Flying to SC tomorrow to meet my online BF...

thanks for the update EB, and the notice of update GG :grin::grin:. love reading these installments and living vicariously thru you EB. its like a fix i got to have. :yep:
Godgrace is some thing else :grin:
She sent me a PM with the subject line 'Wake Up Girl!' :lachen:

Unfortunately I was already in bed, but trust that I got it out of the way this morning. Please continue to post, I need something to keep me laughing in the office today.

Uhm.....yeah, I think I woke a lot of people up this mornin with that line, consider me your personal EB alarmclock:lachen: But I know y'all don't want to miss out on anything, plus we have to keep this thread up front and center :grin:
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Godgrace is some thing else :grin:
She sent me a PM with the subject line 'Wake Up Girl!' :lachen:

Unfortunately I was already in bed, but trust that I got it out of the way this morning. Please continue to post, I need something to keep me laughing in the office today.

I got that same e-mail (Good looking out GG) but unfortunately the Benadryl had me in a vice grip :spinning: so EB it's not my fault. I would gladly have left the warmth of my sheets and the snuggle of my baby boy to crack that whip over your head :whip:. Just kidding girl, you know we want you at your freshest so that the writing stays its freshest.

I'm loving your description of the 4-4. My grandfather still lives there and my Mom attended and graduated from Carver High. When I was an infant and to the end of elementary school it was home for me as well, so that part of the update is particularly dear to my heart.

Keep up the good work EB, as always it was phenomenal. (But now I'm wondering about the spin off :rolleyes: - "Origins of the Spawn". Don't want to put too much on your plate, just keep it in the back of your mind. :grin:)
hey eliza, imma leo too!!! july 30th baby!!! I wish i could tell you do get some rest, but err um you can sleep when u dead.
hey eliza, imma leo too!!! july 30th baby!!! I wish i could tell you do get some rest, but err um you can sleep when u dead.

Dang Rissa! What I done told you? Stop:spank: being so:spank: impatient:spank: I am not gettin fired for you again, so behave:spank: and go wait in the corner like the rest of us! :lachen:
(you know I'll let you know when it's hot off the press)
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Godgrace is some thing else :grin:
She sent me a PM with the subject line 'Wake Up Girl!' :lachen:

Good lookin out GG, I like your style Girlie. :grin:

EB, fabulous as always and well worth the wait. :yep:

Now get busy on the BGO! :spank: Oops, did I type that out loud? Sorry girl, just kidding, sorta.... I guess I'll just go sit in the corner with everyone else:lachen:
Awwwww, please get some rest EB. :spinning: But, wow…. I know it’s a whole other story, but I can’t wait for the back story on Clefty Chin. I felt like I was right there in the passenger’s seat looking out the window as the car was driving along.

GG, thanks for the nudge. :lachen:
Eliza- you need to write a book, girl. I love your writing style. I especially loved the description of you taking him through your home town.

I really am proud that you were able to hold down the fam when the kids' dad started taking drugs.
LOL.. Good Looking Out.. GG!!! I see a publicist in the making.. And on another Continent.. Eliza Blue is going Global!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great Update.. Very descriptive... SC is not disappointing..
Dang Rissa! What I done told you? Stop:spank: being so:spank: impatient:spank: I am not gettin fired for you again, so behave:spank: and go wait in the corner like the rest of us! :lachen:
(you know I'll let you know when it's hot off the press)

LOL that was JUST like the whoopins i got when i was little.
******Geesh how long was I asleep. Elizablue stretches. That was a nice nap. Such a lucky girl am I…smile. Stretches some more and reaches for a glass of iced green tea and takes a long sip. I love this stuff. Okay ladies here is a bit more.*********
His Weekend To Houston, Part 3

We sit outside by the pool for a minute and talk about the work he wants to get started on. We discuss plans for building a cabana on the other side of the pool. I tell him I’ve always wanted a little house with a porch, just big enough for me. A kind of play house that would sit way back in the far corner of the lot, back in the area where the Oak trees form a triangle.

He tells me he and his dad can build it. His father is a builder who built the house they live in now. It’s a beautiful, big and roomy, country home with a wrap around porch. We talk some more and he goes back to my SUV and brings his other suitcase into the house. He begins unloading the equipment he has brought with him from SC, to make my house more techno savvy. My baby is such a geek, but one hella sexy geek.

He continues to walk from the breakfast room, to the kitchen to my office and back again. He keeps looking up at the ceiling and nods to himself. He’s looking for entry points to run the CAT5 wire, needed to install the satellite. Finally he says “wait a minute baby” and walks back outside. Alone.

I hear Jaden do the low Rottie growl. She senses, “the stranger” who has now just designated himself as “open game”, has come outside by himself. Now believe me, Jaden is sho nuff gangster. I quietly say to her almost as if to myself, “Quiet Jaden, go sit down”. I watch through the blinds of the kitchen window as her dark shape stops dead in her tracks. She turns and looks directly where I’m standing in the kitchen, she immediately bows her head, returning to the patio area.

He comes back in the house, just a little bit too fast. “Yeah” he says, “that big ole dawg of yours was looking sort of fierce at me, but I just looked back at her and she backed right on off”. What? Is he really puffing his chest out? “Right”…I think and give him a big smile. I politely hand him a box of Raisenetts and an ice cold bottle of water, from the refrigerator.

“Thank you baby” he says taking the bright yellow and red box of candy and unscrewing the cap off the water. He takes a long drink, and adds “I was feeling a little hungry and it is kinda hot out there”. “Yeah” I say and smile to myself. I return to the window…”Gotta keep that strength up dear” I say to myself. I watch Jaden watching me. I know she misses her mate. I wonder if I could ever replace him for her. I smile at my dog; she wags her tail in quiet recognition.

I think back and remember the time the Centerpoint guy came into the yard to read the meter. This was a couple of years back when I had two Rotties. Before Mr. short for Mister Meanor, my male dog passed away. He was very sick before he died, but even then he was a formidable sight, weighing in at 185 lbs he looked more like a bear than a dog. He was beautiful block head German Rottweiler, absolutely gorgeous. We got him when he was only six weeks old, from a show breeder in Germany. This was when I lived in Cleveland, OH.

I'm sitting at my desk upstairs working. I see the utility truck pull up, I wasn’t really paying attention and thought he would knock on the front door and I would put the dogs in the garage. Instead, the guy gets out and oh so cocky, just boldly walks through my gate to access the gas meter. So I did not make it in time to tell him to not just come onto my property like that, because I have two dogs. I go downstairs and simply watched the scene unfold from my bedroom window. These utility people….they’ll learn one day.

Both Jaden and Mr. are lounging on the patio. This is where they normally stay unless something or someone begs their attention. And like the Bonnie and Clyde they are, they sit and quietly watch him as he follows the walkway to the gas meter. They get up in union and silently separate but continue to watch him, as he absent-mindedly points his wand to read the meter.

He does not see them and doesn’t even realize they are there, let alone that they’ve now got him cornered. They are trained to remain quiet, approach the threat and only detain. The only time they will move past detention into “tear that *** up” mode is if one of the family is in danger or in the event they encounter another dog inside the gate. At that point, it is going to be on and popping.

When I hear the ear splitting scream, I bolt from my bedroom window and head for the back door. I have just never heard a grown man scream so loud and in such a high pitched sound just like a female. I mean dag, I was just going watch him eventually turn around and see them and maybe be startled, but now I’m thinking this fool is going to hurt himself. Shoot now I’m wondering as I turn the corner and open the lock on the door; maybe Jaden bit him after all.

As I exit the door, I chuckle at the utility guy. Now this guy is all of 260 lbs and about a good 6 feet tall. There are serious sweat stains down the front of his shirt and under both arm pits. His gray Centerpoint uniform shirt is about two sizes too small for his “look to be about 8 months pregnant belly”.

Jaden is calmly sitting to his left, wearing her usual “see my big *** teeth I’m about to bite you” smile. She’s blocked his retreat from the patio area, while Mr. has positioned himself at the back door. His job is to always guard the house.

Utility man, looks just like Ruben Studdard getting ready to hit another high note. He’s standing there with his arms outstretched like Jesus on the cross, eyes shut tight and mumbling, so I pretty much know, he’s praying. Mr. looks over at me and yawns. Jaden is looking like “just let me bite him please, just one time please”. I rub Mr.’s big block head and tell him to “stay”. I give Jaden the “don’t even try it look” she stands and bows her head and quietly walks toward the garage. No doubt wishing the guy had made a quick move so she could have been justified, in getting her snack on.

The utility man opens one eye and looks behind him from the direction Jaden took. Sweat is running down his face and into his eyes. Mr. is still beside me. I tell the man “It’s okay”. I am so trying not to laugh. I ask him if he needs anything else. For a minute I think that he may try to get past me and run into my house. He’s doing that left to right, left to right getting ready to make a move step with his feet. Now this suspicious movement causes Mr. to go back into alert mode. He gives one long and low deep from his throat growl, but does not raise his head or even look at the man.

I step in front of Mr. and ask the man again, “Are you okay?” He just keeps pressing his lips together and his eyes dart from Mr. to my open door like he’s at a tennis match. I’m starting to laugh and try to stifle the sound by now pressing my lips together. I finally say to him “Look if you’re finished, why don’t you come through here?” I was about to offer, “I can let you out the front door.” But before I can even get out “l can let…” he lunges past me into my house.

Mr. with lightening speed, leaps to his feet and heads into the house. I grab his collar and tell him to “stay”. Jaden appears from out of nowhere and also tries to get past me into the house. For a minute I think about letting Mister in to make sure ole boy doesn’t try anything. But it’s a moot issue. I hear the utility man knock something over in the hallway, curse under his breath, locate my front door and briefly fumble the locks; I hear the “door is open” alert chime, as he opens it. He responds with “Oh thank you Sweet Jesus”. By the time I walk through the house to the den, there is no one there. My front door is standing wide open.

I stand in the front door and watch him run, he can move fast for a big brother. I watch his big butt jostling, as he runs in a kind of zig zag pattern. He probably learned that when he played football in high school…I’m sure of it. As I watch and shake my head, the man has already cleared the front lawn, made it to his truck, unlocked it and jumped in. I watch as he struggles to get the key into the ignition, cranks up the truck, throws it into gear and tears out of the cul-de-sac, tires bumping against the curb. Dang, I guess my neighbors will be getting an estimated bill this month.

I laugh to myself. I miss Mr. that was my baby right there. Shortly after I moved back here from Ohio, he and Jaden got loose. She was in heat and he wasn’t about to let her out of his sight. She dug out from under of the back fence and they wandered off, to the other side of the golf course. Long story short of it, he must have really intimidated some home owner. The man in turn shot Mr. with a 38 CAL. That was back in 1998 or so. The bullet was so close to his heart the vet decided it would be best to just leave it be. When he died about 4 months ago it was because the bullet had moved and set up an infection. That’s what we think anyway. It took him so fast, I’ll never know.

I finish my iced green tea, rinse the glass and place it in the sink. SC comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me. He brushes my twist aside and kisses me softly on the back of my neck. “What are you over here smiling about” he says into my ear. “Just thinking about my dog” I say back. “Oh yeah, I think she likes me”. I chuckle and turn around and nuzzle his neck with my nose. He smells like freshly showered clean sweat, yummy.

“Well, I’m getting ready to go up in the attic” he says. I lean my head back and look deep into his eyes. I think to myself for a person having lashes as long as his, it must be like wearing permanent sunglasses. I’m so jealous. I smile and tell him that’s cool. I’m about the get started cooking dinner. We kiss. He smacks me on my butt and grabs the drill from the counter top, where he has set up all his tools. I watch him walk back outside, past Jaden to get the ladder from the garage. She pays him no mind now. She understands. This just might be family. We don’t eat family.
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Trying to finish reading last update, must....not........fall.............asl..........:sleeping: (I'll post tomorrow......night y'all)
I got that same e-mail (Good looking out GG) but unfortunately the Benadryl had me in a vice grip :spinning: so EB it's not my fault. I would gladly have left the warmth of my sheets and the snuggle of my baby boy to crack that whip over your head :whip:. Just kidding girl, you know we want you at your freshest so that the writing stays its freshest.

I'm loving your description of the 4-4. My grandfather still lives there and my Mom attended and graduated from Carver High. When I was an infant and to the end of elementary school it was home for me as well, so that part of the update is particularly dear to my heart.

Keep up the good work EB, as always it was phenomenal. (But now I'm wondering about the spin off :rolleyes: - "Origins of the Spawn". Don't want to put too much on your plate, just keep it in the back of your mind. :grin:)

Ahhh..girl I knowed you was a fellow hoodrat when you knew where Northline mall was. It's changed so much now you can't even recognize the place. I wonder where that rip off convict run carnival is going to set up now?

When I was little I used to live to go over there and have my daddy pay for that high priced *** cotton candy and ride them rides, held together by coat hangers. Child we coulda been killed twice on that ish. Now you know we have to have a meet up now. Carver is the pool I learned to swim in. It was the only one we
Okay so as not to take up space with my posting (like ya'll want to read it anyway) since, I'm on here. I want to thank all you ladies and any men that may be lurking. Thank you for taking the time from your family and jobs (DO NOT call me when you get fired for being on this site reading when you ought to be working) and your workout time, etc to read my story.

