Flying to SC tomorrow to meet my online BF...

I literally just stayed up until 4:30 am reading this thread ElizaBlue. I have class tomorrow... ehem today!

Your story is beautifully written and I want to send my prayers to you and your family for your loss.
My do I explain this? Big Girls do big girl things....

They are stories, other parts of stories that are extremely explicit. But, I like to think done very tastefully....yeah that's a good word, tastefully...wouldn't ya'll

It's the uncensored version of my story. Actually it's the parts (markers) I left out so as not to get this thread shut down and

I send them out periodically and so I am told my BGO versions are to blame for at least one perhaps two of our sisters now awaiting spring deliveries.

There are also rumors that the BGO versions have led to engagements, kept husbands and SOs home, and just made for some overall good late night reading. A few folk mighta got in trouble trying to read the new installments at work.

So yeah...that's what the BGO is all about.

Eliza can I also have the BGO too? Pretty please!!!!
Hi Ladies,

If you want to join the Big Girls Only club, pllease send me an email to my addy at [email protected]. I will add the names to upcoming lists for BGO version mail outs, as well as email you when the website of ALL the stories goes lived. It's in progress now.

Stay tuned!
I very rarely post but after reading your story, I had to say something. My deepest condolenses on your father (from one daddy's girl to another). Lost my father to an illness almost 7 years ago and still can't believe he's gone.

As for your awesome gift as a writer, all I can say is that I look forward to meeting you at a future boo signing!:yep: Keep up the great work!
I have spent the past 2 days reading this thread and it is wonderful. I am terribly sorry about your father. I feel like I am living this with you! You have a talent.

UUmmm is that email address still good to get in on the BGO versions? Can I get the all the old editions?
I read the ENTIRE thread in one sitting. Took about five hours and I finally made it to bed at 3:00 am. :blush: These days I'm more of a non-posting lurker, but I had to make a comment regarding this thread. I have not decided if I want to subscribe to the BGO version but this thread was a delightful read; I enjoyed it very much (I only hate that I missed the pictures).
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Your writing is a wonderful tribute to your father. Thank you for sharing him with us. Keep writing his stories even if you never publish them. It is a wonderful legacy for yourself and your children and your childrens children.

You limit yourself here, although I love everything you write, you have a gift that is to be shared on a grand scale.

:blush: Wow, how did I miss this thread! EB, to say you are a great writer is an understatement! I'm only about halfway through and can't stop reading!
I'm pm'ing you m email addy for the bg version.
I do want to say that I am sorry for your loss and hope that time brings you comfort.
Evening Ladies,

How goes your Saturday evening? Let's wish a :birthday3: to our very own me some cheesecake please.


Oh and by the way, those of you who recently requested the BGO versions check your email you should have them. And before the riot starts these are previously issued versions.

New ones are coming. So as always....stay tuned.
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Hey, OP. Got your emails. Thanks soooo much. They are great! :lol: Any more writing in store anytime soon??

Thank you Gabulldawg,

Ha! As a matter of fact I'm in the lab as we type. I was talking to SC a little while ago and he was at work doing an installation at a customer's. So when I told him I was writing he wanted me to read to him. I do that from time to time when I'm writing and he's working.

After I finished the story he was quiet. I asked him if he liked it and if I got it right? He said I thought you were going to read from the regular story, you didn't tell me it was a BGO. So I was like so what?

He's said well...I'm at a customer's house and now I gotta stay in the attic until I'm presentable. :lachen:

I could just imagine. I told him why didn't he stop me. He said cause he wanted to hear it. Oh well. Then he tell me he wants me to read it to him again when he gets home. Men....I tell you.:drunk:
Girl!!! I got BGO and gotdam, that's what's up! You gonna have the police come knockin':lachen:

Lookin forward to pics

Chile please...I am the police. Speaking of which. When I finish this book and because of ya'll I will finish it. Please know I totally plan to turn in the gun and badge and start writing book two....hehehe. That my dear is my fantasy on the daily.

So ya'll please follow thru on reading when this joint hits the shelf or the print-on-demand....whatever.

I'm actually working on getting the final manuscript completed. What I am giving out here is like the middle. Not the beginning or the end really. Well it ain't ended so....

But the beginning will basically talk about how I ended a 10-year relationship to a street cop after I bust that *** cheating. Got engaged to a Secret Service agent then walked out on that J.O.B. Didn't have time to date and started trying to meet guys on line. Mainly because I was at that time commuting weekly fromTX to DC.

I can't wait to share my stories about some of the straight up circus acts I encountered. One of which I fell madly in love with and I guess will probably never fully get over. Certified Grade A Nuts. I mean clinical. Nevertheless, the heart is often unwise to what is obvious to the mind.

So I give the net one last shot, then on a whim I tell you ladies about me flying out to SC and that is how we got to this. So please stay faithful because but for the encouragement I get on this site I wouldn't even be trying to get this project out.
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yes!!:lachen: You are the dang POLICE! too funny...:lachen::lachen:

I will buy at least 3 copies of that book when it comes out. My girls need to read it. Your story/life is very romantic and really shows us that you can keep hope alive. There are men out there that know how to love a woman. And I must say I appreciate your honesty and you being candid about loving back.

Just let us know when...and i will buy the first week! You got skills to share with the world honey...we are waiting.:grin:
My do I explain this? Big Girls do big girl things....

I send them out periodically and so I am told my BGO versions are to blame for at least one perhaps two of our sisters now awaiting spring deliveries.

So yeah...that's what the BGO is all about.

This needs to be a disclaimer posted at the BEGINNING OF THIS DANG THREAD!!!

Allow me to introduce the first BGO baby...Corey Elijah, born 2/20/09...Um Eliza, please forward yours and SCs information so I can forward my child support papers thank you ma'am!!!:lachen:
This needs to be a disclaimer posted at the BEGINNING OF THIS DANG THREAD!!!

Allow me to introduce the first BGO baby...Corey Elijah, born 2/20/09...Um Eliza, please forward yours and SCs information so I can forward my child support papers thank you ma'am!!!:lachen: WOW....and you named him what? Look lady I work for the gubment I don't has no monies...:lachen:But on the real I am so so smiling. Keep the bestseller's list, I got a baby named after me and after The Spawn...his real name is Corey. This is too funny.

SC keep asking me do I know you, I'm like do it matter? The woman say it's all your fault. :lachen:

Congratulations MzShay...I wish you happiness and many more! Tell proud pappa I say hey!

And for the rest of ya'll Fertile Myrtles. When these new BGO versions hit the net, please take ya shots, pills, prophyaltic latex, abstinence too want a little Blue!

I won't be mad at ya if ya gets bigged..,.but I am not contributing to any Similac by the case, Gerber jars, Huggies or 529 college funds. :lachen:
I just finished reading this entire thread. I've been at it now for about two days, and I must say that this is by far the best thread on lhcf. There are absolutely no words to describe your talent. I'm just captivated and enthralled by your writing style. You have a way with words, and your description of places, events, memories....I certainly feel as if I'm there with you. I emailed you requesting copies of the BGO versions, and yes ma'am I'm definitely old My deepest condolences are with your family at this time. Thanks so much for sharing your story with us, and for being such a sweetheart. I will certainly be purchasing any works of your's in the future. Just let us know, and I'll be there to get my copies.
Evening Ladies,

How goes your Saturday evening? Let's wish a :birthday3: to our very own me some cheesecake please.


Oh and by the way, those of you who recently requested the BGO versions check your email you should have them. And before the riot starts these are previously issued versions.

New ones are coming. So as always....stay tuned.

Thanks Mama and I love you so much for it. Since I turned 25 I only celebrate every 5 years so when I do it, I do it big. Which means it takes me a while to recover. But I'm back and loving the updates - which brings me to this next quote...

This needs to be a disclaimer posted at the BEGINNING OF THIS DANG THREAD!!!

Allow me to introduce the first BGO baby...Corey Elijah, born 2/20/09...Um Eliza, please forward yours and SCs information so I can forward my child support papers thank you ma'am!!!:lachen:

:blush: Shame, shame! :blush: I knew ya'll was takin' my girl's work and being nasty wit it! Shame on ya all (cause I know it's some mo' out there just ain't been caught yet :lachen:).

But congratulations MzShay, I know ElizaBlue is honored to have the baby named for her and the Spawn. It has a really nice ring to it. I wish God's continued blessings on you and your new family.

(Are you gonna tell that child how he was concieved when he is of age? :spinning: Will you put a copy of the BGO in a sealed envelope in the baby book? :lachen:)
(Are you gonna tell that child how he was concieved when he is of age? :spinning: Will you put a copy of the BGO in a sealed envelope in the baby book? :lachen:)

Good Lawd...okay just coffee all over the screen now.

Well I think it only right that I give something back to Mz Shay and the rest of ya'll. So I am going to post some pictures. I am putting this out here now so everyone can see it cause ya'll love talking bout I didn't get to see them all of 7 minutes after I take them down.

Okay so I will be posting pics at about 8pm or 8:30 tonight. Now this depends entirely on my brother giving me the pics from SCs last visit. He was looking quite dapper in his suit and tie. That is a sexy A man if I do say so myself. So be here tonight or be quiet.
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Wow - thats awesome!!. Be careful keep your guard up and be cautious . I say this because online dating can be tricky, everything that sounds good may not actually be good. enjoy your weekend and please be safe...
How many BGO versions are there?! Ive only received one and im begging you to send me any other ones that you have!!!!!