Dumb stuff (hair related) that you see other people do...

Christa438 said:
:mad: :whip: :spank: :angry2:

I can really relate. That's the kind of thing that boils me hot. I also know somebody doing messed up things to her daughter's hair {perming too much, braiding too much, roughly yanking while combing hair from root to ends} who just brushes off my suggestions or tips when I try to help. If you don't want to take care of your hair--fine, but don't take away the chance for your child to have beautiful healthy hair especially if someone with knowledge or great hair is offering to help you and guide you. The things I went through when I was young and being made fun of because my hair was a damaged HAM and having to see other girls with pretty hair--I don't want my child to have to go through that. I want my child to feel good about herself each and every day and not have to deal with her appearance embarrassing her/bringing her down.

I admit i had some baaaad hair habits too. I used to color (with dark and lovely)):ohwell: 1 week after a relaxer and relax every 4 to 6 weeks. the curling Iron was my best friend and get a dominican blow out 3 times a month. I wanted the hair stretched and stick straight. Relaxing from root to tip I did that frequently. But now I know better.
I have one! How about 'Don't wash your hair in between touch-ups or you'll ruin your perm!' This was coming from someone who relaxed their hair every 4 weeks!

I'm glad I found LHCF and have discovered that moisture is my friend and NOT my enemy :lol:! I no longer have to take heed to hair care tips from people with no hair - thanks LHCF!
My grandomother...
I've never seen her with hair past ear length
and I think I know why...
she rakes through her hair with one of those
old school brushes that men use
I'm like, "Do you want your hair to fall out???" ((sarcastically))
or she rakes through it with a fine tooth comb
and you can here it scratching against her scalp
and she does it so fast
I sit there with my teeth clenched...
Also... my mom does this thing
where she scratches her scalp
to lift the dandruff...
I hope no one still does this.

My sister-in-law put vaseline all over her head and then flat ironed her hair. I stood there with my mouth open while I heard it just sizzle! :eek:
heywenny said:
My sister-in-law put vaseline all over her head and then flat ironed her hair. I stood there with my mouth open while I heard it just sizzle! :eek:

I used to do this.:look:

I had the most disgusting, burnt and damaged hair ever.
cupcake said:
* Get a sewn-in weave, leave it in for 2 or 3 MONTHS without washing it, then take the weave out, wash and condition hair and get another sew in 1-2 weeks later. The cycle continues for two years...:(

* Wash your hair once every two weeks so you don't "dry it out."
hey i do these things now... what the problem is? it grew my hair out just fine
* Those high ponytails that stick up in the air, and just have split ends going everywhere

* Those thinking because it's long, it's cute; yet the length is see through hair and split ends.

* Those who don't care to do their hair, yet insist on putting decorative flowers in it thinking that will take away from the Hot Mess.

* Those who do not care to check the back of their hair to make sure tracks are not showing.

* Those who keep sew-ins in for months and don't even think to wash it.

* Those who have long hair and insist on getting weave and it takes their hair out and then they really need the weave......(This was me, but I'm wiser now) :lachen:
Today a saw a girl with a half up do...but it wasn't the normal half ponytail with the top up and the bottom down. The left side of her head was curled up with claw clip..edges sticking out and fraying all over...and then the right side of her head was down and sticking out all over
A co-worker kept individual cornrows in her head for an ENTIRE YEAR. I kept counting and she said she didn't have the time to take the braids out, yet they were hanging by pieces of hair and it was all locked up underneath. Half the back was already out - braids were falling out all the time, but she faithfully washed her hair every week!
:sekret: Well it seems I'm in good company
-I would cut 3-4 inches off my hair every 8 weeks cause it messed with my braid style [to be fair I wasn't trying to grow it]
-Bleached my hair orange [several times] or white [like Storm in Xmen] NEVER DC, change the colour thrice in 2 days...
- bleached my hair, applied the colour, thought it wouldn't blend with my braids, so I put a relaxer in it - 5 minutes later I was rinsing my hair off my head:lachen: I had a nice big bald spot right on the top of my head:lachen:
Thank God I came to my senses before everyone's prediction of my hair refusing to grow anymore due to bad treatment came true.
Believe me my scalp is VERY forgiving
  • I dont know if these have already been said but...
  • Put water and tons of brown gel on their hair to make it slick
  • Thinking that if you leave the relaxer in for a long time it will get the hair straighter- so they end up with sores all up in their scalp
  • Putting permanent color in right after they have relaxed their hair
  • Put tons of spritz on everyday to maintain an updo