Flying to SC tomorrow to meet my online BF...

June 8, 2008 Part I

So now, it’s Sunday morning. Another marker, please…ahem Part II, Day 3. We finally fell asleep about 4am. My flight back to Houston is scheduled to leave at 6:45 pm from Atlanta. He is going to drive me to Atlanta which was the connecting flight from his city. I guess it’s about a three hour drive, but he didn’t even think twice about it because it would give us more time together.

We did not attend church. We were planning to visit his parent’s church but they were going to a funeral and would not be attending that Sunday. That was one reason, but also because we just needed more time together. More than just the few hours we had left. We needed time to look at each other without speaking, to laugh together when absolutely nothing was funny and to find each other.

He understands now that it’s okay to kiss me first thing in the morning. But that I’m more comfortable if I’m a bit more presentable. I understand that if he wants to kiss me before I get up, morning breath and all, it’s what he wants and needs. We find each other. We walk away from our old ways and beliefs and move toward each other.

We woke up about 9:30am. Ahem...Congress was in session till about 11:00 and back to sleep we went. Who has the markers? Okay Part III, Day 3.

We woke up again about 1pm. We were both still truly sleepy. But knew we had to get up. I felt like I have been drinking but without any hangover. Just happily sleepy. Sex drunk. Is that a true state? I wonder how they measure the blood level for that. And can you be arrested for driving while “sex drunk”?

I don’t want anyone to get the wrong impression. I mean we watch TV, we cook together, we eat, we hold each other, I even do some real estate work, while he cuts the grass, he takes client’s calls, I take client calls, we talk….a lot. But that chemistry is like unbelievable, so it’s a bit hard to stay away from each other.

We talk in depth about how this trip turned out. What our expectations were, what they were not. He tells me that his biggest fear now that he has met me is that I am out of his league. Can you imagine? He sees me as some big shot federal agent slash real estate mogul slash beauty queen slash why would I want a lowly country boy like himself type woman. That is so not me.

He has so so much going for himself. I cannot believe he thinks I am unattainable. Especially after this weekend. But I know what he is truly questioning is our endurance. I stare at him and feel like crying. How could he be so far off the mark? I tell him that I am a woman who wants a man, a real man. Not a suit left at the laundry too long and has now taken on a life of its own.

I stop him in mid-sentence because I just simply cannot hear anymore of why he thinks he doesn’t add up. Especially when I see him as what I’ve been looking for all along. A soul mate, a best friend, a business partner, a lover for life. Quite frankly the best lover I've ever had.

I tell him that I wouldn’t change a thing about him. And that I want him pickup truck trailer and all. He smiles and looks over at me. This guy has THE most gorgeous eyes. He tells me he already knows what he wants to change about me. What did he just say?

I look up thinking oh boy here it comes I knew he was too good to be true. He looks at me and smiles. I say "What about me is so not negotiable”. I’m thinking well yeah I got three kids but so what the youngest is 18 and about to go off to school. I even made it clear to him that I would be open to having another child. What could he possibly need to change about me.

He looks at me a long time and finally says “I really hate your last name.” Now I’m sort of slow. “What? You talking bout my daddy?” He leans his head back and looks at me then he says to me "I want to change your last name."

Well now I’m about grinning like the Cheshire cat. But I play it off. “Is that right?” I say. “Well I guess we will have to see” I say. He just continues to stare at me; he doesn’t blink, nor smile nor look away. “Okay” I say. “I guess you need to make some decisions”.

He tells me how is willing and intends to relocate to Houston, because he business can be done from anywhere in the world. But that before he can do anything he has to position himself to the point that I can quit my job. He tells me that if he cannot do that for me that he is not worthy of being my husband.

Now he’s got me biting my damn lip so hard I taste blood. “What’s wrong he says, did I say something wrong”? How do I tell this man that what he just told me is the greatest show of love any man has ever ever shown me? And he ain't even done nothing yet. Just the fact that he understands my hopes and dreams and wants to support them.

Now, look. I really want this man to be the one. But I know I have to give our relationship time to grow. We’ve both discussed and agreed we DO NOT want a long dating relationship. Anyone who knows the Blue knows I can fall in love during the pre-game commercials and be ready to file for divorce during half-time. I do not believe in staying with that Reason or Season when I know my Lifetime is still out there waiting for me. Ya’ll know that saying right?

I tell you this because this time last year I was 12 days away from meeting the man I thought I would love forever. I was and am in some ways still in love with him. But the moment I realized his actions didn’t contribute to us being together in the future, I was out.

But this one…I don’t know. I’m taking my time and letting him prove himself to me 250%, as he says. Okay back to the final episode.

He’s looking at me wondering what did he say to make me look so sad. But I am actually smiling inside. I can see he’s getting nervous. I lean in and push my lips against his. Not a kiss just a contact, a bonding, a physical connection that says I want to breathe you and in turn you breathe me.

We stay like that for a minute. Just two people sharing each others air. Finally we pull apart. I go into the kitchen where I’ve set up a makeshift office. Gather all my real estate files, computer, cords, printouts etc. and return them to my briefcase. He’s sitting on the couch looking at me, then looking around the room like he cannot find something.

“What?” I say. He shakes his head. “You’re leaving; you’re taking all your stuff.” He stands up and comes over to me. He takes a folder from my hand looks at it and puts it on the table. I don’t know what to say. He shrugs his shoulders and pulls up his bottom lip. “I guess I just sort of got use to seeing you here, having your computer set up, seeing you talk to your customers” I’m smiling now both inside and out. He continues. “I guess I’m just already missing you”. Lawdy this man is too sweet.

He leans over and hugs me. I move my face into his neck and breathe. I smell traces of the cologne he wears. But now there is a different type of smell. He smells like…love. That giddy smell that you really cannot describe but when you smell it you know what it is. We kiss again and I break away from him. That kissing thingy will only lead to me missing my flight.

I go into the bedroom and repack all my clothes. It was his idea that I should hang everything in the closet in the space he so considerately made for me. In the bathroom, I remove all remnants of me ever being there. Well except the red panties I expertly stashed in his laundry basket. Yeah, I was here and will be coming back. Okay I am so joking.
The Finale June 8, 2008 Part II

We finally get on the road and he wants to know where I want to eat. I have no appetite because I don’t want to leave. He underestimates the time. And when we finally get to the Atlanta Airport, my flight is already boarding. Rather than risk it I book standby on the next flight out.

He immediately begins with the well if I want we can just stay over in Atlanta one night. And how he can drive home in the morning. I look at him and ask "Can we really say goodbye". He looks at me at says “Nah not even”

There is now about 2.5 hours until my "new" flight. Once again, he’s all happy and talking fast. I’m like I can see why this thing called love is like crack. When you don’t have it nothing seems right, but when you get that hit, the whole world is your friend.

As we're leaving the airport I eye a sign that says “Ice Cream and Coffee”. Now if that don’t describe us. I tell him about it and he makes a u-turn. We go in and it is so nice. It’s a coffee/ice cream bar with a little area with a couple of book shelves. Ya’ll in Atlanta may know where this is.

I go back and forth between calling a friend in Atlanta whom I consider my sister. I want to see her, and tell her I’m this close to her, but don’t want to have to introduce her to someone I just met. I know she would understand but still.

I pick up the phone a couple of times and decide it would be worse to tell her I’m here and don’t’ have time to see her than to tell her when I got home that I “came through Atlanta” on the way home. He’s told me several times to call her and that he would take me to see her. Nah I tell him, I really just don’t want to share our weekend. That is the true reason. But Jesus I would hate to run into her by happenstance in this coffee shop. Now then I would be in a situation.

We talk some more about him coming to Houston and all the work he wants to do at my house. Nice. How many men can you give a “honey-do” list to before you’re married? We leave for the airport. He wants to park and come in. I just know that would make it worse. I tell him I will be fine just getting out here.

He pulls up to the curb at the Continental door. He comes around and opens my door. He kisses me. He goes and gets my luggage from the back of the SUV. Standing at the curb, we kiss, we hug. I ask him what is he smiling about.

The car behind him is blowing the horn for him to move. I kiss him again and grab my luggage again and turn to walk off. He reaches for me and hugs me again so tight I say “oochie”. He laughs and tells me in my ear “you know I like it when you say that, don’t you?” I blush and head to the door.

I look back and the white guy behind him is just laying on his horn. The horn is blaring and my man is leaning against the passenger side of the Montero with his ankles crossed smiling at me. I mouthed to him, "What are you grinning about? I turn go inside the airport.

As I’m standing in line at the counter filling out the forms I get a text from him. The text reads “The only thing that made me okay with you walking away, was that I got to watch you walk". I text him back “Freak”. I walk to my gate, smiling. It was a good trip, a great weekend.
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As I’m standing in line at the counter filling out the forms I get a text from him. The text reads “The only thing that made me okay with you walking away, was that I got to watch you walk". I text him back “Freak”. I walk to my gate, smiling. It was a good trip, a great weekend.

hot damn, DH is about to get sex drunk!!!! he is watching me read my computer screen and asked me what am I smiling about.... if he only knew...

Ok, I have a tear in the corner of my right eye. :sad:

I am totally hooked. What are we gonna do when you stop sharing your life with us?:lachen:
We stay like that for a minute. Just two people sharing each others air. Finally we pull apart. . .

He leans over and hugs me. I move my face into his neck and breathe. I smell traces of the cologne he wears. But now there is a different type of smell. He smells like…love. That giddy smell that you really cannot describe but when you smell it you know what it is.

Wow. Just wow.
This was soooooooooooo good!!! :grin::grin: I swear I'm justa cheesing like this smiley!! :grin::grin:

gurl, I would have PAID YOU to read this!!!! :yep:

You have a talent for writing--and I can't wait for you to put all this talent to use!!!

I was crackin up laughin at you talking about him needing to hook the Montero up to the looking out at the darkness, the bootleg lemonade...btw, I never thought about taking Koolaid to a restaurant!! :lachen:

........and oh my! :lol:

The co-washing!! Your sense of humor is out of this world!!

GOTTA LOVE IT!! :grin:

I felt like I was right there watching your life unfold!!

BTW---if you decide to pm the details of all those markers, then please put me on the list!!

This is soooooo sweet!! I'm about to cry!!

Thanks once again for sharing your wonderful weekend with us!! :)
June 8, 2008 Part I
We talk in depth about how this trip turned out. What our expectations were, what they were not. He tells me that his biggest fear now that he has met me is that I am out of his league. Can you imagine? He sees me as some big shot federal agent slash real estate mogul slash beauty queen slash why would I want a lowly country boy like himself type woman. That is so not me....

He has so so much going for himself. I cannot believe he thinks I am unattainable. Especially after this weekend. But I know what he is truly questioning is our endurance. I stare at him and feel like crying. How could he be so far off the mark? I tell him that I am a woman who wants a man, a real man.....
.....“What?” I say. He shakes his head. “You’re leaving; you’re
taking all your stuff.” He stands up and comes over to me. He takes a folder from my hand looks at it and puts it on the table. I don’t know what to say. He shrugs his shoulders and pulls up his bottom lip. “I guess I just sort of got use to seeing you here, having your computer set up, seeing you talk to your customers” I’m smiling now both inside and out. He continues. “I guess I’m just already missing you”. Lawdy this man is too sweet.

:cry: After reading this, I'm just crying and boo-hooing with joy for you two, Eliza. I'm such a romantic!

ETA: Your writing is too entertaining!!! You need a book-deal pronto!!!
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Ok, I have a tear in the corner of my right eye. :sad:

I am totally hooked. What are we gonna do when you stop sharing your life with us?:lachen:

I know right! Once again Blue, that was some great read. LOL@ you checking out the shampoo and using condish, I would have done the same.:look: BTW that Zane was FIYAH! :grin:. :lachen:
Elizablue said:
...He reaches for the shampoo. Hold up. I take that unknown bottle right out of his hand. “’What kind of shampoo is this?” I ask. He tells me it’s what his mom gave him for dandruff. I put that ish right back on the ledge. “Its okay” I say….I only use conditioner anyway. He asks me “how can I wash your hair without shampoo just conditioner.” I’m smiling now…"It’s how I wash my hair, it’s called co-washing” I say. “Oh” he says...”well okay” he’s looking so perplexed.Run tell momma that.

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:- Oh Lawdy!!!!
"He leans over and hugs me. I move my face into his neck and breathe. I smell traces of the cologne he wears. But now there is a different type of smell. He smells like…love. That giddy smell that you really cannot describe but when you smell it you know what it is. We kiss again and I break away from him. That kissing thingy will only lead to me missing my flight."

Just Wow! So beautiful.
Thank you so much for sharing your weekend with us.

Somebody PM me the new zane parts .:sekret:
Seriously. DH went off to work today with a big old smile on his face. :blush::grin:

Oh yeah girl, mine is smilin too!!:trampolin

ETA: Please put me on the grown folx list for the latest zane version, if you decide to do one........please do one.
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Thanks to the ladies that PM'd me:yep:

OMG...Eliza. Pleeeease write a book!!!! At least start a blog. I think I'm addicted to your writing now!:look::spinning:

I can't wait for him to come visit you. I'm excited like it's me!:grin:
i'm studying for a test right now and can't read the rest of your updates (i started reading when you finished updating the first time you met) but i will get to it this weekend! can't wait! can someone please pm me the zane versions? sorry, don't mean to be annoying!

*scurries back to books*
June 7, 2008 Part I

When the waitress comes over we are ready to order. He’s having an omelet, hash browns, grits and bacon with an ice water. I order the Tilapia, with corn and broccoli and an ice tea. He tells the waitress, to be sure to bring lots of lemons.

The bolded part has me:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:. It reminds me of a thread in OT
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Ok now the good stuff. The thread is moving so fast that I had to take an hour to read all the posts. :wallbash:

Can someone please PM me the Zane versions and pictures.

Alright!!!! I came into work early just so I could have enough time to read the new pieces of the story!!!! I am smiling so hard!!!!

Ummmm :sekret:... are the zane versions out for Day 3 Part I, II, III. If so, please send them to me!!!

No...not yet penned to paper. It's still too hard for me to think about them and wind up having to stop writing.
