Flying to SC tomorrow to meet my online BF...

Aw, your family is beautiful. Wow, that storm did some major damage. Your writing is so great...I felt that I had seen these pictures before I actually saw them.
You are very welcome ladies. The prom pic is Baby Girl. The Spawn is up on the roof after the storm freeing my house and her car.
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Aw, your family is beautiful. Wow, that storm did some major damage. Your writing is so great...I felt that I had seen these pictures before I actually saw them.

Thank you CCd,

I had a bunch more of the storm. Whelp that is all folks. Thanks for viewing.
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Well Ms. Eliza, after 2 days and 155 pages, you've converted another loyal fan. Your writing is phenomenal, and it's such a gift that you are willing to share such a touching, honest, and personal story with your cyber-sisters.

Of course, I've already sent you my email, so whenever you send out another round of BGO versions, I want to be in the mix!

Keep writing! And wishing you continued blessings :rosebud:, especially during your time of loss.
OMG!! I've been stalking this thread like crazy and I still missed the pics again lol!

Well Eliza, one of my hobbies is writing and I want to ask you how does it come to you? I mean do you just think and write whatever comes up and edit later or do you plan it meticulously before starting writing or maybe would you say it's a gift?
I sometimes get stuck in my personal writings and don't know how to keep going but reading from this thread everything seems to be flowing so perfectly...
OMG!! I've been stalking this thread like crazy and I still missed the pics again lol!

Well Eliza, one of my hobbies is writing and I want to ask you how does it come to you? I mean do you just think and write whatever comes up and edit later or do you plan it meticulously before starting writing or maybe would you say it's a gift?
I sometimes get stuck in my personal writings and don't know how to keep going but reading from this thread everything seems to be flowing so perfectly...

Funny you should say that. I do write very much off the top of my head. And as I've said before I just write my life.

There are times when I want to stop writing because I need to go to work(like right now), eat, go to sleep...but it's really not up to me. Once the story presents itself I have to put it down. That is how I get from 1800 words to 12,000 in two

With my fiction short stories it's somewhat that way too. A character will sit down and tell me his or her story. Not to be confused with hearing voices. Nevertheless, when they start talking I have to start writing. I have a ton of unfinished stories because I am waiting for the character in that particular piece to finish their story.

I could be modest and say it's not a gift. But we all have gifts. I got mine from my father. He was the story teller extraordinaire. We grew up listening to him and when the story ended you just really really wanted more.

My writing I got from an uncle. He was serving time in Leavenworth prison. I was in maybe the second or third grade and my mom thought it would be good for writing practice as well as for him to receive letters from home. I took it to a whole nother level. I wrote him weekly, sometimes twice a week.

He would write me back and that only encouraged me. I had to tell him everything about everything and make it as interesting as possible because I was his eyes back home. After about two years we were allowed to go and visit him. Or maybe it's just that I was old enough. But I remember when we got to the prision the officials came out to say hello to me. They knew me as the girl who wrote the Wow what a reputation...right?

Well, so anyway. I don't remember who said it, but it was a well-known writer and the thing is when you write there are no bad days because everything is material. That is what I drew on when my dad was ill and even when he passed. I just wrote it.

Also, when you find you can't write, edit. Once I start editing, creative juices start flowing and just washes the writer's block right out.

Thanks for asking. Ya'll make me feel like a real writer.:yep:
Well maybe now you'll believe what I've been telling you all along - you've got this writing thing on lock so you may as well get paid for it.

You know I'm mad at you for no new pics right? I missed 'em anyway fooling with the POTUS :lachen:(so I'm actually quite relieved).

I'll be on the lookout from the new ones from your brother. Keep me posted.
Good luck and you seem to have covered all your bases just be careful because men true colors will come out sooner or later. I use to do that online dating and sometimes when it seems to be to0 good it is. Everyone has a past. God bless and be careful.
How many BGO versions are there?! Ive only received one and im begging you to send me any other ones that you have!!!!!

Aren't you already on the mailing list. Maybe you need to send me another email. There are only three that I have sent out. But new ones will be coming....

Stay tuned.
I'll PM you my email address now. I have only receievd one version :nono::nono::sad::sad:. Dont leave me in the cold! I need my BGO versions!!!

Aren't you already on the mailing list. Maybe you need to send me another email. There are only three that I have sent out. But new ones will be coming....

Stay tuned.
Can i get the BGO version? I'll pm you my email addy. where are the pictures? I'll probably miss them again.
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Wowwwww Eb!!! This has been the bestest thread ever :clap: :clap: When your books hit the stands I will be there in line !!! I did get your email btw and thanx for adding me to the list for bgo versions a-z :lol: I'll be checking my email and waiting for your updates
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I got my BGO versions and I am floored to say the least! I need to sign up for some pilates classes, gym time, and 'how to talk' videos, too! And I'm 20 years younger than you. All I can say is wow.

And thank you for sending them. They are appreciated. :)