okay 1 ^5 for the ranch and pizza...mmmmm*drools* .. 2. YOU HAVE THE MOST ADORABLE BABIES I'VE SEEN..OMG THE LITTLE ONE IS SUCH A CUTIE PIE...

okay I have nothing to add to this thread..
I have to cosign I was just thinking that. Both babies are cuties, and the little one's face is too adorable.:grin: I really think her baby could be a gerber baby. Get that baby in commercials lol!
When people (certain women :) ) randomly start saying things like, "but...I don't really like long hair because...what can you really do with it? It just hangs there" or "Personally, I don't want long hair because :blah:. If you look good anyway you don't need long hair." Um....who was talking about long hair, girl? :look:

:lachen: I will remember this line for the future. And the funny thing is when someone says "If you look good anyway you don't need long hair" usually they dont look good and they could use the hair :lachen:
All of these . . .

1. When the wind is blowing and it gets stuck in your lipgloss.

*When you feel something on your shoulder (i ALWAYS think its a bug!ugh) and realize its just my hair :/

When you can finally start wearing cute hats and not look like an oddly-shaped boy.

And . . .

- When I had to stop washing it in the sink because it got in the drain (ewwww)
- When I put it on the side or over my shoulder and it stayed there, even when I turned my head.
- when DH noticed right away that I had cut it (wasn't your hair like 4 inches longer when I left for work?) What was I thinking? :swearing:

but the absolute favorites?
When it gets stuck under other people's body parts during activities and you need to stop and say "My hair! Lift up!"

- Baby, leave it out so I can pull it :grin:
Wait....I got a couple more...when people start saying things like,

"I just cut mine" (about their hair) without you asking.:look:

or when someone says wistfully, "I used to have long hair when I was little" (again without convo turning to hair length or whatever)
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All of these . . .

And . . .

- When I had to stop washing it in the sink because it got in the drain (ewwww)
- When I put it on the side or over my shoulder and it stayed there, even when I turned my head.
- when DH noticed right away that I had cut it (wasn't your hair like 4 inches longer when I left for work?) What was I thinking? :swearing:

but the absolute favorites?

- Baby, leave it out so I can pull it :grin:

To bolded: :blush:
when someone says wistfully, "I used to have long hair when I was little" (again without convo turning to hair length or whatever)

I'm always left thinking, "Okaaay, so what happened to your hair now? Did it fall off? Get set on fire? Crazy roommate with Nair? Freak accident/voluntary scientific study?" :rolleyes:
1. My grandmother always said your hair is long when you can tie it in a knot under your chin.
2. you can reach behind your back and pull you hair. (I was so excited when I could do this lol)
3. you lean back and your hair grazes the top of your behind. (this gives me hope it can actually be this long one day)
4. you move up a size in rollers
5. the heck you decide it is!! Claim that long hair girl!!
I noticed mine getting caught in my purse strap and in the seat belt in the car. I didn't think it was growing but that never happened before so clearly it has grown. My fro touched the roof of the car once too. Scared the heck out of me. :lol: I didn't realize it was that big.
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when you are coloring and ahem on top and your hair gets in the way, hanging down :/
it's windy out and it gets stuck on your lipgloss.
What also happened to me recently is that I washed my hair on Saturday and it was stinking by Tuesday (never had that happen) and I could smell my hair around my face when I moved my head, ew. Couldn't wait to get home and wash it.

Aaaand, had my first weave check lol . was at a party and I'm taking a picture with my friend's husband and he has his hand in my hair and kind of scratching it in several places (?) I mean he had his fingers on my scalp and did it on about 3 different places. (no problem with him,we are all good friends but it took me by surprise lol)
... when you start getting compared to the "long-haired one" in the family or when that one comments on your length. :grin:
My hair isn't long at all but my cousin, who has always been around BSL, was so shocked when she saw it straightened, commenting on how "long" it had grown, and everyone else kept saying it wouldn't be long before I had hair like her.
when u redo yr yarn braids and the next week they look like it's been in for 6 weeks instead of one week!:grin:
When you use the commode, its a must that you pull your hair to the front over your shoulder, so as not to have you hair get caught between the seat and your buttocks or the lid.


WOW! Speechless - :shocked:

I just wasn't ready for that one.
You know your hair is getting longer when...

- you have to use more conditioner because you have more length to cover
- when you cannot eat, wash your face, brush your teeth without first putting your hair up
- Your hair is longer than a weave you've worn in the past
- when you catch yourself playing in your new growth
I knew it was long...

When I was studying yesterday and I had to push my hair out of the way in order to read the book. I was all giddy LOL

I accidentally stuck my hair in my plate of food as I was eating. Yuck!
When people (certain women :) ) randomly start saying things like, "but...I don't really like long hair because...what can you really do with it? It just hangs there" or "Personally, I don't want long hair because :blah:. If you look good anyway you don't need long hair." Um....who was talking about long hair, girl? :look:

That's when I say .. oh you look good with short hair anyway :rolleyes::lachen:

I kid...:lol: I kid :lol:
People start questioning your texture saying it must be looser than they originally thought for it to be able to grow long.
You know your hair is long when people start threatening you when mention cutting your own hair (or in my case, after I have already cut my hair, lol). You would think you said you were going to hack off their hair.

I wore the mommy wig to a funeral recently and everyone thought I cut it, including my grandmother. I told her "no, its just a wig, I'm still growing mine out, but you know I'll cut in a heartbeat" (BC'd 3 times). She said, "you better not", and pinched my arm and gave me the look. I just laughed and said you never know. And ya'll see the siggy. My hair is not even long, APL maybe. Shoot, if I get to MBL and talk about cutting my hair, my family may try and put me in a straightjacket. LOL!

I tell you I can't wait for me to be able to put my hair behind my shoulders and for it to actually stay put. I hope BSL will do the trick.
When a horse walks up to you and says, "Is dat yo' real hair, damn yo' sh@t long arse hell". Then you know your hair is long!

And YES a horse really did say that to me! Real story!
Or... *Inhales* When you SLAP someone in the face really hard with your ponytail and they flex back like they gon' hit you cause it felt like you punched them in the face but you really didn't it was just that your ponytail was so long and heavy! *Exhales*
I'm taking a picture with my friend's husband and he has his hand in my hair and kind of scratching it in several places (?) I mean he had his fingers on my scalp and did it on about 3 different places. (no problem with him,we are all good friends but it took me by surprise lol)

Ummmmmm.......I'm *really* trying to picture a scenario in which this would be ok with me and mine, but I'm drawing a blank.

Tis all. Carry on.
I'm always left thinking, "Okaaay, so what happened to your hair now? Did it fall off? Get set on fire? Crazy roommate with Nair? Freak accident/voluntary scientific study?" :rolleyes:
:lachen::lachen:Hey now it could be on never know.:look:

Usually people like this won't listen even if you offer advice because they want a magic grease that solves their problems and grows hair down to their feet in two days...and it is a little sad when they say things like "I used to have hair like that" even if it's not true because long hair is not unattainable for most, but it does require effort.
:lachen::lachen:Hey now it could be on never know.:look:

Usually people like this won't listen even if you offer advice because they want a magic grease that solves their problems and grows hair down to their feet in two days...and it is a little sad when they say things like "I used to have hair like that" even if it's not true because long hair is not unattainable for most, but it does require effort.


:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

About the bolded: You see this is what I don't get. Why do people love to saturate and smother their strands in thick blue gel?! It doesn't even feel good to me LOL. :perplexed The grease gets all over your pillows and whatnot and it's just too much! :lol:
When a horse walks up to you and says, "Is dat yo' real hair, damn yo' sh@t long arse hell". Then you know your hair is long!

And YES a horse really did say that to me! Real story!

A horse ....a horse!!!! :lachen: okay you're killing me MsBoinglicious. I just talked to a horse the other day, I was coming from seeing Billy Elliot (tickets were sold out for everything else) horse, he was in time square pulling a carriage and came to a stop. And I petted him and said "Hey you're a pretty horse" (he was ) and he turned his head like b$#tch please I'm tired. Both me and the owner had a good laugh about that because it was with real attitude.

I dont think he was interested in communicating with me about my hair. Perhaps I'll catch a horse in a better mood and see what happens because I want to communicate with them too. We could be like Dr. Doolittle.
You know your hair is getting longer when...

- you have to use more conditioner because you have more length to cover
- when you cannot eat, wash your face, brush your teeth without first putting your hair up

- Your hair is longer than a weave you've worn in the past
- when you catch yourself playing in your new growth

:yep: I had a 4oz sample and had to get another conditioner to cover my head today. And I just bought a big pack of clips to keep in different places so I always have one on hand to put my hair up if needed. :ohwell:
A horse? :spinning:

Do tell, boingboing! :lol:

A horse ....a horse!!!! :lachen: okay you're killing me MsBoinglicious. I just talked to a horse the other day, I was coming from seeing Billy Elliot (tickets were sold out for everything else) horse, he was in time square pulling a carriage and came to a stop. And I petted him and said "Hey you're a pretty horse" (he was ) and he turned his head like b$#tch please I'm tired. Both me and the owner had a good laugh about that because it was with real attitude.

I dont think he was interested in communicating with me about my hair. Perhaps I'll catch a horse in a better mood and see what happens because I want to communicate with them too. We could be like Dr. Doolittle.

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Jealous, give a girl a hook-up? :look:

I mean well...:look: she looked like a horse from the neck up! You know me, I call a spade a spade. And that's all i'm gonna say about that.
You know your hair is getting long when....

You can use it to cover "the girls" if you're naked up top.

Other people with long hair comment on yours.

Your bun looks chunky with no stuffing.:yep: