Black People Have That ROUGH hair!!!!

:boxing:This was my initial when I saw the title of this thread, and you're right; she'd better be mighty careful who she spews her ignorance around because might end up getting hurt!

When you mentioned that she said the little girl has "normal" hair, it made me think of hair products that say the same thing. What is "normal" hair, anyway?

Everything about us, including our hair, was made by God and HE doesn't make mistakes. Therefore, "abnormal" hair doesn't exist.

I had to tell my Mother this a few months ago; shuts 'em down e'rytime.

ooh she better be glad that you told her before the family heard!! wowzers
I attended school with a girl who was hispanic and she seemed to hate that fact. She would refer to other hispanic girls as "Sharpies" bc they cut their brows off and draw them on.:perplexed She would also bring up the fact that her skin was not as dark as other hispanics. She was a prime example of self hate.

In that girl's defense, sharpied eye brows are weird and abnormal.
Simply tell her Natural Hair feels like clouds and Relaxed hair feels like silk.

I think there will always be tales like this.... umm anyway, I just want SL hair that's all thanks.
This is probably the case. I have walked in on several "lessons" from black people to white people about "good" hair and other such nonsense.

I had to tell one of them who was receiving this hair education that she'd best take everything she hears with a grain of salt and not repeat it back.

Right!! just because you heard it through the grapevine doesnt make it right!
Yeah it's ignorance at it's finest, but can you blame her though when a good proportion of black people think the same way, smh :nono:

And this is true folks.(Thanks X2). She probably thought it was OK to say because some black folks don't take pride in themselves. We can be our own worst enemy.
ooh she better be glad that you told her before the family heard!! wowzers
I like her because she is a white girl, who was a white girl and didn't try to be a black girl. She ask me how to make Mac and Cheese for my cousin and I told her I don't know how to make it but I would have my mom call her. My mom schooled her and she called me and my mom and told us how happy my cousin was and that he said her mac and cheese tasted just like his aunty, my mother. :) Homegirl still can't make fried chicken but my cousin can, Becky can make a mean peach cobbler. I think my aunt taught her that.
She is I-G-N-O-R-A-N-T! Man, she might have been beaten by me! I have had to correct some people about other things as a teen but I woudn't be so nice now!
I like her because she is a white girl, who was a white girl and didn't try to be a black girl. She ask me how to make Mac and Cheese for my cousin and I told her I don't know how to make it but I would have my mom call her. My mom schooled her and she called me and my mom and told us how happy my cousin was and that he said her mac and cheese tasted just like his aunty, my mother. :) Homegirl still can't make fried chicken but my cousin can, Becky can make a mean peach cobbler. I think my aunt taught her that.

lol thats cool!! :grin:
My 14 yo DD has several friends who feel his way about their hair...the lighter skinned girls in the group have "good hair" and everyone else has "that ni**er hair" ( yes, I heard it from their mouths). I sat them all down and explained their hair to them, told them that all they needed to do was learn what their hair needed and take proper care of it. Then I proceeded to pull up the Show your Shrinkage thread that was up recently, I showed them how beautiful our natural hair is, and that it's not bad hair, and that it can be as long as anyone else's.

I feel bad for these young girls, their hair is soooo damaged, and they think it's because it's bad hair...never mind the fact that they relax it every month and run screaming from moisture....
OP you handled this very well. I appreciate stories like this, it gives me encouragement to stay natural. My hair is more than just a style for me, we have a long way to go.
You handled it well OP. I agree that she thought you were gonna take part in that foolishness.

That reminds me of my cousins ex, who was puerto rican (yt skinned with jet black straight hair). Something happened between them, and she started talking about nappy headed black people. Instead of correcting her, he laughed and told her, well my mom ain't got nappy hair she got that good hair. She has 3c hair. And was trying to explain it and stuff, and she was like that's nappy hair too. He just laughed at her. And then he told my cousin (hi BFF) and she was trying to get on the phone to curse her out. :lachen:

He was just laughing and was like naw man. My cousin was mad at him for a good while. The rest of were disgusted with HIM.
"she has normal hair", bit** wtf you mean "normal hair?" "whats not normal is how yalls hair smell like wet dog when it gets wet, see, yuzz about to get smacked!"

lol thats what my sister woulda said:look:
One of the many reasons my daughter and I stopped going to hairdressers 5 or so years ago is the comments they made about our hair. They always complained about how my daughter's rough and dreadlocked roots soaked up too much relaxer, and it took too long to get straight etc. etc. Mind you, my daughter's hair never grew past her shoulders under their care. Thank God we came to our senses and learned to do each others hair. We look forward to our hair time together and don't miss the salons nor the rough hair comments.
Somehow, this lady is going to explain it away to someone that you insulted her . It will be turned around to make you look like the aggressor. :lachen:


Plus, that was too much explaining, OP. I am quite content knowing that stupid people exist. And there is no use in explaining things to stupid people. Had she been black, well...maybe I'd react differently. But in this instance, no.

I would have said something like, "Wow, you're as stupid as you are brave."
I hate it when people get too comfortable with their black friends/co-workers/acquaintances and think they can say whatever they want. You handled it well becasue I would have taken it differently.

Walking out of thread

Thank you for being you. You handled that with grace and dignity.
It amazes me how people walk thru life...expecting other people to agree with everything they say no matter how stupid or ignorant.
Sadly, most if not the rest of my family would have agreed with that idiot:nono:

I try & try to explain to them how IGNORANT & DEGRADING they sound, but they just dont get it:lachen:Its 2010 for gawd sakes, like come on so many things have happened, and yall still believe in the "Good Hair vs Bad Hair" thing:lachen:?? DO these ppl not get that THEY are basically calling themselves "bad" or "abnormal" or basically "UGLY"?:look:

And plus i do not get the "Rough" statement(pun intended!), Like everyones hair can be rough, from 1A to 50Z..what does race have to do with it???
Beyond all the colonization and ignorance floating around, the kinkier the hair type, the less that was known about it. We thought the hair products for "white" people wouldn't work on afro/black hair. Since they are the majority in so many Western countries where these hair products are being made there was relatively they knew about it, or that we knew about it so that it wouldn't be "rough", dry, breaking, or anything else. Its only in relatively recent times (with science looking at the cross section of afro hair, it being naturally drier, etc) these things have/are changing...
My 14 yo DD has several friends who feel his way about their hair...the lighter skinned girls in the group have "good hair" and everyone else has "that ni**er hair" ( yes, I heard it from their mouths). I sat them all down and explained their hair to them, told them that all they needed to do was learn what their hair needed and take proper care of it. Then I proceeded to pull up the Show your Shrinkage thread that was up recently, I showed them how beautiful our natural hair is, and that it's not bad hair, and that it can be as long as anyone else's.

I feel bad for these young girls, their hair is soooo damaged, and they think it's because it's bad hair...never mind the fact that they relax it every month and run screaming from moisture....

YIKES!! that was a terrible story and i really hope that they payed close attention to what you had to say!!