Does your preference indicate that you are prejudice?


Well-Known Member
On 'Something New' I remember Sanaa Lathan's character and the guy who played Brian were talking about preference. She said that she preferred black men and he said "So you prefer to be prejudice."

Do you think this is true? That if you prefer a certain race you are prejudice against others?
Yes and no, some people use "preference" as a shield for other issues like colorism or ignorance. But it is possible to have a "preference." I would want someone with the same or similar ethnic background as me. They understand more about me and my culture and child rearing would be easier because the "culture" is similar. I have a preference for balck men yes, but its not because I dislike or have anything against other races.
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No, they are two different things. A preference means that while you may prefer one thing over another, it isn't necessarity mandatory. A prejudice is something that is required. Like you only date light skinned men.
I think the word prejudice has picked up a negative definition that doesn't ACTUALLY exist.

Pre-judging is not such a bad thing.

Creditors, human resource directors, firefighters, doctors, people with common sense, etc... PRE JUDGE.

If I see someone with a blood soaked sweatshirt and a box cutter in their hand outside my peephole... I'm gonna pre-judge them and act like no one is home, call 911, and try to sneak into the garage, start the car, and drive away as fast as possible.

If I see a white person with a Southern Pride flag in their F150 window and they have a mullet and some spiderweb tattoos all up and down their arm...I'm pre-judging that he might not be the guy for me to flirt with or spark up a convo with.

If I see a black person with tattoos all on their neck and teardrops on their face and a tshirt that says "Never going back" on the front and "Soledad Prison" on the back... that might not be the person to ask if they have change for a $20.

Prejudging helps keep us all alive and safe, in its most basic form.

I think that prefrences and prejudging are all fine and dandy and natural.

Discrimination is different from having a prefrence.
I don't think that just because you like something more, means that you dislike, or have predjudice against the other. For example, I like dogs more than cats, but that preference for dogs does not mean that I think anything is wrong with cats. You have to examine how you feel about each side in question (not guage your feelings for one off of your feelings about the other).

My dating choice in the past show a tendancy to be more attracted to dark skinned men. But I do not have anything against lightskinned ones. I think they are hot too, and have have had lightskinned boyfriends in the past. Definately no prejudice there.

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