Dumb stuff (hair related) that you see other people do...

Destiny616.....Im :eek: :eek: :eek: as well.

GirlywithCurlies said:

My co-worker proudly proclaiming that she only washes 2x a month because the "water would eat her hair up otherwise."

...Two girls no more than 4 or 5 walking down the street with FULL SEW IN WEAVES. ...

How can water eat up anybody's hair? I know of people who only shampoo no more than twice a month but that has nothing to do with being afraid of the water eating their hair. I wonder if she avoids baths because it will eat up her skin as well?

That is sad when little girls have sew-in weave or glued-in weave. i guess somebody done messed their hair up and don't know how to fix it except to try to hide it with weave.
My *eh-hm* mistakes:
-I used to get quick weaves (glue-in hair) and when it came time to remove it, the girl would pull it off (not rough, but still:ohwell: ). Then, she would shampoo my hair at the bowl to loosen up the glue, and with a rattail (YES I said said rattail) comb, proceed to comb it out of my hair.:nono: I was lost yall; I'm thinking 'she's the professional', I didn't know.

-(I'm sharing this story out of love:lachen:)
I remember my first experience with self-relaxing at 11/12. My dad used to do alot of stuff to his hair, including relax it, but he kept it short and nice looking. His hair always looked good and healthy. He had that gud hurr:lol: Anyway, we didn't have the money for me to get it done 'professionally', so I asked him how he did his hair. He told me how and said he would help me. (Remember, we didn't have money at the time) sooooooooo:

He brought a relaxer back. Why did this man dip his whole hand into the container, swirl it around and plop it on my head? He had short hair so it worked for him, but just from the experience of having a professional do it, I just knew something was wrong:nono: :lol: He said the relaxer would "work its way thru":confused: . Long story short, ALL of my hair and I mean from ROOT TO TIP was overprocessed:( It didn't fall out, but I had red, stiff hair in a ponytail for most of the school year. He tried though:lachen: :lachen: God bless him heart! Anyway, from that day forward, anytime I got it done professionally, I would pay close attention and in about a year and a half I was doing my own hair successfully.

:lol: Laugh WITH me ladies, laugh with me :lol:

Other's mistakes:
My mom's best friend was a licensed beautician at the time who did hair from home. She had two daughters, the oldest was 5 and the youngest was about 6 months old. Anyway, one day while the mother was in the kitchen working on a client, the oldest daughter was in the bedroom working on the baby! She put relaxer creme ALL OVER the baby's hair. She was accurate though, ONLY on the baby's hair. The mother found the baby after about 20-30 minutes:eek: Long story short, the baby's (now in college) hair NEVER grew past 2 inches until after she graduated high school and even now it's no longer than 3-4 inches all the way around.
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ajoyfuljoy said:
I knew a girl in college who would flat iron her 3a/b hair with a clothing iron. It actually kind of worked for her and her hair was never damaged! I'd never try that on my stuff though!!!

I've tried it a long time ago, but the heat was low because I set it on like silk/nylon or somethin. They say treat your hair like silk. Whose to say that you can't use an iron when you need your hair flat-ironed? Hey, an iron is an iron...right?
GeechyGurl said:
My *eh-hm* mistakes:
-I used to get quick weaves (glue-in hair) and when it came time to remove it, the girl would pull it off (not rough, but still:ohwell: ). Then, she would shampoo my hair at the bowl to loosen up the glue, and with a rattail (YES I said said rattail) comb, proceed to comb it out of my hair.:nono: I was lost yall; I'm thinking 'she's the professional', I didn't know.

-(I'm sharing this story out of love:lachen:)
I remember my first experience with self-relaxing at 11/12. My dad used to do alot of stuff to his hair, including relax it, but he kept it short and nice looking. His hair always looked good and healthy. He had that gud hurr:lol: Anyway, we didn't have the money for me to get it done 'professionally', so I asked him how he did his hair. He told me how and said he would help me. (Remember, we didn't have money at the time) sooooooooo:

He brought a relaxer back. Why did this man dip his whole hand into the container, swirl it around and plop it on my head? He had short hair so it worked for him, but just from the experience of having a professional do it, I just knew something was wrong:nono: :lol: He said the relaxer would "work its way thru":confused: . Long story short, ALL of my hair and I mean from ROOT TO TIP was overprocessed:( It didn't fall out, but I had red, stiff hair in a ponytail for most of the school year. He tried though:lachen: :lachen: God bless him heart! Anyway, from that day forward, anytime I got it done professionally, I would pay close attention and in about a year and a half I was doing my own hair successfully.

Other's mistakes:
My mom's best friend was a licensed beautician at the time who did hair from home. She had two daughters, the oldest was 5 and the youngest was about 6 months old. Anyway, one day while the mother was in the kitchen working on a client, the oldest daughter was in the bedroom working on the baby! She put relaxer creme ALL OVER the baby's hair. She was accurate though, ONLY on the baby's hair. The mother found the baby after about 20-30 minutes:eek: Long story short, the baby's (now in college) hair NEVER grew past 2 inches until after she graduated high school and even now it's no longer than 3-4 inches all the way around.

:lol: Laugh WITH me ladies, laugh with me :lol:

Bless his hawt!!!:lachen:
relaxing bone straight. Never again.

My sister has relaxed twice since feb :perplexed :mad:

my sister used to blow dry her hair straight and use hot curlers to do her hair, and she wonders why it's not growing. She uses the hot curlers every other day if not everyday :(
Up until last year I was doing a lot of dumb stuff. I stil won't put water on my hair, unless it's being washed. That whole 'spritz your hair water throughout the day' thing is lost on me. My hair and water are not friends... frizz city.

I stretched my relaxers to the point where I had severe breakage and couldn't comb through my new growth.

This last relaxer was the first relaxer I had where the entire shaft of the hair, root to tip was not relaxed. It was also the first relaxer where I was based.

I used to use a blowdryer or curling iron everyday. Rubber bands, everyday.

When I wore phonyponies I would gel up my hair and comb it into a pony tail... and do the same the next day... and the next... and only wash about every 2 weeks.

I once tried to dye my hair the same day I put in a relaxer-- uhm that did not go so well.

I used to leave relaxers on about 45 minutes to an hour.

Ok but tell me why instead of washing their hair, do caucasians put talcum powder in their hair to soak up the oil?
When I was 11 years old, I wasn't suppose to use curling irons. Well I spent the night at my aunt's house and she had a Hot and Gold curling iron. I turned it on and started using it. I noticed that it wasn't hot enough, so I turned it all the way up to the highest setting. Well next thing you know the front of my hair was in the sink after I combed by bangs out. That was the first time I got my hair into a pixie cut style.

Another time, I wanted to put a jet black rinse in my hair. I washed, conditioned my hair, and the put the rinse in. After I was done, my hair was so black and pretty. I went to walk to the the store with my friend. Well it started to rain, and all of a sudden, black stuff started running down my face and neck! I looked like a monster! Oh I fogot to tell you, I didn't rinse the rinse out!
Oh, one more story! I dyed my hair blonde, but because I didn't lift my hair first, ( didn't strip my natural hair color) it turned orange. Well, my mother talked about me so bad that I decided to just cover it up with a black rinse. (you know black hair coloring has blue levels in it) Once I rinsed and washed my hair, I noticed it started to turn green! Well I still had to go to work. I told people that I did that on purpose. Well I ended up fixing it with a red rinse later.
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abenyo said:
relaxing bone straight. Never again.

My sister has relaxed twice since feb :perplexed :mad:

my sister used to blow dry her hair straight and use hot curlers to do her hair, and she wonders why it's not growing. She uses the hot curlers every other day if not everyday :(

I don't understand why your sister relaxing her hair twice since February is bad. It's July. I've relaxed three times.:ohwell: (every 6 - 8 weeks)
natieya said:
I don't understand why your sister relaxing her hair twice since February is bad. It's July. I've relaxed three times.:ohwell: (every 6 - 8 weeks)

I guess it's just my frame of mind right now. I used to relax every 6-8 weeks but have found that stretching is soo much better for the hair. The whole relaxing every 6-8 weeks is not the right way to take care of your hair.
One time I combed out my finger waves. I don't think yall heard me. I COMBED out my finger waves. Yes the hard gel plasticky ones. I would add a few drops of water and get the combing. :nono:

I was a mess and a half.:perplexed
shortdub78 said:
When I was 11 years old, I wasn't suppose to use curling irons. Well I spent the night at my aunt's house and she had a Hot and Gold curling iron. I turned it on and started using it. I noticed that it wasn't hot enough, so I turned it all the way up to the highest setting. Well next thing you know the front of my hair was in the sink after I combed by bangs out. That was the first time I got my hair into a pixie cut style.

Another time, I wanted to put a jet black rinse in my hair. I washed, conditioned my hair, and the put the rinse in. After I was done, my hair was so black and pretty. I went to walk to the the store with my friend. Well it started to rain, and all of a sudden, black stuff started running down my face and neck! I looked like a monster! Oh I fogot to tell you, I didn't rinse the rinse out!

Oh shyyyyyyttt!!:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
I once set the setting on my hot comb so high and used some type of moisture to straighten my hair. Well that was a no no because my hair turned crispy and fell off.

While undoing a bantu knot I got frustrated and yanked the hair so hard that a huge chunk came out.
GeechyGurl said:
Other's mistakes:
My mom's best friend was a licensed beautician at the time who did hair from home. She had two daughters, the oldest was 5 and the youngest was about 6 months old. Anyway, one day while the mother was in the kitchen working on a client, the oldest daughter was in the bedroom working on the baby! She put relaxer creme ALL OVER the baby's hair. She was accurate though, ONLY on the baby's hair. The mother found the baby after about 20-30 minutes:eek: Long story short, the baby's (now in college) hair NEVER grew past 2 inches until after she graduated high school and even now it's no longer than 3-4 inches all the way around.

:lol: Laugh WITH me ladies, laugh with me :lol:

Awww, I can't laugh. :( That's just too tragic. She was just a baby. I remember my brother saying he was going to cut my hair when I was like 1 or 2 years old (and I just went along with it--I didn't know any better). Luckily my mom caught him before he got cutting (but he was close--had the scissors up to one of my ponytails :p).
Oh yeah, I just remebered on of my own hair faux paus. I remember getting finger waves in th 6th grade and I thought they were so cute that I wanted them to last as long as possible. I spritized my hair at least 2x/day for a week! :eek: Needless, to say when I washed my hair little spritzed pieces of hair were coming out. I never used spritz again.
my aunt gave herself a "mild" relaxer by using the no-lye cream without mixing in the liquid activator. then she had the nerve to wonder why her relaxer didn't take :perplexed
destiny616 said:
my aunt gave herself a "mild" relaxer by using the no-lye cream without mixing in the liquid activator. then she had the nerve to wonder why her relaxer didn't take :perplexed

:lachen: :lachen:
abenyo said:
I guess it's just my frame of mind right now. I used to relax every 6-8 weeks but have found that stretching is soo much better for the hair. The whole relaxing every 6-8 weeks is not the right way to take care of your hair.

Oh, I see. I think it's different strokes for different folks. :) 6-8 weeks for me IS STRETCHING. You don't want to know how often I used to do it before then. :perplexed Besides, stretching for longer than 8 weeks and my hair is totally matted. I lost A LOT of hair before trying to do that. :mad:
-my aunt put in her relaxer then fell asleep and didn't wake up until the next day:perplexed

-my aunt(same aunt) applies her relaxer but piling it in her hands like lotion then rubbing it all thru her her hair like its moisturizer or something:perplexed
Then wonder why her hair is so thin greasy, short and never grows.

-My friend who had APL hair put a glue in weave that was APL:perplexed :nuts: Her hair broke off and now she really needs to wear the weave.
sylver2 said:
-my aunt put in her relaxer then fell asleep and didn't wake up until the next day:perplexed

-my aunt(same aunt) applies her relaxer but piling it in her hands like lotion then rubbing it all thru her her hair like its moisturizer or something:perplexed
Then wonder why her hair is so thin greasy, short and never grows.

-My friend who had APL hair put a glue in weave that was APL:perplexed :nuts: Her hair broke off and now she really needs to wear the weave.

I don't even relax anymore and a cold shudder ran through my body reading that :lol:. Maybe you could go to your aunt's house and tape up helpful hair hints in her bathroom :look:.
natieya said:
Oh, I see. I think it's different strokes for different folks. :) 6-8 weeks for me IS STRETCHING. You don't want to know how often I used to do it before then. :perplexed Besides, stretching for longer than 8 weeks and my hair is totally matted. I lost A LOT of hair before trying to do that. :mad:

true. But for my sister it's proving to be detrimental to her hair. She had such long beautiful hair when we were young. Now it's barely neck length. She's actually one of the reasons why I decided I wanted longer hair and to start taking care of mine.
natieya said:
Oh, I see. I think it's different strokes for different folks. :) 6-8 weeks for me IS STRETCHING. You don't want to know how often I used to do it before then. :perplexed Besides, stretching for longer than 8 weeks and my hair is totally matted. I lost A LOT of hair before trying to do that. :mad:

I'm sure you'll change your mind once you learn how to properly care for your hair. The trick is learning how to take care of/manage the new growth.
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natieya said:
Oh, I see. I think it's different strokes for different folks. :) 6-8 weeks for me IS STRETCHING. You don't want to know how often I used to do it before then. :perplexed Besides, stretching for longer than 8 weeks and my hair is totally matted. I lost A LOT of hair before trying to do that. :mad:

I agree. I learned not to relax earlier than every 6-8 weeks too. But I dothink stretching for longer is beneficial if you can do that without the shedding and matting/knots & tangles.

When it comes to your hair, why would you try to do something that you have no experience with or that you haven't gotten any advice/guidance for? I had never seen my cousin use a hot comb ever before. But she bought a hot comb one day and decided to straighten her hair. She probably didn't even know what was the right amount of time to leave the comb on the burner or the right temperature to set the burner on. Well, she burned out a chunk of her hair. When she called me and told me, yes I laughed--Oh I laughed my butt off :lol: :lol: :lol: Im laughing right now cauz the next time I saw her she had a nice Halle Berry cut.
I put the "laugh WITH me" in the wrong place. It should have been under MY stories. I was saying laugh WITH me, meaning don't laugh AT me:p :lol:
I found nothing funny about the baby:nono:

SEMO said:
Awww, I can't laugh. :( That's just too tragic. She was just a baby. I remember my brother saying he was going to cut my hair when I was like 1 or 2 years old (and I just went along with it--I didn't know any better). Luckily my mom caught him before he got cutting (but he was close--had the scissors up to one of my ponytails :p).
Ok...My mom scrubbed my very cotton soft hair hard when I was a couple months old and when she rinsed my hair it was all in the sink!:eek: :mad: My grandmother whooped her A**. She had me at 17. Now that was just Dumb.
GeechyGurl said:
I put the "laugh WITH me" in the wrong place. It should have been under MY stories. I was saying laugh WITH me, meaning don't laugh AT me:p :lol:
I found nothing funny about the baby:nono:

The baby was sad. Now your stories.............:lachen::lachen::lachen:Girl.....when I pictured your dad swirling that relaxer and slopping it on your head, I almost died laughing!!:lol::lol::lol: I could picture the open mouthed shocked expression you must have had on your face :eek: (knowing it was too late to make any difference).
My mother washed her hair once in the last 3 months and didn't even use any conditioner at all. :eek: Her hair is so dry.

The worst part is she keeps asking me to help but refuses every time I offer. She can rollerset like crazy too!! If I could rollerset like her, I wouldn't have any problems.
When I was a teen, I burned off a chuck of my hair with the hot comb, in my young mind I thought that the hot comb had to sit on the stove for 10 mins to get my hair straight enough. :wallbash:

My SIL permed my 4 y/o neice's hair. :mad:

A friend of mine runs the hot comb through her hair everyday. :eek: