When you don’t care about growing it, just maintaining
When you can’t get from in front of the mirror and you do your own hair photo shoots :look:
When you gotta weave check yourself!
When people who you tried to give hair advice to in the past and didn’t listen now want to know what’s your “secret”
When you feel your hair brushing a part of your back that it never touched before
When you don’t care about growing it, just maintaining
When you can’t get from in front of the mirror and you do your own hair photo shoots :look:
When you gotta weave check yourself!
When people who you tried to give hair advice to in the past and didn’t listen now want to know what’s your “secret”
When you feel your hair brushing a part of your back that it never touched before

My ex-roomie asked me this once after she saw my hair.

I'd been trying to involve this girl in my "hair stuff" (as she calls it with this expression: :look:) for over a year, but she always said, I don't need all that stuff as she flung her almost APL, twice a month washed hair. And for a while she didn't but hair can only take so much neglect.

Anyways, I'm getting ready to go out and and she's in my bathroom going through stuff asking "girl what do you use?"

I didn't even bother looking up at her as I replied: "You lived with me for over a year, you KNOW what I do and what I use." I must have rolled my eyes into my skull!

She had such beautiful hair and if she would've listened she would have beautiful BSL hair by now. Instead it's just past SL and breaking smh.
My ex-roomie asked me this once after she saw my hair.

I'd been trying to involve this girl in my "hair stuff" (as she calls it with this expression: :look:) for over a year, but she always said, I don't need all that stuff as she flung her almost APL, twice a month washed hair. And for a while she didn't but hair can only take so much neglect.

Anyways, I'm getting ready to go out and and she's in my bathroom going through stuff asking "girl what do you use?"

I didn't even bother looking up at her as I replied: "You lived with me for over a year, you KNOW what I do and what I use." I must have rolled my eyes into my skull!

She had such beautiful hair and if she would've listened she would have beautiful BSL hair by now. Instead it's just past SL and breaking smh.

18 months ago I could twist my whole head by the time an average length film (90 mins) finishes. Now? Even if I put on Avatar, it would not be enough! It would have to be Avatar - the extended remix.
When you look like the lost member of Sister Sledge while your hair is unstretched :grin:


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When someone comments on how they never seen a weave lay so flat before....... or my favorite, what are you mixed with? :spinning:
When you're walking down the road and some bro is eyeballing your hair blowing in the wind and nearly walking into street lamp as a result. It was very funny! :lol:

When you just get more looks from normal from women on the street staring intensely at your hair. Yeah I look at other women who's hair is healthy looking too, but I try not to make it so obvious. :look:
When you upgrade the length of your kinky hair for twist extentions cause your hair is the same length/ or longer.
When your lacefronts no longer look natural, but like you have a helmet underneath even though you have a smooth, fresh relaxer. Not happy about this lol. :nono::lol:

When you have yet to purchase a vacuum and your hair gets pulled along with the broom when you're sweeping. :nono:
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I was having a conversation with a girl and noticed that her eyes were wandering all around my head. All of a sudden she reaches around me and grabs the end of my ponytail and asks me what brand of weave I use cause "it looks so realistic" and then had the nerve to complain about her hand being covered in coconut oil!

I have no problem letting someone i'm friends with touch my hair...if you ask me...on a good day...but otherwise stay out my personal space :naughty:
When you're carrying your purse in the crease of your arm, and your hair gets caught between the purse strap and your arm. Happens to me all the time.
The lady that braid your hair compliments it by saying "your hair is so nice and long", then goes on to run her hands through it 10 times before starting to braid it:perplexed
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The lady that braid your hair compliments it by saying "your hair is so nice and long", then goes on to run her hands through it 10 times before starting to braid it:perplexed

ITA The lady that braids mine actually has a section in my hair that she loves - she thinks it's longer and softer than the rest of my hair - she keeps it to one side and saves it to braid last and always stops to have a little play in it!! :huh:
ITA The lady that braids mine actually has a section in my hair that she loves - she thinks it's longer and softer than the rest of my hair - she keeps it to one side and saves it to braid last and always stops to have a little play in it!! :huh:

i used to do this when braiding my friend's hair. he had the softest, most lubricious giant baby curl!! i was always messing with it lol
1) When you can fill the hood of a hoodie with all of your hair while wearig it. 2) When your hair gets safter your underarm after you raise your arm in the air...
3) To do a length check, you can keep your arm straight and all you have to to is turn your hand back to grab your hair.... (my dream goal)
4) Your high ponytail starts resembling Laura Croft ( i would love that) from Tomb Raider, or another cartoon character, like Sailor Moon...

So far the only one I canrelate to in my #1, and that only a little bit, but hopefully in the near future, I'll be able to relate to #2-4 by way of experience....
When you decide that silk and satin blouses are needed in your wardrobe because you decide there is no way you can roll up that gorgeous hair in a bun 24/7!
1. When someone calls you Rapunzel when other people are around and u turn ur head to acknowledge that you are the Rapunzel being called because you just KNOW they are talking to you.... And they are.

2. When you sit under the dryer to do an aphogee treatment and ur ends never get hard and dry so you have to get up and blow dry to finish....

3. When your SO never wants to see ur hair in a bun when you're going out.

4. When people just walk up to you and start touching ur hair for no reason AT ALL