You know you are addicted to hair borads/blogs when.....

1. When you trade in your boost moblie phone because Blackberry allows you to use faster/better intetnet service, just to see hair porn.
2. When you go to T-Mobile and ask them if they only have a internet plan.
3. When in the middle of a arguement with DH you pick up the phone to laugh at threads to cheer you back up then go back to arguing..
4. When you sleep with the blackberry under ur pillow with the page on LHCF.
5. When other people in the house wanna use the computer but ur in the process of readin a 56 pages long thread and you tell them to use there phone because u are doing something important on the computer.
6. When ur on the bus and ur reading threads and u have on ur head phones and ur laughing when u finally look up people are all in ya face, but u don't care, u just go back to readin the threads.
7. When u know u are suppose to be studing, but check the sylabus to see if the exam is tomorrow or another day cause if it's not tomorrow you can stay on broad.
8. When u get mad at ya self for missing all the good shows because ur on the forum, so u (lol) buy a DVR to record ur shows just to be on the forum.
9. When DH calls u to bed and by the time u get there he is snoring.
10. When u want to perm ur hair and ur 4 months post and u see someone else that is 1 to 2 yrs post and then u change ur mind, because u now have the strength to not relax another week. That is when u know ur addicted to the forum.
1. When you trade in your boost moblie phone because Blackberry allows you to use faster/better intetnet service, just to see hair porn.
2. When you go to T-Mobile and ask them if they only have a internet plan.
3. When in the middle of a arguement with DH you pick up the phone to laugh at threads to cheer you back up then go back to arguing..
4. When you sleep with the blackberry under ur pillow with the page on LHCF.
5. When other people in the house wanna use the computer but ur in the process of readin a 56 pages long thread and you tell them to use there phone because u are doing something important on the computer.
6. When ur on the bus and ur reading threads and u have on ur head phones and ur laughing when u finally look up people are all in ya face, but u don't care, u just go back to readin the threads.
7. When u know u are suppose to be studing, but check the sylabus to see if the exam is tomorrow or another day cause if it's not tomorrow you can stay on broad.
8. When u get mad at ya self for missing all the good shows because ur on the forum, so u (lol) buy a DVR to record ur shows just to be on the forum.
9. When DH calls u to bed and by the time u get there he is snoring.
10. When u want to perm ur hair and ur 4 months post and u see someone else that is 1 to 2 yrs post and then u change ur mind, because u now have the strength to not relax another week. That is when u know ur addicted to the forum.

LMAO AT ALL OF THE ABOVE!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
when you're in church and ur focusing on the different types of hair then the word...
when you keep checking to see if your posts have been quoted.
when you get a lil sad because you feel nobody on the board likes you bc they don't post in your thread:lachen:
- when my 5yr old tells her daddy I am on the "The hair salon site" when she see I log on

Lol. That's cute!!
-when you have LHCF bookmarked on home computer, cell phone and work computer
- when my coworkers come and ask me a question they say" now what hair style your are looking at now"
-I don't even realize I am at the salon 3+ hours because I am on LHCF the whole time
- when you get packages delivered at different locations (i.e. work, mom's house) just so it won't look like you buy something every week/month.[/QUOTE]

I have 3 diff addresses saved on paypal. I send stuff 2 my campus address even when I'm not there, cuz if it goes 2 the house, I'll get a call from mommy sayin "There's some boxes on this porch. What did u order for your hair now? You keep wastin money.":rolleyes: I ain't tryna hear all that every month, lol.
When your DH emails you that he has to go out of town for a business trip and the first thing that crosses your mind is "Woohoo!!! Now I can do some serious hair therapy and look at LHCF all night if I want to! Oh wait we have a kid.....guess I need to take care of the youngin too....." :lachen: