Flying to SC tomorrow to meet my online BF...

I am way too lazy and tired to read 137 pages but wow, sounds like my life! I met my current SO online in late Feb, we established and AMAZING bond talking on the phone multiple times through out each day (around 4-5 hours weekdays; 7-8 Fri, Sat, & Sun). We met Memorial Day and knew that he couldnt get much better than what we had :)

So long story short, I WANT TO BE UPDATED TOO! lol

Sounds like we have a winner....:grin: I wish you too all the best.

:peace: Hi Ladies, Just checking in......

Whats takin so long EB? I miss you guys......:cry4:

Awww...po thang. I'm getting there. What's taking so long is that I have to go all the way back to 4 trips and pick back up. So much has happened. And I really am working on making this as a full fledged project. Really I am. Ask GG and Info they know how hard I'm working....hehehe. They better say I am.
Awww...po thang. I'm getting there. What's taking so long is that I have to go all the way back to 4 trips and pick back up. So much has happened. And I really am working on making this as a full fledged project. Really I am. Ask GG and Info they know how hard I'm working....hehehe. They better say I am.

Ya'll cut my girl some slack. She 'bout to have a nervous break down trying to get this stuff out. Plus she is actually living what she's writing so it takes time, people.

Work with us on this!

(Ya'll know you'll be fussing if she just throws something together to pacify you and it's half baked. :rolleyes:)
Hey Ladies,

And a Happy New Year to all of you. And yes InfoJunkie is right. I have so much to tell. But right now I have to take care of some pressing family matters. My dad is not doing well at all. And I'm pretty much taking care of him around the clock now.

Please stay tuned...I promise you won't be disappointed.
Hi Eliza, I am new to the forum and I am soooo glad that I ran across your thread yesteday. I must say that I have been glued to it and just finished reading all 139 pages and whew!!!! You are truly talented, inspiring and blessed! You make me feel that there truly is hope in finding a good brotha out there and your writing is a breath of fresh air. I felt like I was there with you every step of the way. I laughed and cried and I am just so anxious to see what is coming next. I too want the BGO version please :grin:
I am a 1978 baby so I am of age! I will go back in the thread to find the email address so that I can email you I can't wait!!!!

On a different note, I am so sorry to hear about your difficulties that you are experiencing at this time and just know that God is good and with Him any and everything is possible. You and your family are in my prayers so take care and God bless...... Can't wait to see what you come back with!
Hi EB,

I just wanted to come in and say hello and Happy New Year! I'm sorry to hear about your father not doing well. I'll be praying for him, you and your family.
EB I am loving this thread! I have been here for the past three hours making sure I read every word:) and I will be sending you my email addy, please don't stop writing. Sorry to hear that your father is not well, I truly hope that he gets better soon...
Hi Ladies,

I just wanted to come in and let you all know that my dad passed away this Wednesday. My family is making arrangements and that pretty much has me preoccupied. SC arrived yesterday and is helping me get through all this. He is truly a good guy. I miss my daddy dearly and SC is my shoulder to cry on and the arms that rock me to sleep.

I don't know if any of you watched CNN but Roland Martin gave a brief condolences to the family of Chester Watkins and talked about how he lived to see a black president elected. It was my dad he was speaking of.

Well, I just wanted to drop in and let ya'll know what is going on. I didn't want those of you who have sent request and responses to this thread to think I was being rude.

I'll be back ladies. I promise.

Brightest Blessings!
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Hi Ladies,

I just wanted to come in and let you all know that my dad passed away this on Wednesday. My family is making arrangements and that pretty much has me preoccupied. SC arrived yesterday and is helping me get through all this. He is truly a good guy. I miss my daddy dearly and SC is my shoulder to cry on and the arms that rock me to sleep.

I don't know if any of you watched CNN but Roland Martin gave a brief condolences to the family of Chester Watkins and talked about how he lived to see a black president elected. It's was my dad he was speaking of.

Well, I just wanted to drop in and let ya'll know what is going on. I didn't want those of you who have sent request and responses to this thread to think I was being rude.

I'll be back ladies. I promise.

Brightest Blessings!

I know exactly how you feel right now, I miss my Dad too. Condolences to you and your family.
I am so so sorry to hear of your loss. I am glad that SC is there with you to bring you some sort of comfort in this sad time. You and your family are in my prayers and may God bless and keep and comfort you and your family.
I'm so sorry for your loss EB and I am praying for you and your family for God's strength and comfort. I'm glad to hear that SC is there with you and able to be that rock for you.

Hi Ladies,

I just wanted to come in and let you all know that my dad passed away this on Wednesday. My family is making arrangements and that pretty much has me preoccupied. SC arrived yesterday and is helping me get through all this. He is truly a good guy. I miss my daddy dearly and SC is my shoulder to cry on and the arms that rock me to sleep.

I don't know if any of you watched CNN but Roland Martin gave a brief condolences to the family of Chester Watkins and talked about how he lived to see a black president elected. It's was my dad he was speaking of.

Well, I just wanted to drop in and let ya'll know what is going on. I didn't want those of you who have sent request and responses to this thread to think I was being rude.

I'll be back ladies. I promise.

Brightest Blessings!
Hi Ladies,

I just wanted to come in and let you all know that my dad passed away this on Wednesday. My family is making arrangements and that pretty much has me preoccupied. SC arrived yesterday and is helping me get through all this. He is truly a good guy. I miss my daddy dearly and SC is my shoulder to cry on and the arms that rock me to sleep.

I don't know if any of you watched CNN but Roland Martin gave a brief condolences to the family of Chester Watkins and talked about how he lived to see a black president elected. It's was my dad he was speaking of.

Well, I just wanted to drop in and let ya'll know what is going on. I didn't want those of you who have sent request and responses to this thread to think I was being rude.

I'll be back ladies. I promise.

Brightest Blessings!

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss Eliza. My condolences too you and your family.
Hey EB! I so sorry to hear of your loss. I can tell your daddy was a very special man. My most heartfelt condolences to you and your family.
Glad you came in and updated EB. GG and I didn't feel it our place to put such personal info on the thread but you've got to know that we are all praying for you and your family during this time of transition.

Love you Sista.