have any short term length goals with within the year 2011?

I think I just found my hair twin!:yep: your looks fab, have you got an album?
Hello Ladies!

How's everyone doing? Still wearing the twist. Have a month and a half to go before taking them out. Will send pics on my progress then.


:hiya: I've recently BC'd and will be perusing this thread. I'm very hair lazy with about 8" of natural hair. So, I've been wearing my hair in Kimmaytube's wash, tuck and go style. Thankfully, I have just enough hair for this style.
I forgot about this thread.:look: How is everyone doing?

I'm in braids but I'll probably take them out this weekend (they've only been in for about a week). I'm not happy with them. I usually go to the African braid shop but I tried to save money this time by finding someone that braids at home. Next time, I'll just pay the extra $$$ and go back to the braid shop.
Hi everyone,

Just checking in. Still keeping my hair in cornrows. I'm also trying to start an ayurvedic regimen. HHJ everyone:)
^^^Vatika oil rocks btw.
Hello still here. Still ps'ing with with wigs and working on growth and retention.
Trying to learn how to cornrow and twist even though i don't leave my hair out im just trying to learn. Hair is growing very slowly.
Whattup Ladies!

Just checking it. Hair still in braids. Will be taking them out mid March.
Sometimes I miss styling my hair but I know wearing the braids avoid me from having set back and not worry about styling. These winter months have been brutal; wearing hat and scarfs can cause breakage and dryness along edges.

How's everyone doing? How are you handling your hair journey?

Will post pics of my progress next month.
In the meantime...HHG.

I took my braids out the other day and I notice that I have lots of splits. I was planning to get my hair braided this weekend but I may have to wait. I'm thinking about trimming the splits, do a protein treatment, and DC. I really wanted to stay braided until summer but I may have to wait a few weeks until I see some improvement.:ohwell:

How is everyone doing?
I just did my first successful twist out!!! And I slept on it, and was able to get second day hair! This is a milestone for me - :drunk:
Hey, just checking in...still in braids but i think I'll take them down after 3 weeks due to fuzziness...and I'll confess I miss my hair, as well...
Two years ago last week, I relaxed my hair for the last time. I've never been happier with my hair :grin: (except for the length, of course). I'm proud of myself for embracing my natural hair this time around. Last time natural, I textlaxed then wore wigs 99% of the time. I just took out some yarn braids and here I am at 2 years post, with a loose puff/pony.

Overall, I'm happy. I'm almost at APL, hoping to get there by the end of April. I have about 9 1/4 inches of hair. I did most of my trimming in the beginning, trying to fight off the mullet fro. :look: It's not 1/2 a month, but I'll live. I'm aiming for BSL by Dec 31, 2011. :lick: I think my ultimate goal is hip length stretched (it started at BSL, lol...which is the longest my hair as ever been.)
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Hey ladies {waves} I'm just checking in...doing weekly CW's, leaving hair in buns or twisted up in a clip, no combing in between washes. Discovered the "Shea Moisture" Curl Enhancing Smoothie and Deep Treatment Mask...and my hair adores this stuff. The smoothie cream keeps my ends so moist and soft, and grapeseed oil really does well on top as a sealant. I can see I've had growth already from my Jan. 11 BC. I hope maybe I will be BSL by mid-fall 2011 at the earliest.

ETA: Also re-upped on my vits, have been very consistent in taking them, and I've made an effort to include more protein than usual in my diet. This always helps a lot with growth for me (I'm an average grower due to anemia, but vits, topical growth aids, and good diet speed up my rate). :yep:
Hey yall!! hope all is well!! i am currently in mini twists for the next 4 weeks and then i think i am just going to weave it up until my 1 yr which is in Nov. i feel that my ends arent doing its best and i am very lazy when it comes to my hair. so i figure i might as well do a weave and then at least i can protect my ends and still play with some sort of hair in the mean time. How is everyone else doing?
Hey ladies, it's been a minute since I checked in. Well I trimmed off an inch so I'm about an 1+ from APL (again). I was doing the search and destroy method which I will not do again. I'll opt for regular trims every 2-3 months from now on. I think I have about another inch to take off of my hair in the back, and I should be good. Ugh!! I hate set backs, but I brought this on myself. So you live and you learn..... Hopefully my hair will bounce back and I'll be APL if not beyond by years end. At least my hair will all be one length by then..... :/. Happy hair growing!!
I trimmed my splits, did a protein treatment, DC'd and went to the braid shop about 2 weeks ago. I need to step it up on the cowashing because I got good growth when I cowashed daily. I'm looking for another hair vitamin (I'm thinking about trying Nioxin) and I'm thinking about going back to Megatek.

How is everyone doing?
So I'm thinking about changing my regimen. I think I'm going to cowash weekly or bi weekly and shampoo once a month. I'm getting length which is nice but I want to hassle it less.

I took down box braids on Friday and my hair felt overwhelming. I guess two months without having to do it spoiled me. I put it in two flat twists after blowing it out and I like the way it looks when I take it out, and it's easy to do. I don't want to wet it again any time soon, lol.
Checking in... :D

I'm fast approaching my 1 year natural anniversary of April 5th! :yay: What shall I do to celebrate??? I'm going to see Janet Jackson in concert that night...celebration!!! YAY!!

I've FINALLY mastered my cowash staples, staple hair styling prods, and staple deep con! I'm stoked!!!

Now I'm keeping my hair in protective styles 6 days a week, down 1 day.
Checking in... I'm in braids for another 4-6 weeks. I'm cowashing daily since the weather is changing. I noticed that I got good growth last summer when I cowashed daily.

Keep up the good work ladies.
Checking in again! I trimmed on April 6th. I'm officially past APL. I hope to be BSL by fall. Not going to claim a month so I won't jinx myself.

My plan is to keep my hair pinned up the majority of the time for protective styling. If I accomplish my BSL goal, I'll happily be closer to WL! :D

Here's a pic of my progress (1 year natural anniversary length check & trim):


Compared to this in July 2010, shortly after this thread began:
Hi ladies,

I cannot join this thread because I did not big chop but I had four years of major shedding which stopped about nov of 2010. So I am growing in alot of hair from scratch. I just wanted to find some all naturals that are on a long journey to long hair and not scissor happy. I use S&D only. I have alot of hairs and clumps at differnet layers but my shortest largest volume is 3-4 inches. That the one I will put in this challenge.

Good growing and I am rooting for you all the way to waist length and beyond.
I will be silently riding along on your wave. Back into lurking:sekret:
Checking in! I am 5.5 months post bc and currently have my hair in medium sized twists. i am hoping to reach apl by my 1yr which is in november. i will be wearing a weave and a few other protective styles throughout the summer.
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I'm in!!! Do I need to send a PM?

I BC'd last summer and have about 7" of hair.

This is really disappointing, I was the first to sign up ^ with 7" of hair. Right now, at almost a year later, I have about 9.5" of hair... Didn't even realize I had retained so little. :sad: :sad: :sad:

I guess I can blame all the wash and go's. I've had loose hair since Jan. I'm back to braids indefinitely and using castor oil to see if I can make up some time. :sad:
This is really disappointing, I was the first to sign up ^ with 7" of hair. Right now, at almost a year later, I have about 9.5" of hair... Didn't even realize I had retained so little. :sad: :sad: :sad:

I guess I can blame all the wash and go's. I've had loose hair since Jan. I'm back to braids indefinitely and using castor oil to see if I can make up some time. :sad:

Don't feel bad! I hit a lull, too and I need an *ahem* trim. I haven't had a real one in almost a year after this womeman got a little snip-happy-- major slpits.

But, perhaps we've both learned a lot! Knowledge is the longest lasting artillery!

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HEy yall. i am currently in mini twists for the next 4 weeks. i wont be washing them because they will start to lock on me. but ive been using shea butter and oyin handmade. i cant wait for the summer to be over just so i can do a real length check! i want to get my hair professionally straightened for that one.

i had a weave in for 4 weeks and missed my hair soooo much that i took it down. i need to get a kinky curly weave so that i wont miss my hair as much because it will act similar to my hair. but i dont have the funds as of rightnow. so if i cant get that i will be switching it up from mini twists and yarn braids for the rest of the summer.

thats all for now!