Flying to SC tomorrow to meet my online BF...

Dang, GG whose side you on?

Even SC talking about "How you gone be posting about coming back to SC, when you ain't even finish my trip to TX". I just looked at him and SMDH. How can I tell this man because you and your so much damn material...I am falling out laughing over here.

I mean really I walk around with a pad and pen because if I don't write it down, I know I will never get it "write". I'm like so afraid that I'm going to get busted taking notes.

And as far as the weekend he came to Houston, well it rained pretty much every day except for one. But baby let me tell you. August 3, it is going to be ON. That is my birthday and he is coming here and we are going down to Galveston to P-A-R-T-A-Y!!!

Oh and thanks to the Collection Agency GG (formerly known as GG my accomplice), I will be paying my debts and sending the deliquent(s) prose. I'll send out on Friday, so ya'll can go shopping on So if you want to be on the uh ahem...receiving end....of my Big Girls Only (BGO) versions, send me your private email addy to [email protected].

Well thank you ladies for the kind words, I am so glad ya'll are hanging in there and willing to read about my loco life. Okay let me get back to writing.


That darn GG- what a traitor!! Um, not really- she's just lookin' out for the um, readers :lachen:!

ETA: EB, I can't wait to find out how it went with his momma and your girls' day out. He is such a sweetie- he wants you and her to get along so well :sigh:
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Wow... glad you are back... filing nails... checking email account... :peek2: GG where we at now? Keep track gurl.

I need something to read on the plane this weekend... :peek2:
Ah Eliza.. After a very stressful day with my parents going from hospital to hospital (Yes, my dad waited until I got here, to be found unresponsive)...

Anyway, your little peice of life has brightened mine.. Thank you....

Oh, So, you are a LEO.. Me too!! What a cowinky dink...
Dang, GG whose side you on?

Even SC talking about "How you gone be posting about coming back to SC, when you ain't even finish my trip to TX". I just looked at him and SMDH. How can I tell this man because you and your so much damn material...I am falling out laughing over here.

I mean really I walk around with a pad and pen because if I don't write it down, I know I will never get it "write". I'm like so afraid that I'm going to get busted taking notes.

And as far as the weekend he came to Houston, well it rained pretty much every day except for one. But baby let me tell you. August 3, it is going to be ON. That is my birthday and he is coming here and we are going down to Galveston to P-A-R-T-A-Y!!!

Oh and thanks to the Collection Agency GG (formerly known as GG my accomplice), I will be paying my debts and sending the deliquent(s) prose. I'll send out on Friday, so ya'll can go shopping on So if you want to be on the uh ahem...receiving end....of my Big Girls Only (BGO) versions, send me your private email addy to [email protected].

Well thank you ladies for the kind words, I am so glad ya'll are hanging in there and willing to read about my loco life. Okay let me get back to writing.


Hole up! Hole up! You firin me? Howz I suppose to feed my 17 chilluns? WHAT IS I GON DO? I still lub you EB!:blowkiss:
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That darn GG- what a traitor!! Um, not really- she's just lookin' out for the um, readers :lachen:!

ETA: EB, I can't wait to find out how it went with his momma and your girls' day out. He is such a sweetie- he wants you and her to get along so well :sigh:

I'm going back to my stalking corner!
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Ah Eliza.. After a very stressful day with my parents going from hospital to hospital (Yes, my dad waited until I got here, to be found unresponsive)...

Anyway, your little peice of life has brightened mine.. Thank you....

Oh, So, you are a LEO.. Me too!! What a cowinky dink...

I'm so sorry to hear that Andrea, your parents will be in our prayers hon, I hope that everything works out ok:bighug:


Wow... glad you are back... filing nails... checking email account... :peek2: GG where we at now? Keep track gurl.

I need something to read on the plane this weekend... :peek2:

I know not of what you speak...........:hide:(last update.....BGO Part I Day III........more to come:sekret:
Cot dang ElizaBlue! Got my first edition of the BGO version in my inbox this morning and now I see why everybody was waiting for. I need back copies SkyBlu :look:
Ah Eliza.. After a very stressful day with my parents going from hospital to hospital (Yes, my dad waited until I got here, to be found unresponsive)...

Anyway, your little peice of life has brightened mine.. Thank you....

Oh, So, you are a LEO.. Me too!! What a cowinky dink...

Hey Andrea - hope your dad will be okay. Sending up a prayer.
this thread is:

totally awesome!


off the hook!



fa rezeal my nizzel!!

As an ELA teacher and an avid reader of romance books (use to read 6-8 books daily, nothing but the truth), you have a gift. I am so glad that you are willing to share it with others.
Not to worry ladies, I haven't sent out any new material since Part I Day 3. I will of course post here just before to give you all a heads up. I had floor duty today and showed a $1.8 Milly house that was to die for. And I showed it twice so my feet actually did die for it.

But see I came right in and got to work. So please please don't be mad at me. There is much I have to tell. Now allow me a moment to choke down some bread and water, and perhaps a bit of meat, and I will get back on the Houston update. Okay?

Oh yeah, SC said tell all ya'll hi! in the back put cha hands down, stop all that waving. :weird:I see you. No need to respond back, cause all ya'll on my watch list. And no he will not be at the book signings, so don't even think about it.

Okay now, let me stop. I am so kidding. Cause as my momma use to say, I done forgot more than ya'll will ever learn. Heehee. I got this. Oooh boy I just crack myself up sometimes. I am so so just joking.

Hey? :look: Where ya'll going? I said I was playing.

Dang...come back...don't go. :cry3: I was just playing....
:grin: We know you're only playing, girl. We aren't going anywhere!! You got us. :lachen:
I know right, we like gremlins, we don't die, we multiply!:lachen:
Tell SC we said hi too! You over there showing $1.8 Milly houses and stuff, I bet you tired. You probably looked like $1.8 Milly too, so when they buyin it cause I know you got the sale:look:
Loved your mothers quote "I've forgotten more than you will ever learn..." Well here's some Ginko biloba to help with your memory, we are still learning some things!

:grin: We know you're only playing, girl. We aren't going anywhere!! You got us. :lachen:

Tell the truth and shame the devil. We ain't going nowhere cause this thread has turned into a cult. All we need now is a compound out in the woods to await updates from the new messiah. :lachen:

I don't see why you can't rest your feet while you type.

Talking 'bout you hungry and thangs. What is that about?!
His Weekend in Houston - Part II

We leave my parents house and take the back streets to the area where I live. I watch him as he takes in the drive. We pass my old stomping grounds; Pee-Wees, the corner store still selling “Hamburgers with Fries” for a dollar, and a $.50 drink, Lincoln City the community park, newly rebuilt, and sparkling clean. The navy blue and forest green walls are still clear of what the old park structure boasted as inner city patriotism. Its crumbling brick decorated in the stars, stripes and slashes of “red white and blue”. No, not patriotic renderings of the American flag, but the deformed and twisted lettering of the Blood and Crip gangs.

The City of Houston must have painted this new structure with anti-graffiti paint. Or is it that someone got smart and painted the walls a color so dark that not only would graffiti not show up, but neither would the children. It looks dark and menacing now, no longer bright and open, not warm, not friendly and not inviting. A lone stationery City of Houston police car sits in the parking lot, waiting for its relief. Not just today, but everyday. No one wants to play here now. Not even the gangs.

This lovely area is called Acres Homes, and was once farm land. Now a compilation of small wood framed houses, most in need of serious repair, mixed with cheaply built new construction. Some are brightly painted with teal blue or fuchsia trim, with neat orderly flower beds and tidy well kept front yards. Not lawns, these places are not that big. These are yards. We see the old folks sitting on their porches, as they watch us go by. They are the original settler’s of my neighborhood. Many like my father built these houses with their own hands. Most have passed on now. But for those who remained, they have owned their homes for years and years and took great pride in keeping their properties up.

I smile and wave at my parent’s old friends who are left, and at the children of those long gone now, who have inherited the property. They wave back. My old neighborhood is also littered with its share of crack houses. Many rented out to single moms on Section 8 government assistance. These young women and some old, who for whatever reason allowed a boyfriend here, a brother there, or perhaps a son, recently released from prison, to set up shop in their homes.

A home which was supposed to provide shelter for her and her kids, while tax payers begrudgingly foot the bill. Instead it’s become the place to cook and sometimes sell crack cocaine, bag their weed, or carefully count out the various pills for distribution and drink 40s all day.

It’s sad because during the school year the only people getting up at dawn to leave the tired little houses, are the children going off to school. Without a hot breakfast to keep their tummies full until they go to lunch and eat the lovingly prepared lunch their momma’s made for them. There will be none of that. These little ones will have to wait to get until they get to school. There they will have the cold cereal and diluted orange juice to start their day, and later the customary hot school lunch. Maybe the only hot meal many of them will have that day. During the summer months, they get a daily lunch of cold cut sandwiches and juice with a cookie, from Lincoln City Community Park.

I watch SC’s face as we drive by small groups of men, standing around with pants sagging. Pausing a moment from their lies and false bravado, their eyes lazily follow our path, as we drive down the street. Deciding we’re not a customer, they slowly resume drinking and smoking. I look over at him. He has a relaxed look about him, not tense or intimidated, yet cautious all the same. I can also read a most sincere though unspoken declaration to the men on the corners; that while he may not be from around here, he can definitely hold his own. I think to myself smiling, yeah...we are a good fit.

I’ll tell you this much. Be wary of beautiful empty eyes. While mesmerizing and no doubt useful to a once handsome gangster wishing to persuade a young 18 year old college student to fall in love. In the end they are still… nevertheless empty. Just like the future they promise will be yours...empty. I reflect back on the men, remembering the one with the sad and doleful eyes, with a deep set cleft in his chin, just like the Spawns. I fail to mention to SC that one of those zombies we just passed is my children’s father. No need to share that “non-information” just yet.

Look at me getting off track. This is a whole “nother” book. But I’ll give you this before I move on; my kid’s father was once one of the biggest drug dealers in the 44. We had it all, the house, the cars; corvettes, porshes, caddies, clothes, trips and troubles. All the prerequisites that come from fast money but also the disaster that follows. I managed to stay in school at University of Houston, and with three little ones, working nights, I eventually graduate and get my degree. I allowed myself to remain hopefully delusional that he would one day leave the game and become legit. That is until he became his own best customer. Now for him, life is but a dream. Okay, I thank you for allowing me a trip down “wish I could forget about it” memory lane. Now, back to our regularly scheduled program.

We turn into my subdivision and suddenly he’s met with wide clean streets, huge two-story homes with Palm trees dotting the lawns and old oak trees standing proud along the driveways. We got lawns now….lol. I can see him relaxing a bit. Up ahead I spot the white Ford Explorer, rims shining, bass booming, headed toward us. It’s the Spawn (for those who don’t know, that’s my 18 year old son).

I stop at the corner, as he continues to drive down the cul-de-sac, on his way out to only God knows where. He stops and we both lower our driver side windows. The Spawn looks away and begins to smile. No doubt he’s thinking “how long will this one last”? He’s such a handsome young man. I take in the deep dimples flanking both cheeks, the notorious cleft chin…lol. His beauty marred only by the cigarette dangling from his mouth. He looks at me and shakes his head. I cannot stand this child sometimes, actually most of the time. I often joke, that had I gotten him from Wal-Mart, I’d be at the customer service counter, demanding a full refund and a complimentary $200 gift card for my troubles.

I introduce him and SC, and then give him the “go find yourself something to do” look. He nods at me and resumes his laid back reclined position and raises his window with the illegal limousine tint back up. I drive off and continue down the street. We pull into the drive way and get out. SC immediately walks through the courtyard gate; pass my gigantic Lantana bush full of yellow flowers, and into the backyard.

He stands there with his hands on his hips looking up at the Palm trees surrounding the pool. My female Rottie, Jaden approaches him, sniffs his leg briefly, decides he’s not worth the beating she would earn from biting him and returns to her spot of shade under the patio.

I think to myself, “damn I’m glad Santanta; my landscaper mowed the lawn this morning, so it would be freshly cut”. SC turns to me and smiles. Straight up catches me staring at his backside. He comes over to where I’m standing and ask me if I have a riding lawn mower. I take my time answering, because he caught me off guard and I’m really needing my SC fix. I finally tell him no, and that I sold it about a year ago, when I hired Santana.

He admonishes me for paying someone else to cut my yard. He tells me the Spawn should be doing it. “Yeah whatever”, I say playfully and sigh deeply. “That job can be his” I think, as I wonder how long before my daughter comes back. Anyway, all I know is I need to keep the yard looking nice. And I’m not about to have the Spawn cutting it only for him to design some stupid gang sign, into my lawn. SC walks around the pool and looks up at the roof line appraisingly. He walks back and forth with his hand over his forehead shielding the sun from his eyes.

Earlier when he first planned to come to Houston, he decided he would have to re-wire my phone lines. This, after me complaining that I had to use my air card on my laptop even when I’m in the house instead of using the Wi-Fi. He tells me the problem is that the signal is too weak because my router is upstairs and my desktop downstairs.

His plan is to drop my DSL line to my office downstairs. He also brings with him a satellite dish and DVR boxes. I’m getting satellite TV. Me who never even had cable will now have more channels than I care to watch. This is what his company does; along with the custom design and installation of media rooms and home automation systems. His clientele includes restaurants, gyms, hotels and residential homes as large as 10,000 sq. ft.

Now he’s gone into contractor mode. I’m looking at him thinking he’s got work to do inside the house…on me. Forget installing equipment…well on the roof anyway. I struggle to keep the sex out of my voice. “Sooo…do you want to see the rest of the house?” I say and follow his gaze up to the roof. I’m really trying to keep my eyes away from the body in front of me. He looks at me, obvious of my intentions. He looks back up at the roof, then back at me. I know he’s looking at me, but I remain straight faced and continue to look up at the roof. Finally he says to me, knowingly “Yeah, show me the rest of the house”. Marker please.
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I just love the way you describe moments, memories, places EB. It's like my very own movie theatre. I can almost see your neighborhood in my mind's eye, and you two cruising in the car, looking out the window. Wow. Beautiful. Thank you taking us down memory lane with you:yep:
Okay...hope ya'll satisfied. It's 3am. God's Grace busy reading...yeah I see she can make her report. SC over here on the web cam sleep, mouth all open looking like a cadaver and I'm being held hostage forced to pen updates all night. It's something wrong with this picture, I tell you just wrong.

Then in the morning, he'll wake up all refreshed talking bout "read it to me". Can I get some legal representation over here? Ain't it some laws against being forced to write while erry body else looking like Rip Van Winkle. And where is InfoJunkie, I bet she turning over sleeping good too.

And then he got the audacity to swear he don't sleep with his mouth open. I took a picture of him I oughtta post it. Heehee that would be so dang funny.

*****switches back to other computer (the nasty writing to work on BGO version for Houston visit :boredwrk:
Looks out windows with bars on it :jail:****
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Why did I just sit here for the last 3 hours reading all 105 pages? :spinning:

I need to take my butt to bed. . .:look:

EB I sent you my email addy so feel free to send every single last one of those BGO stories! And on another note, your writing is phenomenal! It just keeps getting better and better.
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Starr,welcome to the cult.......erhm, I mean club:look: You's one of us now!:lachen:

EB, I have no report to make except........ALL IS GOOD! The good thing about being 7 hrs ahead is I get to catch any early updates you do. But I do sleep with one eye on this thread!
I can't even laugh at SC sleeping with his mouth open (I do it too)
We wouldn't dream of keeping you hostage while you write EB:blush: What do you take us for? Slave drivers.............:look:
Wow, EB you have a gift!! I could have sworn that I've been to Houston TX (I've never been to any part of TX in my life ever). Your descriptive writing allowed me to see your beautiful neighborhood and home. Great update!!! And, you know I'm looking for an e-mail!!!

Thanks girl!
Godgrace is some thing else :grin:
She sent me a PM with the subject line 'Wake Up Girl!' :lachen:

Unfortunately I was already in bed, but trust that I got it out of the way this morning. Please continue to post, I need something to keep me laughing in the office today.