FROM BC TO WAIST LENGTH! Natural growth and health CHALLENGE.


Well-Known Member
Requirements to join:

1. You must be 100% natural.
2. You must be serious.
3. You must have BC'd in 2010 and/ or have no more than 4 inches of stretched hair.(Spin off challenge for people with longer hair/09'BC).FROM BC TO WAIST LENGTH! Natural growth and health CHALLENGE. Spinoff for 09 BC. - Long Hair Care Forum (Exceptions may be made for people who have lost hair due to ill-health or trauma and those on the border) PM me.
4. Your hair goals must be for healthy, natural WL or beyond hair.


Please, check in twice monthly minimum this is a support-group style challenge. We will be giving feedback, asking questions and giving praise.

The focus will be on WHAT IS WORKING and if something is not working addressing it immediately. Please ask for help asap so there are MINIMAL SETBACKS!!

KNOWLEDGE OF YOUR HAIR TYPE. Know your hair type and what it needs. Please have or be trying hard to develop a regimen that is suitable for your hair type.

CONSISTENCY is key, if you are not consistent, you will slow your progress and may sustain damage. Posting regularly here can keep you on track and focused.

UPDATES for hair length and hair health will be done in JUNE and DECEMBER of each year and any other time you want to. Measure hair, take pics and check condition. Inform us whenever you trim.

Each month a product/technique will be chosen as Product/Technique/Style of the Month based on what was most beneficial to challegers in the previous month.

CHALLENGE START DATE JULY 1, 2010. Please have current pics and measurements posted by then.

THIS CHALLENGE DOSE NOT END UNTIL YOU TOUCH WL OR DECEMBER 31, 2013. Everyone should be there by then even if you, trim regularly, are tall, have a minor setback or grow slowly. If this part scares you this challenge is not for you.

If you cut off long relaxed hair because you want long natural hair this challenge is especially for you. I have knowledge about hair growth I grew dry SL relaxed hair to full MBL relaxed hair and then BC'd. I will grow it again and so will you.


The only way you can be in this challenge with more than 4 inches (round down if not a full inch) of hair is if you last relaxed after October 09' (There has to be a cut-off)

Transitioners can join when they BC if their hair is close in length on average to the length of most challengers at the time.

Naturals can join anytime if their hair is close in length on average to the length of most challengers at the time.


REMINDER, I will update the challenger list about once a month but if you have not posted your length in inches (in the thread do not PM me) and are not 100% natural you will not be added. Join in the discussion as soon as you post your length. WELCOME!

Contact me or Pookaloo if you have any questions!

Original Challengers:
1. Prettyeyes @ 3 inches *captain*
2. Pookaloo83 @ 4 inches *co-captain*
3. Deltagyrl @ 0 inches
4. TheHAIRLab @ 3 inches
5. Nali1987 @ 1 inch
6. ShiShiPooPoo @ 1 inch
7. Curltallk @ 4 inches
8. KaramelDiva1978 @ 3 inches
9. Jamoca5 @ 4 inches?
10. Evallusion @ 2 inches
11. Southern Belle @ 3 inches
12. Wanji @ 4 inches
13. Janda @ 4 inches
14. PositivelyRadiant @ 4 inches
15. Blackmagic @ 3 inches
16. Tamrin @ 2 inches
17. Explosiva9 @ 2 inches
18. bride91501 @ 4 inches
19. brianna-alyssa @ 3 inches
20. jazzycoils @ 4 inches
21. dcohen @ 4 inches
22. lp318lp @ 4 inches
23. MyAngelEyez~C~U @ 4 inches
24. n lucky @ 0 inches
25. preciouslove0x @ 4 inches
26. birdie @ 0 inches
27. lovelylocks@ 2 inches
28. dcohen1217 @ 4 inches
29. determined to grow @ 4 inches
30. Beautiful Boses @ 3 inches
31. SueA2 @ 4/6 inches (haircut)

Joined between July 2, 2010 and December 31, 2010
32. CiCi24 @ 4 inches
33. lwilliams1922 @ 4 inches
34. Knotty by Nature @ 1 inch
35. Val @ 3 inches
36. flufflylocks @ 4 inches
37. fabgorgeouswestindian @ 0 inches
38. Neek-A-Nator @ 3 inches
39. Afrolatina @ 3 inches
40. Blkrose @ 2 inches
41. esthy777@ 2/4 inches (layers)
42. mocha5 @ 2 inches
43. speakingeasy @ 2 inches
44. divinefavor @2 inches
45. Ray Ray Furious @ 1 inch
46. bananaclipqueen @2 inches
47. iri9109 @ 4 inches
48. Duchese @ 4 inches
49. MsBizness @ 4 inches
50. Kenny-Ann @ 3 inches
51. Stepiphanie @ 5 inches
52. transitioning? @ 3 inches
53. Moopeh @ 4 inches
54. Topshelf @ 0 inches
55. bluwatersoul @ 4 inches
56. Itjusthair @ 1 inch
57. Sounique @ 3 inches
58. Mane.Attraction @ 4 inches
59. DivaD04 @ 0 inches
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This will be intense but we all know it takes time and effort to grow very long lengths.

This will be like a supportive boot camp! :grin:
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BOOOO I can't join since I haven't chopped but my goal is to be waistlength natural by December 2012. I'll be watching from the sidelines! Good luck ladies. I know you all (WE) can do it!
*Opens the door, peeks head in*.... Rule #1 Must be....... dang it! oh well. *shugs shoulders* *Close the door*

Good luck ladies, bumping for ya
Can someone sneak into my house at night while I'm sleeping and do the BC for me? :giggle: I can't part with my scraggely see thru ends! It's my PROOF OF PROGRESS. What is wrong with me?!?! Today marks 13 weeks post texlax for me which typically means Texlax Day....but I have recently decided to transition to natural I'm not ready to BC yet! :sad: I'm on the border but I'll be subscribing to this thread to support you all. Prettyeyes, I'll probably send you a PM in a few months begging to join. Good luck ladies!
Can someone sneak into my house at night while I'm sleeping and do the BC for me? :giggle: I can't part with my scraggely see thru ends! It's my PROOF OF PROGRESS. What is wrong with me?!?! Today marks 13 weeks post texlax for me which typically means Texlax Day....but I have recently decided to transition to natural I'm not ready to BC yet! :sad: I'm on the border but I'll be subscribing to this thread to support you all. Prettyeyes, I'll probably send you a PM in a few months begging to join. Good luck ladies!

LOL, it is not easy but once done you will be happier, just do it!!!
Ummm can we still join even though some of us are long term transitioners?? Because either way by that time we will no longer have our straight ends anymore and will be all natural, pretty please???:prettyplease:
I am working on revamping my regi now that I am natural but I am not changing much and I will be in protective styles this summer.
I want to join but I don't measure my hair b/c I don't know how to or where to start and I don't have measuring tape. The best I can do is take pictures. I hope that doesn't disqualify me or anything
Let's do this.

My hair is uneven. My longest section is the back which is probably about an inch and some. My hubby is going to even it up today (I don't like uneven hair). I co wash everyday mainly at night with various products. Right now I'm using Wen which I like a WHOLE lot better on my natural hair than I did on my relaxed. I am not using any sulfates. I steam 1 or 2 times per week.

I'm looking forward to this.:yep:
I want to join but I don't measure my hair b/c I don't know how to or where to start and I don't have measuring tape. The best I can do is take pictures. I hope that doesn't disqualify me or anything

A pic would be helpful and stretching a piece would be great too!
will this challenge have a cut off date? or are you leaving it open until dec 2010 for those that will eventually bc this year? :)
OOOOHHHHHH Yeah Count me in!! :yep: I just took hair pics for my one month nappiversary on June 14th and have about 3 inches of hair stretched. My regimen is just about perfected and on point--I am finally retaining moisture from overnight baggying and I co-wash 3 to 4 times per week. I just bought Marley braid hair and am about to begin round one of kinky twists. I'll post pics of my twa by this evening or Monday.
:boxing: OPERATION GROW BABY GROW!!!:boxing:

We got this ladies!!
thanks! look out for me in a few months! ill be armed and ready...its so funny because i actually did a time line of how long it should take me to get to WL and the year 2013 sounds just about right! i cant wait!!! i will be viewing from the sidelines until im ready:)