Dumb stuff (hair related) that you see other people do...


Well-Known Member
What are some of the "Dumb" things that you see others doing to their hair and you just Shake your head...

-My sister FLATIRONS my 2 year old neice's hair before she braids it because she says it makes her hair more "managable":eek:

-My mom never uses a conditioner for more than a minute, doesn't sleep with any covering on her head and won't get a silk/satin pillowcase, curls her hair every other day and always asks "why is my hair breaking?":ohwell:

-My mom puts gel in her hair and combs through it with a rattail comb after it's dry:eek:

What about you?
Spraying spritz on the hair and then curling it. It makes that awful sizzle sound. :eek:

Combing through dry hair that's been gelled down.

Detangling with a rat tail comb from the root.

Using a hot comb on relaxed hair.
I watched my neighbor years ago put a relaxer in her head out on the front porch....no mirror, no gloves. Just slapped it in from scalp to tips.

My husband's cousin put a full head weave on her 6 yr. old daughter...and had the nerve to say "I can do y'all daughter hair too". Like that ish looked good, as if !

Hot curl obviously dirty hair.
This one's really sad. I saw a little girl of about three years old in Walgreens the other day. Somebody had the nerve to put glued-in hair tracks in what little hair she had. You could see where the glue was flaking like crazy and irritating her scalp. I was like WTF? :( :( :(
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I have a relative who relaxes once a month. If that one didn't "take" to her liking, she'd do it again the very next day. Always from root to tip :( She also does not wash and/or deep condition because, "Dirt grows hair."
My cousin relaxes her daughter's (6) every two or three weeks and wonder why she is half bald.:mad:

My other cousin slack a ton of gel on her hair and then combs it into a bun.

My g-ma mixes leftover relaxers and put them in her head because she doesn't want to buy any.:eek: This same g-ma threw me on the floor one day and greased my up because she said my scalp was too dry. I didn't tell her anything because grandma don't play. I just went home and washed it. I was a woman by the way.:look:
ksk_xs said:
A friend of a friend relaxes her hair every two weeks because her stylist says that it's ok.

Now see, this is exactly why I'm about to start doing my own hair. It clearly can't be that hard if people like your friend's stylist were able to get a license!:eek:
IrisDaVirus said:
This one's really sad. I saw a little girl of about three years old in Walgreens the other day. Somebody had the nerve to put glued-in hair tracks in what little hair she had. You could see where the glue was flaking like crazy and irritating her scalp. I was like WTF? :( :( :(
:eek: :eek: :eek: OMG!!!
She is bored so she gets up and flatirons her hair with my Chi even though she's not going anywhere. I can smell the un-heat-protected hair burning from the next room.

I'm like why inflict un-necessary damage... baffles me.
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I was about to run the other day and this lady and her granddaughter were sitting on the bench near where I stretch. I could hear the lady saying 'I wish yo momma would let me put a relaxer in your hair so it wont be so nappy. She got you out here lookin all crazy.' The girl couldnt have been no more than 8. :(

My cousin flat irons' her daughters hair. Theyre 7 and 4. She says its too hard to comb, but the 4 year old is a 2b and the 7 year old is a 3c. Just not necessary.

My sister blow dries my nieces hair. I almost gave them a DC when they came over this past weekend.

I used to be guilty of flat ironing my hair every day. Horrible.

When I used to go to the salon, this lady was running around taking deep breaths becuz the relaxer was burning. She didnt want to rinse it to be sure that it was 'straight'. :(

So many more....
MsDee I remember that smell. I smell it everytime when I go into my mom's house! And she doesn't even have a CHI, she has a Gold n Hot!
1. Using pump it up on their hair then have the nerve to try to comb threw it.

2. Pull weave that has been glued in then take a small comb and comb all the glue and hair out.
longhairluva said:
My cousin relaxes her daughter's (6) every two or three weeks and wonder why she is half bald.:mad:

My other cousin slack a ton of gel on her hair and then combs it into a bun.

My g-ma mixes leftover relaxers and put them in her head because she doesn't want to buy any.:eek: This same g-ma threw me on the floor one day and greased my up because she said my scalp was too dry. I didn't tell her anything because grandma don't play. I just went home and washed it. I was a woman by the way.:look:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
My Godmom put a relaxer on her daughter's virgin hair when she was younger, and then pulled it through with a hot comb!!! It burnt off a huge chunk of her hair. The daughter is grown now and says her hair has never been the same.:nono:
longhairluva said:
My cousin relaxes her daughter's (6) every two or three weeks and wonder why she is half bald.:mad:

My other cousin slack a ton of gel on her hair and then combs it into a bun.

My g-ma mixes leftover relaxers and put them in her head because she doesn't want to buy any.:eek: This same g-ma threw me on the floor one day and greased my up because she said my scalp was too dry. I didn't tell her anything because grandma don't play. I just went home and washed it. I was a woman by the way.:look:

G-ma is gangsta :lol: .

I saw a pretty girl with what seemed to be thick healthy hair, then she turned all the way to the front and I saw that she had no hairline.

I saw a woman taking her little girl to the salon to get her hair relaxed and flat ironed. Her hair was barely to her ears and I felt sad that her ponytails were so small, poor thing. (I don't think small girls should have relaxers). Mama had nice thick armpit length hair so I don't know what happened there.

There's a woman at my job with short, dry hair that is so uneven. It comes to her neck (and I might be giving her an inch or two) and it's always matted and dirty looking. She's 30 and she wears about six butterfly clips in the front and just lets the back do its thing. She needs LHCF and perhaps a slap for walking out of the house like that.
Khalia27 said:
There's a woman at my job with short, dry hair that is so uneven. It comes to her neck (and I might be giving her an inch or two) and it's always matted and dirty looking. She's 30 and she wears about six butterfly clips in the front and just lets the back do its thing. She needs LHCF and perhaps a slap for walking out of the house like that.

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
crlsweetie912 said:
What are some of the "Dumb" things that you see others doing to their hair and you just Shake your head...

-My sister FLATIRONS my 2 year old neice's hair before she braids it because she says it makes her hair more "managable":eek:

-My mom never uses a conditioner for more than a minute, doesn't sleep with any covering on her head and won't get a silk/satin pillowcase, curls her hair every other day and always asks "why is my hair breaking?":ohwell:

-My mom puts gel in her hair and combs through it with a rattail comb after it's dry:eek:

What about you?

Ummm I only condition for a couple of mins. Well I pre-poo with conditioner and oil then wash and condition in the shower. Is this bad or do you think the pre-poo helps?
My friend used to scratch her scalp before her relaxer to get all the dandruff out.

My other friend doesn't wash her hair the entire 3 months she's in braids to keep it looking fresh. :perplexed P. U. !

My mom (before she went natural) permed her hair every 4 weeks and colored every 3. Now that she's natural, I pay for her to go to the salon every 6 weeks to get it colored. Hey, it's better than at home erry 3 weeks!

I was guilty of using a hot comb on my edges even though I'm relaxed. Now I use Sylver's scarf method.

A lady at my job flat irons her hair in the morning AND at lunch time. I know this because you can smell that she's been in the bathroom and there's always evidence of little broken 1 inch hairs everywhere.
LadyChe said:
A lady at my job flat irons her hair in the morning AND at lunch time. I know this because you can smell that she's been in the bathroom and there's always evidence of little broken 1 inch hairs everywhere.

:eek: why???????? you ever ask her??
Incredible1ne said:
I have a relative who relaxes once a month. If that one didn't "take" to her liking, she'd do it again the very next day. Always from root to tip :( She also does not wash and/or deep condition because, "Dirt grows hair."

Sad I know :( . If I had a dollar for every time I heard that one growing up.
this thread is funny as all get out.

i know someone (cant say who) :sekret: who would pull the glued-in tracks out of her head and use the relaxer to get the residual balls of glue out every 3 to 4 weeks using it like conditioner and spreading it from roots to tips.

NEVER used a neutralizing shampoo b/c regualar shampoos were good enough

Washed hair once a month and never conditioned...that's what the relaxer was for...remember?

and then have the nerve to wonder why the hair was dry, broken, and fuzzy wuzzy.
MsDee4 said:
:eek: why???????? you ever ask her??

I guess she just wants to keep her hair fresh...

And you know I can't tell her ish... I'm just the girl with the eternal bun.... :lol: What do I know about hair? :lol: :grin: :grin: