Drink Water For Blingin Hair Challenge--Part Deux

Ooh!! Slacking!! >_< I've been drinking my water (LORD KNOWS it's hot as heck around here!!!!), but I haven't been checking in, lol. I think I'm eating too much salt, though...I'm retaining water :(
I'm so sick of water!!! :spinning:Lol. I have 12oz left to struggle through. Well yesterday I drunk about 18oz more than I needed to, so technically I have that much in reserve so I could be done for the day:grin:.
Getting back on track, was on a vacay and slacked a lot... Im committed, back to business!!! Have had 32 ounces so far and will drink another....
I have seriously been struggling. I finish my a two thirds of my quota with no problem, but for some reason I have a hard time finishing the last third. I have to force it down but I get it down.
I got most of my water in for today, but like most of you, the last little bit is the hardest to get down :lol:
I have been drinking my water but starting but it has been hard!!!! :ohwell: I have drank about 40 oz so far today....just 56 more to go. Just needed to check in to get some encouragement!:drunk:
I almost got all of my water in, but a fly got in my cup and I was too lazy to get a new one :look:
Sorry I haven't been checking in, but here is where I've been!

Day 8 was 6/19 - Made all of my water!

Day 9 was 6/20 - Still going strong!

Day 10 was 6/21 - JUST made all of my water!

Today is day 11, and I will check in when I finish! :lick:
Been struggling today to get it in. For some reason, it's easier on the weekends.

Sparkling water (like Perrier and Pelligrino) does count, right?
Been struggling today to get it in. For some reason, it's easier on the weekends.
Sparkling water (like Perrier and Pelligrino) does count, right?
Yep, as long as it's pure water with nothing artificial (flavoring, coloring, etc)
Been struggling today to get it in. For some reason, it's easier on the weekends.

Sparkling water (like Perrier and Pelligrino) does count, right?

Hi everyone,

I'm so bad, I haven't checked in since I joined challenge, but I will going forward (scouts honor). I'm trying really hard to stick with this but it is sooooooooo hard. I had my best friend laugh at me cause I told her I'm tried of drinking water cause it just taste wet :lachen:.

Anyway, it's funny you say this cause for me it's the opposite, when I'm at work I'm good with getting the water down. I have to do 84oz. a day so my strategy has been - I have a oz water jug at work that I fill and I drink 2 of them, I also drink an oz glass of water b/f I leave home in the morning and one in the evening when I walk in the door. It's the weekend I struggle with, cause it seems like I drink everything except for water. I brought the same jug for home and if I get down one a day I'm good. I going to keep working at it.
I haven't posted in a while. Shame on me!

But with the exception of one day, I've exceeded the amount of water that I'm supposed to drink! :yay: But that's only because the temps down here have been 100+ degrees. Thank God that it's cooled off some...

Like everyone else, I really struggle with getting those last few ounces down though, so to help, I take my vitamins at night. It's just another 5 or 6 ounces, but that's usually the amount that I fall short.
I haven't been doing so good with drinking my water. A couple of days it was less than 32oz. On Fri I had 80oz and yesterday I had 40oz. I have noticed that since I have slacked on my water I have started getting leg cramps again. Last night was horrible!!!!! I will try my best today to get in all 96oz. I will check in tonight.
Didn't Quite get all of my water in yesterday, But I'm on my way to getting it all in today. I'm half way done drinking my quota for the day