Summer 2004 HYDRO Challenge!

NubianAngel said:
Thanks, patience.
Your bladder must be trained well LOL!

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Sort of...Once your body gets used to getting the amount that it truly needs on a regular basis, you don't run as often. We I first stared, I was in the bathroom about EVERY 7 minutes like clock work. Gurl, I even decorated the ladies room at work because I spent so much time in there. NOW, I go roughly every 20 minutes or so, which is about normal for me.
I absolutely abhor/detest/hate water but I realize its importance. I have been trying to up my daily intake of water so that I can at least tolerate it and some day even love it. On a good day, I drink about two glasses of water....

I'm in! Hopefully by the start date I'll like water....
patience said:
NubianAngel said:
Thanks, patience.
Your bladder must be trained well LOL!

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Sort of...Once your body gets used to getting the amount that it truly needs on a regular basis, you don't run as often. We I first stared, I was in the bathroom about EVERY 7 minutes like clock work. Gurl, I even decorated the ladies room at work because I spent so much time in there. NOW, I go roughly every 20 minutes or so, which is about normal for me.

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Really, every 20 minutes?
i guess my teacher bladder helps me out. i drink anywhere from 100 ounces to a gallon a day. (1 gallon today..100 yesterday...a gallon the day before) i dont run to the bathroom..i am still drinking water and havent had to go since around 7 this evening (1158pm now) and i dont have to get up constantly through out the night..MAYBE around 330..thats it
Bumping for more updates! Where are you hydro ladies??? It's been a week let's check in

Ive been very consistent in my increased water intake. I drink anywhere from 50 to 125 ounces of water a day. I even went a few days without drinking soda, but a relapsed when my mom brought home 10 cans of pathmark soda. The sad thing is that I don't even care for soda all that much, but after drinking only water it tasted soooo sweet and good
Well the good part is that soda is out of my diet
. The bad part is that I've been slacking on drinking the proper amount of water.
Sixty-three oz. of water is a lot!
I went and bought one of those cool 64 oz. water bottles from Walgreens and I'm only drinking about 1/3 of it a day. Maybe I'll be up to the entire bottle by June 22.
Hi Ladies

Thanks for participating in the hydro challenge! For those of you struggling, do not give up - it does get easier. I actually started on June 1, and I made it a habit to drink my daily goal whether I felt like it or not. I am definately seeing the benefits. (Coming from someone who did not drink anything frequently let alone water)... I'll be checking in again soon. In the mean time, for those of you who have already started your challenge, GOOD LUCK!
I need more water in my life and since I finally joined, why not join a challenge? I'm in
wink.gif how do I keep ppl updated and see what others are doin? Is there gonna be a separate thread for that or do I just come back here?
<font color="blue"> Feel free to come back to this thread to post updates

Tomorrow will officially be DAY 1.

Everybody ready?? I am
I'm ready too. Lately i've only been getting about 40oz and I know I need to get that up to at least 64oz. But I still trying so hopefully i'll make it soon.
Although water is not only beneficial but necessary for our bodies to function, there is a such thing as too much of a good thing. Research from the last few years is showing that too much water is hard on the kidneys (causes them to be overworked) and can also, result in the body losing too much sodium. Just food for thought...
My goal is to drink 6 cups to 8 cups a day. I'll also try to eat more foods with a high water content like fruit &amp; vegetables. Good luck ladies.
I'm in on this challenge too. I'm going to try drinking at least 6 cups a day....I haven't been drinking any water at all lately.
I have been at the water for the last two weeks already. My goal is 64oz a day. Good luck all! I know on these challenges the subject of water toxicity and hypokalemia come up, but under normal circumstances 8-10 glasses per day won't make you sick
I'm in!!!! My kidneys are probably shrivled up because I have not had any water in quite a few days. I know that's bad.

Drink up
Im in!!! I can do this. That is only 2 16 oz bottle waters a day. I can just refill with tap water. I'm looking forward to tomorrow!!
good challenge!!
I have been preparing for this. I got a 28oz jug and I have been able to drink two or three of these for the last couple of days. I haven't been able to do that today yet, but I hope to drink at least two before bed tonight.
I've been drinking 2-3 cups or 1 pint,0.9 fl. oz. a day depending on if we have water jugs or bottles in my house. I feel like I'm slacking compared to some of you. I'll to up it but I'm not making any promises.
simcha said:
Although water is not only beneficial but necessary for our bodies to function, there is a such thing as too much of a good thing. Research from the last few years is showing that too much water is hard on the kidneys (causes them to be overworked) and can also, result in the body losing too much sodium. Just food for thought...

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Are you referring to super hydration that tends to happen from time to time with endurance athletes? I read a reaserch article on this subject(wish I could put my hands on it The problem is when they try to ingest too much water after going for long periods of training and not getting enough. Too much at one time is definately not good. The average person though would not have this problem as long as drinking is spaced out and you drink enough. I personally drink at least a gallon a day since I workout regularly. Someone else may only need a half gallon. Good luck in your H2O challenge guys! Drink up!
I would love to be part of this challenge since it will be my first. This is a suggestion to everyone who does not like to drink water. What I do is put slices of lemons or cucumbers in my water just for a dash of flavor. Try it!
I'm definitely in!!! I REALLY need to start drinking a lot more water. Right now, I'm too embarrassed to admit how little I drink. This is such a great idea. I look forward to measuring the progress at the end of teh summer and beyond!