You know your hair is getting long when....

-the ends of your hair take FOREVER to dry in a roller set
-you turn your head quickly and the ends smack somebody nearby you.
-most people think its not your real hair
-your hair gets in the way while eating
-it gets trapped under everything (seatbelt, purse strap, chair backs, etc.)
-you can make a secure bun without pins, holders, etc.
-you think something is crawling on the back of your arm...then realize its your hair!
I don't wear my hair down very often but when i do everyone has their hands in it (friends, family, and coworkers). Come to think of it........maybe i'm getting weave check! LOL! Their fingers are always touching my scalp.
SerenityBreeze said:
When you HAVE to pin your hair up when you sleep because if not it gets caught in your arm pit when you sleep,

When you sit down your back you rest your back on your hair and cant move until you sit off of your hair.

ITA with the bolded.

the salon charges you more money for a wash and set b/c they charge by the length:ohwell:

Your hair sticks to your lip gloss

turning on the stove and you singe your hair
Ineedhair said:
ITA with the bolded.

the salon charges you more money for a wash and set b/c they charge by the length:ohwell:

Your hair sticks to your lip gloss

turning on the stove and you singe your hair

Wow:eek: I hope that doesn't happen often.
SerenityBreeze said:
When you sit down your back you rest your back on your hair and cant move until you sit off of your hair.
I always forget that my hair is pinned and end up looking like an idiot when I try to move or get up wrong and my head is stuck. At my cousin's graduation I had strangers pointing out that I was leaning on my hair, probably sick of watching my head bobble back and forth everytime I sat back on my hair then tried to look down. :lol: I hardly ever flatiron my hair, so that's my excuse, I'm not really an idiot. :lol:

...when your hair gets stuck in everything bag straps, car doors, your clothes when you're changing, under your arm, under other people's arms when you hug them, and you think someone grabbed your hair but when you turn around no one is there :lol:

...when your hair is in a high ponytail or braid and you turn too quickly and smack yourself in the face

...when you start getting lazier with certain techniques b/c they take soo much longer now, oh wait ;) maybe thats just me
Pinkdot said:
I can't wait to have these problems :(
You're on the cusp! Right about that length and beyond is when I kept swiping the back of my neck and the top of my back cause I thought a bug was crawling on me! It was just my hair. :lachen:
when i was younger my mom used to wash my hair over the kitchen sink and I remember after getting touch-ups that more and more of my hair would slip down the drain (dont worry we used a stopper that had holes in it) everytime my mom would wash :lol:
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MissMarie said:
I always forget that my hair is pinned and end up looking like an idiot when I try to move or get up wrong and my head is stuck. At my cousin's graduation I had strangers pointing out that I was leaning on my hair, probably sick of watching my head bobble back and forth everytime I sat back on my hair then tried to look down. :lol: I hardly ever flatiron my hair, so that's my excuse, I'm not really an idiot. :lol:

...when your hair gets stuck in everything bag straps, car doors, your clothes when you're changing, under your arm, under other people's arms when you hug them, and you think someone grabbed your hair but when you turn around no one is there :lol:

...when your hair is in a high ponytail or braid and you turn too quickly and smack yourself in the face

...when you start getting lazier with certain techniques b/c they take soo much longer now, oh wait ;) maybe thats just me

wow!!!! you hair looks amazing...
-after a fresh touch-up you take a shower and realize that your hair is slowly creepin lower down your back and is hittin spots its never been before :)

-in the shower when your hair is wet you can bend your arm behind you and touch your hair from the behind...

-white people compliment your hair..

-your hair doesn't fit in shower caps like it used to

-it takes even longer to dry.

-you see a piece of shed hair and can't believe all that length came from your head

-when you hold babies its in their reach

-when you can posistion your hair to either rest down along your back or you can posistion it to rest in the front along your chest and it actually stays.
You know your hair is getting longer when you don't need to put hair clips on the sides just to gather it in a ponytail.
OnAHairQuest said:
When it gets stuck in your bra straps
and under your purse strap
Normally my hair is shrunk to about chin length, but when I flat iron it and forget....ouch

Don't you hate that!!
SerenityBreeze said:
When you HAVE to pin your hair up when you sleep because if not it gets caught in your arm pit when you sleep,

When you sit down your back you rest your back on your hair and cant move until you sit off of your hair.

Both of these have happened to me. I'll add to that you have to pin it up when you sleep, because when you try to move in bed you find that your partner is laying on it. Also when you try to drive off and find your hair is stuck in the car door.
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-When there are no stray hairs left after putting your hair into a ponytail

-When you feel your hair touch your back and briefly wonder what's crawling down your back, forgetting that it's your hair.

-When you have to move your hair to put on and take off your purse

-When you start carrying around a clip to pin your hair up at some point in the day if it's down

-When your hands start hurting as you rollerset your hair

-When the drying time for your hair becomes longer
joyous said:
Both of these have happened to me. I'll add to that you have to pin it up when you sleep, because when you try to move in bed you find that your partner is laying on it. Also when you try to drive off and find your hair is stuck in the car door.

Or the sunroof and you are driving down the street with your hair standing on end (true story - kinda embarrassing).
awesomely_nappy said:
when you have to upgrade to bigger rollers...
when you can finally make a bun without any weave...
when you get into debates over wether your hair is "all yours" or not with perfect strangers...
you constantly bat away your hair off your neck because your not used to the feeling of something crawling on your neck...

you have to tie your hair back in the car if your window or top is down because if you dont, you hair will be in your lipgloss/lipstick, or in your eyes...

you run out of products quicker...
you get more compliments...
people ask you for hair advice... and actually listen or take notes...

[SIZE=+2] Boy don't I remember both of those. :lol:

Here's one I remember.....
~Your hair gets caught in your jacket zipper.

I can't wait to get my long hair back. :)
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SerenityBreeze said:
When you sit down your back you rest your back on your hair and cant move until you sit off of your hair.

[SIZE=+2]:lol: Hahahahahaha......this use to happen to me a lot when driving.[/SIZE]
caribeandiva said:
when people talk to you while looking at your hair the whole time. the first time that happened i thought maybe i had something in my hair but now all my friends do it.

Ooh... That's a good one.
this just happened to me the other day when i wore my braidout
COworker: So how did you get that hair?
me: What do you mean?
her: Did you get it sewed in like the other girls?
me: No, this is my own hair.
her: Oh, i thought you had a sew in, too.
me: No, i always have my own hair.

you know your hair is getting longer when people think it is a weave.
My Uncle's wife says: " Ty your hair is so pretty."
Me: Thank you.
her: Is is all yours?
Me: yes (she hadn't seen me in a while)
her: I know synthetic hair when I see it! Then she does the weave check with her hands and says ohh, it is yours.:D

Weezy I agree when people think your hair is fake your hair is getting long
My hair is not long but it is longer and has been a little longer than it is now . . .

When your best friend puts on her glasses and picks through your hair because she can't believe it's yours

When your sister gets jealous (sweet jealous)

When your enemies call you "horsetail head" behind your back (mean jealous)

When you go to the salon and everyone stares at your hair and tries to get an appointment with your stylist (like she/he really had something to do with it)