Drink Water For Blingin Hair Challenge--Part Deux

Thanks you guys! Unfortunately I had it horrible last night and thought I was gonna die :sad: So needless to say I didn't get very much water down

I'm doin good so far today, got about 45 oz down so far
Count me in!!! I have been trying to do this on my own. I do alright most days but every now and then I fail miserably:wallbash:. Hopefully this will help me stay on target:grin:
Day 4 of the challenge, and I'm going strong. I have been drinking at least 67.5 ounces of water per day. What I have noticed:

Eating less

No cravings for soda

Going to the bathroom regularly #1 and #2 (sorry if that's gross :grin: :look:)

Well, it's only Day 4, so I haven't noticed anything too special yet other than those things. I don't really drink anything else anymore because it cuts into my water-drinking time! :yep:
I'll join. I drink this much water on a daily basis in general. (Easiest challenge I'll ever join I'm sure. LOL)
Dang I really need to actually keep this up. I've been moving for the past couple of days, but now that I'm settled I really am going to start getting my 71oz/day
Finished my 67.5 ounces today. I've been on vacation this last week so it's been easy. I'll let you know how I do at work tomorrow!:look:
Nope, tea and Crystal Light don't count. Only water and natural fruit for flavor count towards your water consumption :D

Ok thanks tiffers, I appreciate the reply. I will keep drinking water and tea cause I want the teas to help with my hair growth.
I am too dayum big so I gotta drink a lot of water. And...the only way I can really get any water in is by adding the Crystal Lights. Seriously I have packs at work & at home.
Do you take vitamins? It's way easier for me to drink lots of water when I'm downing my vitamins. Also when I eat, I go through the whole meal without drinking anything. This way I'm super thirsty by the time I'm finished and I just down a bunch of water. I have a big gulp cup that's 42 ounces that I drink my water from and for some reason, knowing exactly how much I've just drunk makes it easier to drink it. I also keep my cup by my side throughout the day, so I can just sip every now and then.

Don't drop out, Shay! Your body needs this!!!! :D
Interesting. I never knew it would make your hair shine. I've been drinking water like crazy since last year and my hair always has a great shine. It makes sense. I'll join.
Finished my 67.5 ounces. This is Day 5. Not noticing any other changes yet...

ETA: Oh, and I think I'll be cutting out my daily extra small coffee. My coworker told me that coffee is a diuretic, which takes water from you so that's gotta go!

Also, can I have a breakfast drink in the mornings? It's a powder that you mix with milk. I used to drink it all the time when I was in high school and I want to start up again.
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Yesterday I struggled again but by the end of the night I had finished my quota.

Sitting at my desk right now with the water bottle in front of me to finish my last few ounces.

Guess I better open it, huh?
Just finished drinking my last few ounces. I'm starting to notice that I'm not eating as much because the water is making me full. Hopefully this can help me lose a few pounds also:grin:
I got all of my water in last night. Today? Not so much :ohwell: I'm about to go down 40 ounces
Day 6 was yesterday and I finished my water.

Day 7 is today, and I'm finishing up my third 17 ounce bottle. I have to drink four of those bottles per day. I'll check back in when I'm done!
Just finished drinking my last few ounces. I'm starting to notice that I'm not eating as much because the water is making me full. Hopefully this can help me lose a few pounds also:grin:

That's so true! My future sister-in-law is a doctor and she said it can definitely help you lose weight because your body is so full of water that you don't have as much room for calories!:grin: