FROM BC TO WAIST LENGTH! Natural growth and health CHALLENGE.

I have not been dc'ing. I don't know what to dc with. I've been trying to find deep conditoners that say they are for deep conditioning but I don't find many. I was using Aussie Deeep, but I stopped. Guess I'll go back to that.
Just being realistic...there is no way I'll be WL by 2013. I've been in the natural game since '06 so I know my hair only gets about 4 inches of growth a year. I am currently about 4 inches in length which means that by the end of 2013, I should have 16 inches of hair. I need anywhere between 22.5 and 25.5 inches to be waistlength (I am tall with a long face and neck) you can see...that won't be happening. So I am backing out of this challenge but good luck to the rest of you ladies.

I hope you choose to stay too. I agree with PrettyEyes that you never know what you hair can do, because each step along this journey is a potential bend in the road that may open up to a wonderful view. At the very least, if you stay in this challenge, you have the best chance of maximizing the full 16 inches that you know you're capable of by 2013. The support here may be what makes the difference in hitting that 16 in.

As far as what I'm loving about my hair:
I, too, am so pleasantly surprised by how easy it has been to be natural, SOOOOO much easier than I anticipated it would be. I'm loving the feel and look of my waves and curls. I'm even getting okay with the length..:drunk: I'm in awe of my own hair, and it's making me feel so great about myself. Yeah, I've got my share of issues (uneven growth, the SSK plague:pullhair:, and my infamous impatience, etc), but it is and has been a marvelous journey so far, and I'm giddy with excitement of what the year ahead holds.
I don't think you should throw in the towel just yet....

I am hoping that you change your mind. Your never know what your hair can do, it may amaze you. Plus 16 inches of hair is still a good length with this challenge you may at the very least be able to get full retention...NEVER SAY NEVER AND NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!!

I hope you choose to stay too. I agree with PrettyEyes that you never know what you hair can do, because each step along this journey is a potential bend in the road that may open up to a wonderful view. At the very least, if you stay in this challenge, you have the best chance of maximizing the full 16 inches that you know you're capable of by 2013. The support here may be what makes the difference in hitting that 16 in...

Thanks ladies and okay, I'll hang in there. :drunk:

My end of year measurements:

Exactly 4 inches everywhere except my crown which is 3.5 inches long.

As for what I'm loving about my hair...let's go with its versatility.


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I love my coils. I love the fact that I can wet my hair whenever I want and don't have to worry about all the heat I have to use to get my hair straight again. I love running my fingers through my curls when I'm in the shower when my hair is soaked. I love that I can style my hair in ten minutes (although that is starting to change the longer it gets....but I'm not complaining, bring on the length!)

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I'm in natural two strand twists right now and as I'm stretching the crown, I have 4 inches in length, about 3.75 inches in back and sides and 3.5 inches in front. I will double check when I remove the twists on Saturday, but I believe those measurements will be fairly accurate for being 7 months natural.

I am loving my hair more and more as it grows out. I am still getting to know my texture and I'm enjoying protective styling by way of wigging it. I usually keep my hair in twists or cornrowed for stretching and growth. However, I must admit that I've been lazy lately and its been a little dry. So I must get on track so that I can debut my hair at my new job in the spring. I can't wait to see the shock on their faces from wigs to lots of hair all my own.

I look forward to 7 months from now and my length retention at 14 months for a huge big afro. Let's grow on ladies!
Hey Pook, what type of DC are you looking for? I swear by deep conditioning ever since I was relaxed.
I used to use the motions cpr deep conditioner until they changed formulas and before lhcf.
I use bioinfusion olive oil deep conditioner from walgreens now for about a year. ORS replenishing pak is good as well. ORS mayo worked well but my hair is very protein sensitive so I have to limit that.
Others I've heard are nexxus humectress dc, neutrogena triple moisture, and the lustrasilk cholesterols. I think silk elements has a good one too but I'm not sure. Hope that helps
Okay, I'm in. I've lurked for a few months as I contemplated growing my hair or or not, and finally joined when I decided to do so.

I've been natural for six years but have always kept my hair very, very short -- a TWA was too long for me! The last time I cut my hair was in June of 2010. Right now my hair is 3 to 3.5 inches stretched all around my head. I've attached pics from my last cut and yesterday. My hair is one length in the latest shot, I just tuck my hair back on the sides.

I've never had to take care of longer(ish) hair before, so this is all new to me. I feel like I'm taking a crash course in new routines and techniques. I feel like a bit of a dummy because even after being natural so long, I have no freaking clue about so much! :lol:

obviously pluckin a few hairs and measuring it isn't the consensus on the length of my hair so i recant the earlier post measurements... smh... lol... so here's my hair now. taken yesterday and the day before that... hope this qualifies me.



Ok, I'm getting in my measurements before I get booted. My camera is out of commission at the moment so I hope it's ok that I don't have pics. I'm 7in. in the front and sides. 6in. on the crown and 5in. In the back. My favorite thing about my hair now is that I can get it into a ponytail!! I couldn't do that when I first started this challenge!
Hey prettyeyes did not see your update until now. Anyway still natural and hanging in there. I am psing with wigs. My hair is at between 6-6.5 inches all around so I have retained ok this year.
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I'm confused should I join this challenge or the spin off challenge? I have 6.5 inches of hair and I big chopped 2 weeks ago, my last relaxer was December 2009.

If i'm eligible I'd like to join this challenge.
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Oh what the heck, i'm gonna join since i meet some of the requirements. I'm "4.5-5" take a 1/2" in some areas, buti promise to get a camera soon so i can update.
I just got weaved back up the beginning of this week. I am alternately frustrated and happy with my hair. Frustrated because I did not see any visible change in length...ugh...but as short as my hair is I LOVE what I do feels sooooo good, its thicker and stronger and shiny. Even my daughter looked and said "wow, its so Healthy!"

My front edges are slowwwwwllllly coming back in after what seemed like half a year at not responding to MT, massage,you name it - JBCO seems to be helping. My front leave out does ot seem to have grown one bit:ohwell::perplexed but its healthy.....oh well....looking forward to some length gains in 2011!
this was taken on the 3rd right after to took down my braids... I rebraided the same day

I'll post another pic next week when I take down my braids again
Hey Pook, what type of DC are you looking for? I swear by deep conditioning ever since I was relaxed.
I used to use the motions cpr deep conditioner until they changed formulas and before lhcf.
I use bioinfusion olive oil deep conditioner from walgreens now for about a year. ORS replenishing pak is good as well. ORS mayo worked well but my hair is very protein sensitive so I have to limit that.
Others I've heard are nexxus humectress dc, neutrogena triple moisture, and the lustrasilk cholesterols. I think silk elements has a good one too but I'm not sure. Hope that helps

I've tried the ORS while I was relaxed. Haven't tried since I was natural. May have to revisit it. And I'm gonna look into that bioinfusion. Thanks for the suggestions. I wish I would have saw this post earlier. I went and bought some cheapie DC. I'll see how I like it. :yep:

Ummm. I didn't measure my hair when I first joined this challenge. So now I feel stupid measuring it now. But I think I do have pics from when I first joined. I'll see and do a comparison.
I'm in natural two strand twists right now and as I'm stretching the crown, I have 4 inches in length, about 3.75 inches in back and sides and 3.5 inches in front. I will double check when I remove the twists on Saturday, but I believe those measurements will be fairly accurate for being 7 months natural.

I am loving my hair more and more as it grows out. I am still getting to know my texture and I'm enjoying protective styling by way of wigging it. I usually keep my hair in twists or cornrowed for stretching and growth. However, I must admit that I've been lazy lately and its been a little dry. So I must get on track so that I can debut my hair at my new job in the spring. I can't wait to see the shock on their faces from wigs to lots of hair all my own.

I look forward to 7 months from now and my length retention at 14 months for a huge big afro. Let's grow on ladies!

Ok so here are some pictures for comparison purposes:

May BC 5/14, September Update, November and two from December 2nd.

Looking forward to lots more progress!


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just measured! 7 inches in the front and one the sides, and most of the back, but i did measure a piece in the back that was like 6.75 inches.
I am on it! Ladies please please give me your measurements, The challenger list is very long where are the NUMBERS!!!UPDATE!!!
I'm still in the challenge! I'm sorry for not updating sooner. I will DEFINITELY do so tonight. I promise to also revisit the rules for this challenge, and keep up with them on a bi-weekly/monthly basis. I think this will help with more accountability and progress!

In cornrows under this wig...bleh...I want crochet braids or a weave sooooo bad...I haven't had either before but its been on the brain as of late. If I get it done, I'll post up.
I have 1.2" of hair as of today's measurements.

I'm still poo'n once a week, I'm not using anything as of products other than cfcg and i haven't really used that with in the last 2 weeks. Manipulation is at a very minimum on a daily but I'm about to put some singles in so I don't have to worry about flat ironing my wig in the mornings.

I've given my measurements...I think my post has been missed.
How's everybody doing? Looks like protective styling breaks off my hair. I find that my hair loves daily braidouts or twistouts. :yep: