Dumb stuff (hair related) that you see other people do...

abenyo said:
true. But for my sister it's proving to be detrimental to her hair. She had such long beautiful hair when we were young. Now it's barely neck length. She's actually one of the reasons why I decided I wanted longer hair and to start taking care of mine.

I see. I'm still new. I have plenty more to learn. :)
delta_gyrl said:
I'm sure you'll change you mind once you learn how to properly care for your hair. The trick is learning how to take care of/manage the new growth.

I would love to be able to learn that! :)
EMJazzy said:
When I was a teen, I burned off a chuck of my hair with the hot comb, in my young mind I thought that the hot comb had to sit on the stove for 10 mins to get my hair straight enough. :wallbash:

This must be a rite of passage, I did the same thing myself when I was 18. I needed a TU, but didn't want to go to the salon, so I tried hot combing my new growth, in the front of my head. I held the hair I wanted to straighten at the root, applied the comb to my root, heard a sizzle and was left holding my relaxed hair now separated from the roots in my hand.

Pictures of me at my HS graduation show a length of hair, as wide as the cast iron comb burnt out. I did have a little comb over action going there, but the difference was visible.

The only thing that "saved" me was that it was the first section I tried to hot comb and the section wasn't very large. Thankfully, it grew back stronger than ever. I've never picked up a hot comb again.
HollyGolightly1982 said:

it was really sad, she was a flower girl in a wedding :ohwell: , everyone at the reception kept saying "what in the world is in that child's head?" , poor child, pictures last for a LONG time
When I was 12 (natural) I washed and pressed my hair but I put too much product on it and it was too weighed down. So I washed it and pressed it again in the same day. ( I did this several times)

When I was 12 I wanted "highlights" so I made my own - I poured hydrogen peroxide on my head and I had brown and ORANGE highlights. :lol:

Me and my cousin was so frustrated with our broken off napes that we took some random rusty scissors and cut each others napes off to 1/4 inch...:perplexed

Me and my mom used to put these spiral curls in my hair as a front bang. I would hold the curling iron and count for about a minute before we took the curling iron out. On HIGH heat. :eek: LOL Im sort of mad at my mom thinking about it. She's between APL and BSL but all she does is protective styles and doesn't even know it and we sat there burning up my little bang...:lachen:

I used to curl my hair every day when I got my first relaxer in 8th grade.

I used to press my new growth all the time. One time a chunk of hair sizzled off. I trimmed it and kept going. Thats really sad.:(

Anytime my hair didn't turn out right after I curled it I would wash it blowdry it and do it all over.:ohwell:

I remember this lady cut my hair and I was crying and I told her to stop and she took off her wig and showed her bleached yellow one inch broken off hair and said "Im the professional here! I know what's good for your hair!" I should have ran out.

No wonder my favorite little commercial song used to be
"My hair's been fried, dyed and blowdried...its been through years of wear and tear...oooo girl what happened to you Haiiiiir!" (does anybody remember that?):lachen:

But now I found LHCF, I should be ok now!
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evagray said:
No wonder my favorite little commercial song used to be
"My hair's been fried, dyed and blowdried...its been through years of wear and tear...oooo girl what happened to you Haiiiiir!" (does anybody remember that?):lachen:

But now I found LHCF, I should be ok now!

I feel you. My favorite used to be the "Just For Me" jingle (but I could never say all those letters at the end :lol:).
My uncle (bless his heart) who is about 70 years old decided that he wanted to dye his gray hair. Well, he figured all dyes are created equal and tried the first thing he came across. Y'all, his hair turned reddish orange :eek: . He was so embarrassed that he wouldn't even attend his regular church that he's been going to forever. Until he could get his hair to look somewhat less clown-like, he has been going to some little church around the corner where nobody knows him :sekret:
Nay said:
My uncle (bless his heart) who is about 70 years old decided that he wanted to dye his gray hair. Well, he figured all dyes are created equal and tried the first thing he came across. Y'all, his hair turned reddish orange :eek: . He was so embarrassed that he wouldn't even attend his regular church that he's been going to forever. Until he could get his hair to look somewhat less clown-like, he has been going to some little church around the corner where nobody knows him :sekret:

Aww, bless his little heart!
IrisDaVirus said:
This one's really sad. I saw a little girl of about three years old in Walgreens the other day. Somebody had the nerve to put glued-in hair tracks in what little hair she had. You could see where the glue was flaking like crazy and irritating her scalp. I was like WTF? :( :( :(

I picked up my stepdaughter's children from the day care center and saw a 2 year old with weave in her hair. The braids were weaved down to her butt, then she had a huge ball of hair on top.
I have a cousin that washes, blow drys and hot curls her hair everyday. Would you be surprised if I told you that her hair is 2"? Her number one complaint is that her hair just does not grow.
Pull weave that has been glued in then take a small comb and comb all the glue and hair out.[/QUOTE]

I've seen this a lot, and then they say the weave grows their hair...:lachen:
hairmaster said:
Pull weave that has been glued in then take a small comb and comb all the glue and hair out.

I've seen this a lot, and then they say the weave grows their hair...:lachen:[/quote]

Ok, someone please tell me why these people that are constantly saying that something "grows" their hair, NEVER have long hair? If this miracle thing "grows" hair, then why don't you have any?:eek:
MizAvalon said:
I've seen this a lot, and then they say the weave grows their hair...:lachen:

Ok, someone please tell me why these people that are constantly saying that something "grows" their hair, NEVER have long hair? If this miracle thing "grows" hair, then why don't you have any?:eek:[/quote]

:lol: :lol: :lol:

That's true. If dirt is suppose to grow hair so well...after all these years, I've known some people who should have hair to waiste length, tailbone length and longer by now. But they don't--most are barely at neck length or shorter.
Ok, someone please tell me why these people that are constantly saying that something "grows" their hair, NEVER have long hair? If this miracle thing "grows" hair, then why don't you have any?:eek:[/QUOTE]

THEY ARE GHETTO... and dont want to take the time to remove the weave properly.
A stylist ask me to whip them up a conditioner cocktail, because their hair was really dry and tangled, well long story short she calls me back and ask if I think fabric softener would work, :eek: , I was like are you crazy, I'm telling the hair forum people on you :lol: she was like oh gosh.

I couldn't believe she asked me that as a stylist she should know better, thank goodness she found a few conditioners around her house and mixed them up instead.
BeautifulWideEyes said:
A stylist ask me to whip them up a conditioner cocktail, because their hair was really dry and tangled, well long story short she calls me back and ask if I think fabric softener would work, :eek: , I was like are you crazy, I'm telling the hair forum people on you :lol: she was like oh gosh.

I couldn't believe she asked me that as a stylist she should know better, thank goodness she found a few conditioners around her house and mixed them up instead.

:eek: What in the world? Fabric softener?
After a wash, I've seen my sister air dry overnight, and then blow dry already dry hair. Then flat iron it. Otherwise she claims her hair doesn't "look right."
sunshinebeautiful said:
After a wash, I've seen my sister air dry overnight, and then blow dry already dry hair. Then flat iron it. Otherwise she claims her hair doesn't "look right."

That's crazy!:eek: Why not just blow dry it to begin with?

And fabric softener? My goodness. :nono:
* Get a sewn-in weave, leave it in for 2 or 3 MONTHS without washing it, then take the weave out, wash and condition hair and get another sew in 1-2 weeks later. The cycle continues for two years...:(

* Perm your hair, then 1 week later dye and highlight your black hair blonde with AFRICAN PRIDE. ...

* Let a "stylist" gradually cut your hair from APL length to ear length due to chemical damage over a 10 month period.

* Wash your hair once every two weeks so you don't "dry it out."

By the way, these were all MY hair mistakes pre-LHCF :mad:
I hate to see people pull pony tail holders/bands out of their hair. I know this one girl that insists on wearing rubber bands to hold her ponytail. I wince everytime I see her yank the rubber band out whenever she wants to fix her hair.

I also hate it when little girls do their own hair (like 6-9 or 10 years old). Too many hair mistakes can occur. Trust me, I was one of them!:look:
cupcake said:
* Get a sewn-in weave, leave it in for 2 or 3 MONTHS without washing it, then take the weave out, wash and condition hair and get another sew in 1-2 weeks later. The cycle continues for two years...:(

* Perm your hair, then 1 week later dye and highlight your black hair blonde with AFRICAN PRIDE. ...

* Let a "stylist" gradually cut your hair from APL length to ear length due to chemical damage over a 10 month period.

* Wash your hair once every two weeks so you don't "dry it out."

By the way, these were all MY hair mistakes pre-LHCF :mad:

:lachen: I used to think this.
i relaxed my boyfriend's sisters' hair for her the other day...

first. I asked if she wanted to put some conditioner or oil on her already relaxed hair to protect it, she said that the relaxer said it already had conditioner in it...i said ok:confused:

then. she claimed that her hair is toooo curly (she's about a 3c, 4a) and never stays straight and that i was not putting the relaxer on her hair all the way to the ends like a i she wanted. she says her hair needs it, and the relaxer helps straighten her fuzzy ends. :nono: now yall know
I dunno if it's already been posted but I knew a girl who used to use spray starch to hold her curls. Her hair was bleached too and she had a lot of it. I swear she had strands of steel cus nothing ever took her hair out.
My Bff who has braid, never washes it unless I force her to wash and Condition it and oil her with Vatika oil. She uses Petrolium jelly Globs of it to oil her daughter's scalp and to comb it. watching it makes me mad I just leave and she complains her daughter's hair does not grow, is thin and breaks off. Damn it her lil pores are clogged. I made her a mix of Jojoba oil, JBCO and rosemary for her daughter she does not use it. the excuse she may be allergic (thats the excuse she uses not to give her certain foods (like vegetables, tomatoes etc and use products)
Closer1 said:
My Bff who has braid, never washes it unless I force her to wash and Condition it and oil her with Vatika oil. She uses Petrolium jelly Globs of it to oil her daughter's scalp and to comb it. watching it makes me mad I just leave and she complains her daughter's hair does not grow, is thin and breaks off. Damn it her lil pores are clogged. I made her a mix of Jojoba oil, JBCO and rosemary for her daughter she does not use it. the excuse she may be allergic (thats the excuse she uses not to give her certain foods (like vegetables, tomatoes etc and use products)

:mad: :whip: :spank: :angry2:

I can really relate. That's the kind of thing that boils me hot. I also know somebody doing messed up things to her daughter's hair {perming too much, braiding too much, roughly yanking while combing hair from root to ends} who just brushes off my suggestions or tips when I try to help. If you don't want to take care of your hair--fine, but don't take away the chance for your child to have beautiful healthy hair especially if someone with knowledge or great hair is offering to help you and guide you. The things I went through when I was young and being made fun of because my hair was a damaged HAM and having to see other girls with pretty hair--I don't want my child to have to go through that. I want my child to feel good about herself each and every day and not have to deal with her appearance embarrassing her/bringing her down.