Flying to SC tomorrow to meet my online BF...

I would love to have the Zane version! I just got married (it will be two weeks on Saturday) and I definitely need to read this. I need to continue to make my DH head spin! :lachen:

ETA: You have a great love story!!! This has got to be one of the best LHCF threads ever!
You are too funny. Be careful they have some serial internet daters on there. Also, ask them how long they have been on the site, if it's more than 6 months they are prolly serial. I say that because I was there on and off for two years and have watched people morph into several different men.

I once dated a guy for 4 months, when he got to Houston I had to deal with the fact that there is a internet height and a face to face height, and that can differ any where from 1 to 6 inches. This dude had me thinking he was 6ft and when he got here he was about 5'7 and compensating for a serious limp, a lazy eye, receding hair line and horrific breath. I wanted my damn time back. Can you get a refund on some time?

Put that kid on a webcam so at least you can reduce some of the facade. Make him stand up against something around him that you know the height of like a door. If his head is at the door knob, you know you got yourself a midget. Don't let him tell you we just put our door knobs up that high. He lying.

Taking notes. :lachen:

What a delicious time you're having....:grin:

He's a cutie, and so are you, Ms. Blue!:yep:

Whew...:look:I'm scared to read the Zane version, but someone PM me, bitte...

Eliza, if you wrote a book, I would read it.

I think that you and Assummertyme need to write some books.
Alright Alright. Ya'll gonna get my butt whipped for real. He did tell me I could post pics of us, but I don't know how he would feel about just him. Oh well. Here we are.

Now leave me be so I can finish Sunday last day with him.

Aww I'm so happy for you! He's a cutie and you're lovely. This story made my day and I was all sad when I saw you took down the pictures, but then here they were right there for me to see!
Eliza or someone please pm me the Zane version.

I need to pick up some pointers for when my bf gets back from out of town.
EB, I'm not a long timer around here but I've made a post here and there. Didn't care much for the relationship forum but I came across your thread in New Posts while looking for something to kill time at work on. My first thought was "Awh Lawd, one of my LHCF sistas is bout to get hacked to pieces!" So I went right in to give you a stern warning but when I read everything, I was like "Oh, Lil' Mama don' handled hers so it's all good". When I left out you were gone but hadn't checked back in. I wasn't nervous for you just impatient.

Well I pop in to check on you today and KATIE BAR THE DOOR!!! I've put all my work up like the day is done. My lunch buddy had to pull me away from the computer to go eat! I was in here "throwing my hands in the ayuh and waving 'em like I just dont' cayuh".

I almost passed out when I thought I had missed the pics but then at #309 it was all good :yep:. Ya'll match gurl!

I am officially a card carrying member of the Eliza Blue fan club. I want Sunday (I'ma need you to hurry on up with that BTW), I want ZANE (I'm a grown ass woman wi/ a husband and 3 chirren) and I want an autographed copy of the novel. I can't wait! And when you start the password protected blog, I want to be all up in that to. This is just too good to sleep on.

And if you don't come on with Sunday what am I supposed to do the rest of the day?! I'm too heated up to work and my hubby is out of town! WHAT IS I GON' DO????!!!!

Seriously speaking for a moment, I feel like I know you now and wish nothing but God's own happiness for you and your beau. I love your writing style and you should really look into submitting short stories at least. This is the cleanest smut I've ever read :grin:.

God Bless.

(uh, I don't know if I'm supposed to mix God and smut but you know what I mean. :lachen:)
Look at all these freaks up in here. :rolleyes: Yall heffas don't need no tips. I bet 99.9% of yall already know how to work it. :lachen:

But, ummmm.. You might wanna get your man to read it. :look:
What there's a Zane version? ElizaBlue or somebody w/ the goods can y'all hook a sista up w/ a PM? Pretty please...:grin:

You really should look into writing you have a great written voice and as you can see the response...whew. :yep:

That was a great read!

Eliza, I remember you now. You wrote this really great account of your time at the Astrodome after Hurricane Katrina (I lived in Louisiana at the time of the storm, so it sticks out in my memory). >>>> I Just Got Back From Volunteering at The Astrodome.......

After this thread and that thread, I have to say you have a way of making readers feel like they are right there with you. I'm with everyone else, you should consider writing. Seriously, sista :yep:

(I hope you don't mind if I post that Hurricane Katrina thread :) Let me know and I'll edit this post)
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EB, I'm not a long timer around here but I've made a post here and there. Didn't care much for the relationship forum but I came across your thread in New Posts while looking for something to kill time at work on. My first thought was "Awh Lawd, one of my LHCF sistas is bout to get hacked to pieces!" So I went right in to give you a stern warning but when I read everything, I was like "Oh, Lil' Mama don' handled hers so it's all good". When I left out you were gone but hadn't checked back in. I wasn't nervous for you just impatient.

Well I pop in to check on you today and KATIE BAR THE DOOR!!! I've put all my work up like the day is done. My lunch buddy had to pull me away from the computer to go eat! I was in here "throwing my hands in the ayuh and waving 'em like I just dont' cayuh".

I almost passed out when I thought I had missed the pics but then at #309 it was all good :yep:. Ya'll match gurl!

I am officially a card carrying member of the Eliza Blue fan club. I want Sunday (I'ma need you to hurry on up with that BTW), I want ZANE (I'm a grown ass woman wi/ a husband and 3 chirren) and I want an autographed copy of the novel. I can't wait! And when you start the password protected blog, I want to be all up in that to. This is just too good to sleep on.

And if you don't come on with Sunday what am I supposed to do the rest of the day?! I'm too heated up to work and my hubby is out of town! WHAT IS I GON' DO????!!!!

Seriously speaking for a moment, I feel like I know you now and wish nothing but God's own happiness for you and your beau. I love your writing style and you should really look into submitting short stories at least. This is the cleanest smut I've ever read :grin:.

God Bless.

(uh, I don't know if I'm supposed to mix God and smut but you know what I mean. :lachen:)

Loved this post!

I read the two entries and tips and let me say, I needs to get home with a quickness.

I have to admit that I recently started reading my first Zane novel, which I got bored with *Addicted* or maybe it wasn't fast enough, but I have to say, your vivid recollection to details is WAY BETTER THAN Zane. Your genre style has a smokey mellowness that is sultry hot. Even with the tempature in the 90s you had all of us wanting to get all sweaty with our own loves.

All I can say, I am enjoying the ride.
Look at all these freaks up in here. :rolleyes: Yall heffas don't need no tips. I bet 99.9% of yall already know how to work it. :lachen:

But, ummmm.. You might wanna get your man to read it. :look:

Yep, he definitely knew how to work it. Army- some of us me included have to dust off the cob webs.:grin:
This has got to be the most uplifting thread I've ever read! ElizaBlue I'm so happy for you!

(please hook a hopeful single sister up with somma that Zane!!)
Okay Ms. Eliza, you need to be earning some royalties girl. I just sat here and read all 39 pages of this thread and my heart is beating so fast. He is definitely a keeper and I have to say you are beautiful (and he's a looker himself). Thank you so much for sharing your incredible story with us, I really felt like I was reading an Arabesque novel or something, talent does not go unnoticed. You should try your hand at writing, I'd buy every single one:yep:

So whilst my heartbeat is still those Zane pm's that are goin around, can somebody, anybody, forward it to a sister's research purposes?:look: