When someone else can use your hair as a fake mustache.

When you get the side eye from other customers when you go into the wig/ weave section of the BSS or when you're looking for a wig and are asked why you want one with all that hair by the staff.

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1. When someone at church compliments you on your brazillian weave (whatever that is) and is surprised that you say it is your hair.

2. When you can make a high ponytail and it STILL Touches your shoulder and a little past it.
I just said 2 days ago -- my hair is growing! Because when I put my disposable shower cap on to GHE, it didn't fit all over my fro! My edges were still exposed. I said, "Ooh, when did that happen!"
When your hair gets closed in the car door! I just did this recently. Ouch :nono:

When your hair gets caught underneath the strap of your purse.

When you do a bun and people feel the need to dig their fingers in it to check for stuffers :lachen:
When a white woman says to my co-worker....''HER'' (meaning me) hair PIECE almost attacked me! :lachen:...WTH?.....and his reply was....NO LOVE THAT'S ALL HER HAIR!....her reply: How does she get it to be so BIG?!?....SMDH!

I am so glad I wasn't drinking coffee when I read this b/c it would surely be covering my computer screen right now! :lachen: Too Funny!
Uniqzoe @_@ your twists flawless.
I hope mine looks like that when my hair gets longer, it kinda looks like that now because when I do twists outs i never get the puffy curly look, it looks like locs set on perm rods (which is cool)
When people (certain women :) ) randomly start saying things like, "but...I don't really like long hair because...what can you really do with it? It just hangs there" or "Personally, I don't want long hair because :blah:. If you look good anyway you don't need long hair." Um....who was talking about long hair, girl? :look:

Amen to this!!! Or "Is that your REAL hair?" :lachen:
When you go for a cut and ask the stylist to take off a couple of inches with no anxiety or dread. Less hair to have to deal with on wash day.
When you have to move it out of the way to spray perfume on your neck.

Or when you have to tie it up just to brush your teeth or wash your face.
When you're in the beauty supply at the mall and think there's an insect in your hair. I was trying to swat it away then realized it was my hair. I don't know how it got into my ear since I was wearing a bun!
When you eat your hair.
...When the hairstylist you only go to now for relaxers says "has all this stuff been working For you because I don't see any significant difference"? All the while, all the other customers are commenting on how thick and long your hair have gotten and that you should go to cosmotology school while the stylist just sit there looking stupid.

...when you ditch the idiot stylist who knows nothing about healthy hair care for one who does and that stylist comment on how healthy your hair is because there is no hair the hairbrush and because it's soft and silky.

...when people who doubted you can achieve your hair goals are now bringing up hair in conversations and asking for tips. I can't wait to get to APL.
I am experiencing some dangerous hair envy right now! How long did it take for you all to get to your current length?

You know your hair is long when you cannot leave the house without some type of hair tie. My friend is filipino and past hip length and this is a must for her in case some type of activity comes along that would make having her hair out a distraction or dangerous lol.

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My hair isn't long, but it is certainly getting longer than it's ever been before. Some of my new hair experiences have included...

1. The new habit I've formed of taking ouchless bands with me whenever I'm wearing my hair out.
2. Getting my hair caught in my purse strap.
3. Startling my office manager when she saw the big, curly puff on top of my head.
4. I no longer need a ton of hair gel to put my hair into a ponytail. Now, most of it fits into the band! :grin:
Right in the middle of a conversation someones reaches up to tug, yes literally tug at your banana clip ponytail to see if it's real. If I wasn't in mid-sentence and so confused I might've accidentally molly-whopped her. She, however, continued the conversation like nothing happened. Huh?! Where dey do dat at?!?
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Wow. There are some crazy responses here. I would say you know your hair is long, when it gets caught in the door when you get in your car. That has happened to me several times recently when I had my hair straightened. It seems to get caught on things more now that it is longer.
When your own hair scares you from the corner of your eye when you turn your head suddenly.

When your ponytail starts to slide over your shoulder and smack your face as you are tying your shoe.


lol same here with the hair scaring me
or when your hair blows in the wind and you think bugs are on you haha
When you put your wet 4a hair up into an afro puff and it flops instead of puffs.
Yes, I panicked a little.
Of course, once I towel blotted some of the moisture out, shrinkage kicked in and it shrunk back up.
When you feel something creeping down your neck/shoulders only to realize it's your hair. :look: I swear it makes me paranoid in the state between NL and full SL!