"Why do you do all that stuff to your hair?"

Yep I have been asked the same question. I can understand how it many look to non LHCF members or anyone who wasnt into healthy hair.
I don't live with my mom. But when I go visit her she looks at me crazy when I put food into my hair. She will say I have so and so in the bathroom and I say I don't put shampoo or whatever it is into my hair. I use all natural things in my hair. She lets me do what I want but you can tell she want me to use something els.

My husband thinks I do to many natural things and things period to my hair. Then he looks at my hair compaired to his and asks me what I put in my hair to get it that way and I say I put (pointing to the bathroom) this or that in my hair. When I am not there, he uses my natural products. Then he tells me, If you don't know anything, you do know hair. (Thanks, I think). He had dreads also.
My mother also thinks I do a lot to it. However, considering I keep it protected a minimum of 6 months of the year, I don't think so. I just think she's not used to seeing someone wet their hair often, DC etc (since she's in braids 95% of the time). These days, all she says is: "you and this hair..." lol.
I do alot to my hair,

But i do get the same question almost everyday "You dont wash you hair everyday, do you?" Come on..rly:nono:? My anwer will always be the same "Yes i do, but not with shampoo"..

I should print it out and tape it onto my forehead!:look:
my mom is actually really supportive of me learning how to do my hair. all i have to do is mention that i heard a product is good, and she'll find it somehow for me to test it. i think she is just glad i don't fall out kicking and screaming for her to do my hair anymore. and yes i was a teenager when i was doing that. i just hate doing my relaxed hair lol.
My Godmother is so proud that she doesn't have to do anything to her hair. She had it in braids for 3 months and it grew alot. But now she does nothing but wash, DC and have me either twist or flat iron it but she does nothing to it:ohwell:. Everybody complains about me doing my hair but now everybody is coming to me to do their hair because they see that since I've been on LHCF that my hair looks alot healthier. So now why do you have so much stuff has turned into can you do my hair and what can I use for this and that. Go figure.