As you can see, I too sacrifice my time to bring it to you. But hey if I can't sleep I can't sleep right? So I might as well get up and write. I love doing it and like I said as long as ya'll stay I will continue to bring it.

Now that all that is out of the way. I'm about to take a shower. Cause I have to after finishing that last BGO installment. Lawd I wish SC was home and not still up in somebody attic running CAT5. Cause a sistah could have really used a visual after what I wrote.

I see GG talking about she going to sleep. No one cared about ME sleeping last night. So somebody on the London team, go over to GGs, ring the bell, pound the buzzer, whatever it is the Queen gives ya'll for a doorbell and wake that butt up. Otherwise she's going to be mad as a wet hen when ya'll get the soon to be delivered BGO version before her.

Check your emails later this evening. If you see smoke coming from your computer it's prolly cause you gotta email from ElizaBlue.
I loved both updates- both reflective stories about your past. I was :lachen::lachen::lachen: about the utility worker hauling away from your dogs :lachen::lachen:!!

EB, I'm sorry that we have you held hostage to giving us more but it's the price that you have to pay!!!:grin:

Ah but poor, GG (heehee)- tired after ringing the Liberty Bell :lachen:with pms-- Thanks girlie girl :grin:!!!
My goodness this is very addictive. I was cracking up and telling my mother all about it. I brought two books that are still waiting just to be opened.
Has the new installment of the BGO version come out yet?? I have been waiting on that one. I am going to see my boo this weekend so I need some tips and inspiration! :grin::grin:
Woohoo, an update! Thanks GG for the notice, and thanks so much Eliza for sharing a part of your life. :yep: I felt like I was driving through your neighborhood.

My email does not include the latest version! Did she send one? I got her last one so I hope my email information did not get erased.

P.S.-Eliza thanks for sharing your talent:grin:
I see GG talking about she going to sleep. No one cared about ME sleeping last night. So somebody on the London team, go over to GGs, ring the bell, pound the buzzer, whatever it is the Queen gives ya'll for a doorbell and wake that butt up. Otherwise she's going to be mad as a wet hen when ya'll get the soon to be delivered BGO version before her.

Check your emails later this evening. If you see smoke coming from your computer it's prolly cause you gotta email from ElizaBlue.

Say what?!!! What! I'm up now! I'm up! (Runs off to check smoke coming from computer........breathes sigh of relief). Okay, I didn't get it yet. Whew! Well I'll be up all day now. And it's just me in the office so I can read to my heart's content.

I loved reading about your dogs. I wish I had a dog like them instead of the rottweiler we had. Marcus. Bless his heart, but I don't know what the heck kind of guard dog he was. Would bark at the chickens and the birds, but let a burglar or postman come by. It would be, Hey, come on in, help yourself, don't worry bout the owners, make yourself at home! Crazy dog, loved him though.
I can see the look on that poor man's face now EB, he probably still has nightmares about that day:lachen:He sounds like he was a lot of fun.
Well, looks like I'll be camped out here.......will check in periodically.......(it's a hard job being an EB alarmclock, I was dog tired yesterday (no pun intended:look:)
Hope you got some rest EB! We'll be waiting...............
LOL.. Good Looking Out.. GG!!! I see a publicist in the making.. And on another Continent.. Eliza Blue is going Global!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who? Me?.........:look:

oh yeah, does SC have any cousins, male, preferably mid twenties to mid thirties?
I see you puttin your bid in early Rissa, I ain't mad atcha!:lachen:

Ah but poor, GG (heehee)- tired after ringing the Liberty Bell :lachen:with pms-- Thanks girlie girl :grin:!!!
Girl, I didn't know how tired I was till I tried to read the Houston part III update and fell asleep while I was still typin.

My goodness this is very addictive. I was cracking up and telling my mother all about it. I brought two books that are still waiting just to be opened.
Speaking of books, I recently had a chance to read a Zane book for the first time. I was shocked. I hated it. That had to be the most boring book I had ever read. I've read Arabesque novels with more steam. Eliza, you got her beat by leaps and bounds girl. I'm not worried.


My email does not include the latest version! Did she send one? I got her last one so I hope my email information did not get erased.
It's coming peoples, it's coming, just keep checking your emails. I'm assuming she sends them out in batches to avoid congesting the system. So if not today, then tomorrow, or this weekend. Just keep checkin (I know I do:grin:)