when you have to change all your hair idols cus your hair is longer than theirs.

when you have to buy all new half wigs, cus your hair is longer than the ones you currently own.

when you have to sell/or give away your extension hair because your real hair is longer.

when your hair idols start idolozing you.

when you get weave checked when you aren't wearing one.

when you have to buy all new hair scrunchies, hair clips, pins, etc. becuase due to the length your current accessories won't hold your hair anymore.

when you realize your product budget went up because you use more product now that your hair is longer........i burn through conditioner now and my hair isn't that dern long. LOL!

and all the typical ones ----when you slam your hair in the car door, eat your hair, trap it in your purse strap, zip it in your coat.
When you're in the shower and you feel something on your back and you scream and freak out and then you realize it was your hair. True story :look:
when you have to change all your hair idols cus your hair is longer than theirs.

THIS! i started watching youtube vids in 2009 and i've passed the length of youtubers i looked up to (including a few of the top gurus). i'm still subbed but it's like you started your hair growth journey before me :look:
When your back skin becomes irritated by your hair when it touches it. My skin is sensitive and I got a rash once from the hair products on it, lol.

I have slammed it in the car door and that hurts.

It clogs the roller brush on the vacuum.

It is long enough I never get used the my own hairballs caused by one or two long strands. All the hair coming off my head really gives me a start sometimes.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
You know your hair is getting long when,

1. You can create a pony tail
2. People start ask you how you get your hair that long, or ask if that's your real hair.:gorgeous:
3. You continue to measure your hair with you body because it's up to or past your bra strap, and your hair has never been that long. You know some of ya'll don't know how to act! lol
When white women tell you

OH you should cut your hair

I really like to see Black girls with the little short afros it is so cute.
lol its ridiculous,i remember last year someone created a fake facebook just to send me a mssg saying " Just so you know the only reason guys want you is cause of your you better take good care of that sh!t&watch out cause without it no guys would want you."
i was like ..........damn these chicks are OD'ing for real! i got really paranoid after tht message cause i thought the person would attempt to sabotage my hair so i always tied it up after i still never figured out who it was though....
but all ican say is with long hair you get maaad haters lol

niqu92 wow what a hater...and mad scary too :nono: but obviously you must be doing something right *hugs*
When you start to see your hair in the shower hanging over your face (hey, I have extreme shrinkage LOL!)
1) When you sit down in a chair with your hair behind you and when you look down you accidently yank your own hair cuz u're sitting on it. :nono:

2) When you're facing someone talking to them, only to suddenly realize they have the end of your ponytail in your hand :whip:

3) When caucasians ask "What shampoo do you use?"

4) When it gets caught/snagged on everything--purses, doors, seatbelts, doorknobs, bedposts, etc lol
My hair is not considered long for LHCF but I can tell it's getting longer because.....

When I put my jacket on I have to reach in and pull my hair out of my collar. I never had to do that before. Never had hair past SL before.
When people ask-How many packs do you have in?, What brand of hair is that? etc.

I have the seat belt and car door issues as well. I can't ride with the windows of my car down if my hair is straight, so one day, I opened the moon roof on my car at highway speed, it sucked my hair straight up and out of the moon roof like a vacuum.

When you jump because you think there is something crawling on your back.
You know your hair is long when:

You are scare to wear your hair down, in any way form or fashion, because number 1 you are scared foor your ends and 2, you are so use to protective styles that it feels a little out of place to do something wrong. 3 if you wash your hair in the sink and you start to notice your hair going down the drain, and you have to hold your hair in our hand in order to wash it. 4 you also know that it is long when random men start talking to you about something else then all of a sudden they are touching your hair, to see if its real. I hate that. 5 or people from your mothers block comes up to you and constantly ask you that is your hair right, and u keep on saying yeah thats my hair then they want to feel it too like you a lier or something, then when they don't feel a track they want to ask you lol what do you use for your hair? That's when I be like nothing I just get wash and sets like twice a month, knowing damn well I be moisturing and sealing , CWing and PS. but if they would of believed me in the first place then I would told them about the hot spot called LHCF. Now they gets no info, for trying to play me, We could both act stank. lol
When people ask-How many packs do you have in?, What brand of hair is that? etc.

Ha ha! I had somebody ask me that last year when I was in line at the BSS. A stranger came up behind me and asked what packs do I use and how many inches did I get LMAO :lachen: I flipped my hair and let her know it was all mine.
When you get weaved-check in church /some-one else (still in church) walks behind you & pull it/say sorry they pulled it by accident ..I had to stay clam/relax..It wasn't easy..

Happy Hair Growing!
You know your hair is long when:

You are scare to wear your hair down, in any way form or fashion, because number 1 you are scared foor your ends and 2, you are so use to protective styles that it feels a little out of place to do something wrong. 3 if you wash your hair in the sink and you start to notice your hair going down the drain, and you have to hold your hair in our hand in order to wash it. 4 you also know that it is long when random men start talking to you about something else then all of a sudden they are touching your hair, to see if its real. I hate that. 5 or people from your mothers block comes up to you and constantly ask you that is your hair right, and u keep on saying yeah thats my hair then they want to feel it too like you a lier or something, then when they don't feel a track they want to ask you lol what do you use for your hair? That's when I be like nothing I just get wash and sets like twice a month, knowing damn well I be moisturing and sealing , CWing and PS. but if they would of believed me in the first place then I would told them about the hot spot called LHCF. Now they gets no info, for trying to play me, We could both act stank. lol
when I do my two-strand twists or braiding and it keeps going and going to my shoulder and my wrist starts to hurt, lol

when all of my hair can fit into a ponytail
for me it all started when the wind would blow the hair from the back of my head...and before i knew it, that hair was stuck to my lipstick!

then in the living room, our couches have low backs which are square enough for the little doggies to walk on. i only know my hair is drapped over the back of the couch when my dogs start walking on it and it pulls.

i've still got to get used to having to move my hair when it sit down!
When people get mad at you for not 'doing your hair"(i.e straightening it). I was wearing a 4 day old twistout but apparently that wasnt good enough.
When it gets in your way when you wear it down...when you finally wear it down, everyone notices and is shocked in amazement that you actually have hair, long hair at that.
When you look at your spin pin and it has a WHOLE bunch of hair in it, and when you take it out to inspect it, it's one strand of hair :lachen: LOLOLOL

That just happened I was like OH ****take mushrooms my hair is breaking. ONE Shed hair!
Do not know if anyone said this. When you no longer have to do yoga to pull your hair in the back.

I was thinking this when I looked at someones progress pic today. In the 1st the hair was hanging in the 2nd she had reached back and pulled the hair easily.

If you can reach behind your back and pull it - its definitely long.