"Why do you do all that stuff to your hair?"

My husband asks the same questions. :lachen: I just tell him he'll see a big difference and appreciate it when I get my retouch....... :yep:
Yeah...my wash days are Wednesday & Saturday. It seems like my mom is always visiting my home on a Wednesday. Her comment is (think Trinidadian accent) "Every time ah come here, yuh washin' yuh hair. Yuh hands dem always in yuh hair, eh"

*sigh*...why can't she visit on a Tuesday or a Thursday????:wallbash::wallbash:

Altenately, my hair is always in a bun, so my other family members who I see when I go out...they think I simply never comb my hair anymore, and that I'm too lazy to comb it.....

....I'll show them!!!!
In the beginning, yeah I would get, "what are you doing? Why are you doing that? How much stuff you going to buy?" I still get that last one, but not as much. The other questions I think he just stopped asking. He has noticed that my hair is growing and looking healthy, so that has helped with cutting down the questions.

yeah mine did the same thing.. the questions have just stopped recently.. but he still doesnt understand why I need so many DIFFERENT conditioners... I have it down to just 3 or 4 and they're all under $5. geesh.
My aunt made some stupid comment to me about six weeks or so ago about how I always doing something to my hair and how I must be "put this hair before God":huh:.....:swearing: straight up nearly lost my mind and my religion because if I did not stay quiet at the time and ignore her I would have TRIPPED THE HELL OUT!!!!:jail:..........say anything to me but DO NOT question my faith, trust and belief in God. I am a firm believer in if you have nothing positive to say or if you about to spew something that has no base/validity "STAY QUIET".

I think she got the hint though (I was giving off some strong vibes even though I kept silent) because she has not said anything since that day!!!

I nearly dropped off the chair at this one:lachen::lachen::lachen:. Tears are streaming down my face. Too funny:lachen::lachen:.
My grandmother often says you need to throw away some of those bottles. She means my conditioners and treatments. Then she offers to help me get rid of them by throwing them away. I'm like NO thank you. I use all of them not a the same time, but I use them. When I was washing my hair 2x a week my father used to say my hair was going to fall out:rolleyes:.
I nearly dropped off the chair at this one:lachen::lachen::lachen:. Tears are streaming down my face. Too funny:lachen::lachen:.
My grandmother often says you need to throw away some of those bottles. She means my conditioners and treatments. Then she offers to help me get rid of them by throwing them away. I'm like NO thank you. I use all of them not a the same time, but I use them. When I was washing my hair 2x a week my father used to say my hair was going to fall out:rolleyes:.

My DH knows that unless he wants a straight up fight on his hands, that he better not throw anything away unless he checks with me first.:lachen:
DH has issues with henna. So I try to do it when he's at work so he won't give me the "stank eye" when I'm putting it on my hair. :lachen::lachen: Lately, I've been interested in trying a few products, so I've had some packages coming to the house. Another box came last week.. he said.."what's in the box? Shampoo?"

:arguing: I said its something for my hair. He walked out of the room.. :lachen::lachen:
I got a similar comment from my roommate's boyfriend about me wearing conditioner in my hair for about 15 min. before I was going to wash it out. He told me he'd heard that "you Black people do stuff like that." I'm thinking, this is Pantene, a white corporation...:ohwell:
I got a similar comment from my roommate's boyfriend about me wearing conditioner in my hair for about 15 min. before I was going to wash it out. He told me he'd heard that "you Black people do stuff like that." I'm thinking, this is Pantene, a white corporation...:ohwell:

Huh!?!?! man, don't even go there, dumba$$
I used to get questions about what I was doing to my hair from my husband. But since he has seen the growth of my hair the only thing he says know in amazement is how long my hair has gotten. I am SL length know just wait until I reach APL or BSL then he will be really wowed!!!!!
my mom and dad calls each other punks because behind my back they talk about how i can never touch their hair but every time i bring a new proodcut home i slap it right in there hair.

so my mom is like "you suck a punk"
and my dad is like "you the punk ***"

mean while im slapping in some coconut milk honey and god knows whatelse lol.
i think its cute.
My husband teases me about the number of conditioners I have. He did a count just the other day of the bottles in the shower (I still have more in my supply bin, lol).

He will question me a after I put in conditioner on why I am putting in another. I try explain the protein/moisture balance or slip. He just thinks I am crazy. But he loves my hair (for now, I am attempting to go natural).

I talk to Mom often, usually at least three times a week. When she asks what I am doing (particularly on a Sunday) and I tell her that I am washing my hair. She will ask "didn't you just wash your hair the other day?
DH has issues with henna. So I try to do it when he's at work so he won't give me the "stank eye" when I'm putting it on my hair. :lachen::lachen: Lately, I've been interested in trying a few products, so I've had some packages coming to the house. Another box came last week.. he said.."what's in the box? Shampoo?"

:arguing: I said its something for my hair. He walked out of the room.. :lachen::lachen:

I feel you on the packages. I just ordered a flat iron from Ebay. I am going to try and sneak the package in. I tried to warm him up by saying all the time how I really really a good flat iron if he does not want me to BC.
My mom is ALWAYS home, so she's always watching :click:... :lachen:

Yo mama probably be all up in your cabinets looking for that magic potion to sneak in a patch of her head while you run to the store. :lachen::lachen::lachen: in your best Shenene voice/gestures (martin) you should say "Girlfriend! You know you like this sexy chocolate diva with the long hairrrr swingin all over da place!! LOL!"...she gonna laugh then you tell her on a more serious tone that you love doing your hair...it's thriving and aint nothing wrong with that. :)
I love washing my hair.. specifically co washing! My roommate (one in particular who ONLY GOES TO A STYLIST) always has something to say!!! But I know what my hair likes and I will continue to do me! LOL!

but @ the same time she was scratching her head when her SO said "ewwww white stuff is falling out of your head on 2 ur shirt" she said "its only dandruff I haven't washed my hair in 2 weeks" that was 2 weeks ago.. she still hasn't washed her hair.. she's waiting for her relaxer next week...:look:

Uh...no. She need some head and shoulders from head to shoulder...lol! You shoulda spilled some condish on her scalp then some evoo....oops, girl I aint mean to uh oh hold on it's on your edges too, dang!- guess we have to rinse this out in about 45 mintues after you sit under that pibbs in the corner over there....:nono: tsk tsk tsk...lol!:lachen::lachen::lachen:
Oh I'm getting it from my sister. I'm currently protective styling with a wig and she doesn't understand why I'm doing all this stuff my hair and just throwing a wig on. I can't wait to see her face when I check my progress then she see it paid off.
My aunt made some stupid comment to me about six weeks or so ago about how I always doing something to my hair and how I must be "put this hair before God":huh:.....:swearing: straight up nearly lost my mind and my religion because if I did not stay quiet at the time and ignore her I would have TRIPPED THE HELL OUT!!!!:jail:..........say anything to me but DO NOT question my faith, trust and belief in God. I am a firm believer in if you have nothing positive to say or if you about to spew something that has no base/validity "STAY QUIET".

I think she got the hint though (I was giving off some strong vibes even though I kept silent) because she has not said anything since that day!!!

Wow, some of our family members are hard core on this bored. Because you take care of your hair she actually questioned how strong your faith was in God? Goodness gracious :nono:!
My family makes fun of me all the time. I just take it as a joke. They all think I'm crazy, I could come in with a big bag from the supermarket and half the stuff in the bag is for my hair.

Everybody tells me I put too much stuff or do too much to my hair BUT I do notice that everyone asks me for advice or they ask me to do their hair. Half the guinea pigs are my kids and sister LOL
My mum doesn't really say anything. So one day I asked "how come you never ask what I'm doing with my hair." She's like "I don't want to know because all your hair's going to fall out." Bless her ... I think it's just that she doesn't know what all the ayurvedic powders etc are...
My mom has always said that if I continue to wash as often as I do, my hair is going to fall out. Mind you this is the same person that said I don't know what you have done to your hair but it looks great. The texture has really changed since you were a child Huh??? But it's going to fall out, right? I don't really pay them any attention because I know what I came from and where I'm going with this process. I'm doing it for me so to heck with those that don't agree. As my aunt says, you can either roll with me or get rolled over.

The amazing thing however, is that most people with the negative comments are the ones with jacked up heads. My mom had long pretty hair and then she stopped washing on a regular and taking care of it so it started to break and she's having to start all over again. I guess that's the price you pay for being uninformed.
Uh...no. She need some head and shoulders from head to shoulder...lol! You shoulda spilled some condish on her scalp then some evoo....oops, girl I aint mean to uh oh hold on it's on your edges too, dang!- guess we have to rinse this out in about 45 mintues after you sit under that pibbs in the corner over there....:nono: tsk tsk tsk...lol!:lachen::lachen::lachen:

:rofl::rofl::rofl:You are too funny!
My mom has always said that if I continue to wash as often as I do, my hair is going to fall out. Mind you this is the same person that said I don't know what you have done to your hair but it looks great. The texture has really changed since you were a child Huh??? But it's going to fall out, right? I don't really pay them any attention because I know what I came from and where I'm going with this process. I'm doing it for me so to heck with those that don't agree. As my aunt says, you can either roll with me or get rolled over.

The amazing thing however, is that most people with the negative comments are the ones with jacked up heads. My mom had long pretty hair and then she stopped washing on a regular and taking care of it so it started to break and she's having to start all over again. I guess that's the price you pay for being uninformed.

This is soooo true. I know a girl that is just like this. She is so quick to tell someone how to take care of there hair, but can barely do a roller set and the back area of her hair looks like a dog has been chewing on it and it is dry and broken off. It kills me. She keeps telling me I need to wear my hair out (I am protective styling right now.) and I need to straighten my hair more often. WHATEVER:wallbash:
A lot of the times I think the reason why they contradict themselves so much (for example, one minute saying "Your hair is thriving" and the next saying "You need to leave your hair alone or else it's going to fall out") is because they are battling with their own preconceived notions that they were raised to believe and what they are now observing to be true. They've grown up for so long with the idea that black people shouldn't wash their hair more than once a week, that all you need is Dax or Luster's pink oil moisturizer to "condition" your hair, and that black people can't grow long hair unless they are "mixed" that when they see us defying these rules they don't know how to react. Well, that's what I broke it down to, lol :grin:.