1.When you put your purse on your shoulders and you have to take it off your shoulder because you just pulled your hair
2. When you can do a high ponytail and feel it touching the back of your neck or your neck
3. When girls said they wish they had longer her like you
4. When someone says "how do you deal with all that hair, I would of been cut it off eww" when she looks she has damaged hair and isn't bald headed by choice
4. You wear your hair out and pull your forward and it's still touching your back
...when your family one day out the blue asks, 'why everytime I see you, you're wearing a phony pony?' ANS: Uhm probably because this is MY hair. LOL
You go to get your hair done, and everybody in the shop is like "Dammmmn what you doing to get yo hair so long?" and then you try and tell them about DCing, PSing and such... And they all look at you like you holding back on some secret magic growth cream that grows your hair to WL in two months.
When your freshly flat ironed hair is swinging in the wind and people (of all races) are staring.
When you let your hair down and it keeps getting in the way. Aargh.
When.... You accidentally put deodorant on your hair
....your friends start petting your hair out of no where lol

....when you get the black or dark purple rollers :o (I'm still on grey)
I know that horse. She has a hair blog.
She's a HATER!


When that horse approaches you and asks for its hair back. *Now gimme that hair*
Oh! Have another one!
When people start changing your hair type for you....People you have known for a long time who have always called your 4B/4C hair "too rough/too nappy" suddenly are quite positive that you have "good 3C hair" ...No. My hair type is still 4B/4C...Thank you very much.
When your heart drops cause you find a hair in the shower that is obviously not yours cause its way too long and fear your husband is cheating.

Only to get out and look in the mirror sopping wet and realize the shed hair is yours! What a relief!
When you yank your hair while moisturising because according to your arm's muscle memory your hair used to be 4 inches shorter.

Co-sign with thinking there's a bug-on-your-back stories.

When you think your hair is real short until you see a passing reflection of a lady and realise its you, with long hair.
When you can make one huge bantu knot and it looks like a decent bun.

When white women start asking you what you do to your hair to make it grow because they need some tips. (this happened at my job the other day. Took me by surprise. Lol)

When your SO is pulling your hair during "special time" and you freak out because you dont understand why your SOs hand is so far down your back.
When you are wearing a puff and you get in the car to drive to work your hair brushes against the ceiling of the car. The whole drive when you turn your head to check your blindspot your hair keeps brushing that ceiling :grin:
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Oh! Have another one!
When people start changing your hair type for you....People you have known for a long time who have always called your 4B/4C hair "too rough/too nappy" suddenly are quite positive that you have "good 3C hair" ...No. My hair type is still 4B/4C...Thank you very much.

^^So true, I have never been considered one to have "good hair" until my hair reached APL. :lol:

Here's another one: When your stylist makes you stand up to trim your ends cause she doesn't want to throw your cut off. I was all :grin: when that happened.
You know your hair is long when people start threatening you when mention cutting your own hair (or in my case, after I have already cut my hair, lol). You would think you said you were going to hack off their hair.

I wore the mommy wig to a funeral recently and everyone thought I cut it, including my grandmother. I told her "no, its just a wig, I'm still growing mine out, but you know I'll cut in a heartbeat" (BC'd 3 times). She said, "you better not", and pinched my arm and gave me the look. I just laughed and said you never know. And ya'll see the siggy. My hair is not even long, APL maybe. Shoot, if I get to MBL and talk about cutting my hair, my family may try and put me in a straightjacket. LOL!

I tell you I can't wait for me to be able to put my hair behind my shoulders and for it to actually stay put. I hope BSL will do the trick.

Yes, I so agree w/the bold :)
When it's in a ponytail sweeped to the side and it tickling your jaw. I freaked out and almost snatched my hair out cause I thought it was something on me