Does the race card has to be played every time a Black man dates outside his race?


New Member
So my sister is dating an African American man and they walking down the hall in college and two African American woman passed by them and one said to the other one( oh look a that white puerto rican ***** taking our black mens from us....

Are u freaking serious

First of all we are Dominicans, and I think nobody has the right to tell anybody who u can or cannot date, and what is so wrong just because u are black he should be dating you instead of me?

Second of all Dominicans are a mixture of Indians tainos, african American and spaniels, pliz do some research and don't come out as ignorant,
Dominicans, puerto Ricans, cuban it all goes back to slavery, when the spaniel invaded we were slave just like African American.
Did u know that we are 58% Indian tainos, 32% african American and about 10% spaniels so please before talking all this nonsense do some research and I am sorry, I really took this personal cause it happend to me before, I was stared at just because I was going out with a black man.
this black man is not dating me cause he don't like his owns, he just don't like u period
Have u ever thought about maybe is you as a woman, not a black woman, not a Asian woman, not a white woman just u as a woman period, maybe is you personality, or your low self stem period, gosh.

The race situation has been taken too far for so long so do some soul searching before coming on as ignorant..

Now thas my personal opinion what do u all think..?

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Re: Does the race card has to be played every time a Black man dates outside his race

I am sorry you and your sister were hurt by those rude girls.... I hope one day we can all just be happy for people who have found love and trust that their love will not inhibit us from finding our own....

OT: Amazing! One of my grandfathers was PR and he was very dark skinned but he didn't share his history very well he always said he came here for a new life not to relive his old one. I wonder now if Tainos is apart of his heritage he had similar characteristics of the people in the pictures that are coming up in my google search..... My fathers family is part Lucayan from Turks and Caicos which I think is Tainos but I am not really sure, I wish I were more educated on the missing parts of my lineage....
Re: Does the race card has to be played every time a Black man dates outside his race

So my sister is dating an African American man and they walking down the hall in college and two African American woman passed by them and one said to the other one( oh look a that white puerto rican ***** taking our black mens from us....

Are u freaking serious

First of all we are Dominicans, and I think nobody has the right to tell anybody who u can or cannot date, and what is so wrong just because u are black he should be dating you instead of me?

Second of all Dominicans are a mixture of Indians tainos, african American and spaniels, pliz do some research and don't come out as ignorant,
Dominicans, puerto Ricans, cuban it all goes back to slavery, when the spaniel invaded we were slave just like African American.
Did u know that we are 58% Indian tainos, 32% african American and about 10% spaniels so please before talking all this nonsense do some research and I am sorry, I really took this personal cause it happend to me before, I was stared at just because I was going out with a black man.
this black man is not dating me cause he don't like his owns, he just don't like u period
Have u ever thought about maybe is you as a woman, not a black woman, not a Asian woman, not a white woman just u as a woman period, maybe is you personality, or your low self stem period, gosh.

The race situation has been taken too far for so long so do some soul searching before coming on as ignorant..

Now thas my personal opinion what do u all think..?

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Re: Does the race card has to be played every time a Black man dates outside his race

Most of the Taino's were killed off of Hispaniola before the slaves got there. I think the 58% is a gross exaggeration. T'is all...
Re: Does the race card has to be played every time a Black man dates outside his race

Who cares what they say? They're happy and its no one else's business.
Re: Does the race card has to be played every time a Black man dates outside his race

:deadhorse:...... I think we gotta move on from this color issue it is getting us no where. You and your sister live your fabulous live and f#%k those who have anything to say about it. :yep:
Re: Does the race card has to be played every time a Black man dates outside his race

The race card is played regardless the subject. It's how it is. WHen it comes to who is dating who, it is no different, maybe one day it will be, but not now.
Re: Does the race card has to be played every time a Black man dates outside his race

Oh, that just comes with the territory of interracial dating, hun. You'll get used to it eventually; ain't no need in crying every time that happens to you. You mught be in a constant state of tears :lol: See what you gotta do is... *if you feelin like a pimp...gon' brush ya shoulda off...ladies is pimps too, gon' brush ya shouldas off :D :D
Re: Does the race card has to be played every time a Black man dates outside his race

How is he dating outside his race? Isn't a Dominican of African ancestry also black?:scratchch
Re: Does the race card has to be played every time a Black man dates outside his race

i really hate the term "race card" but i agree with rabs. if y'all are part black how is that interracial dating?

anyway, it's unfortunate your sister has had to experience this.
i really hate the term "race card" but i agree with rabs. if y'all are part black how is that interracial dating?

anyway, it's unfortunate your sister has had to experience this.

Even though we have a great percent of African America, most people don't know that and unfortunately we are still seen as the Latino girls dating black guys, I was born in Dominican republic and I am proud of it and I'm sure and I would've just as proud if I was born an african American, my point is people need to start minding their own business specially if they don't have no idea what hey talking about.

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Most of the Taino's were killed off of Hispaniola before the slaves got there. I think the 58% is a gross exaggeration. T'is all...

So if u are right maybe history is wrong, the slavery under Jean Pierre boger from 1822 to 1844 there were no tainos left this was the last slavery period, ther first one that was under the spaniels was 100% to tainos, tainos were put to work too dam hard with sugar cane and because of this they were all dying an thas why the spaniels were bringing African to the country to replace the tainos that were dying due to the slavery.

Oh and lets say we are more african than tainos, I don't see a problem with that...

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How is he dating outside his race? Isn't a Dominican of African ancestry also black?:scratchch

Yeah, the sad story is that not everybody know this and if they do they don't really seem to care, oh well.

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Re: Does the race card has to be played every time a Black man dates outside his race

Those women were COMPLETELY out of line. :nono: I HATE to hear people- especially other women- talk about a woman "taking" a man somewhere and I don't like people getting in other folks business.

As far as the original question goes, I hope you aren't making an assumption about an entire group based your experiences. :perplexed Saying that African-American women (as a group) have an issue with African-American men dating interracially/inter-ethnically is the same as saying that AA men (as a group) date interracially/inter-ethnically for reasons other than love (i.e. self-hate). I'm not going to sit here and act like there aren't AA women who have an issue with AA men dating "out", but I really wish more people acknowledged those of us who feel that "love has no color" and/or don't feel like we have a right to offer unsolicited opinions to other adults about their personal lives.
Re: Does the race card has to be played every time a Black man dates outside his race

OP I'm sorry to hear that happened to you ...

I know we often focus on the idea that BW are being victimized by BM in their perceived rush to date non-black, but yes, BW can sometimes be the ignorant a-holes when it comes to interracial dating as well. Unfortunately you can't control how others see you or act but try not to take it personally.. the best revenge is to live well and be happy.
Re: Does the race card has to be played every time a Black man dates outside his race

F'ing DEAD :dighole:

Did u know that we are 58% Indian tainos, 32% african American and about 10% spaniels so please before talking all this nonsense do some research
Those women were COMPLETELY out of line. :nono: I HATE to hear people- especially other women- talk about a woman "taking" a man somewhere and I don't like people getting in other folks business.

As far as the original question goes, I hope you aren't making an assumption about an entire group based your experiences. :perplexed Saying that African-American women (as a group) have an issue with African-American men dating interracially/inter-ethnically is the same as saying that AA men (as a group) date interracially/inter-ethnically for reasons other than love (i.e. self-hate). I'm not going to sit here and act like there aren't AA women who have an issue with AA men dating "out", but I really wish more people acknowledged those of us who feel that "love has no color" and/or don't feel like we have a right to offer unsolicited opinions to other adults about their personal lives.

Not at all, I have alot of African American friends who are married out of their race and are very happy, I would never generalized cause I know not everybody is the same, is just a lil upsetting to realize that some people are still so ignorant about the whole thing...

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Re: Does the race card has to be played every time a Black man dates outside his race

Not at all, I have alot of African American friends who are married out of their race and are very happy, I would never generalized cause I know not everybody is the same, is just a lil upsetting to realize that some people are still so ignorant about the whole thing...

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Understood. :yep: It never ceases to amaze me how some people think absolutely nothing of making themselves look like idiots. I'm not sure if it's because they don't realize how stupid they look or are too wrapped up in being ignorant to care.
Understood. :yep: It never ceases to amaze me how some people think absolutely nothing of making themselves look like idiots. I'm not sure if it's because they don't realize how stupid they look or are too wrapped up in being ignorant to care.

Yes, that's what I been saying..

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Re: Does the race card has to be played every time a Black man dates outside his race

Bet the 2 "girls" were from the board. Them stay whining
Re: Does the race card has to be played every time a Black man dates outside his race

OP, you keep saying "spaniels". I'm just going to assume that you know it's Spaniards and you're just putting them down, right?? Is that DR lingo?

Anyway, that was very rude of those girls. The "taking away our black men", statement is silly and sad. Yes I kind of understand some of the resentment, but he wasn't theirs to begin with. Him being with a woman of whatever race is his personal choice and takes nothing away from them. Even if your "soul burns", keep it yourself.
OP, you keep saying "spaniels". I'm just going to assume that you know it's Spaniards and you're just putting them down, right?? Is that DR lingo?

Anyway, that was very rude of those girls. The "taking away our black men", statement is silly and sad. Yes I kind of understand some of the resentment, but he wasn't theirs to begin with. Him being with a woman of whatever race is his personal choice and takes nothing away from them. Even if your "soul burns", keep it yourself.

Let me start of by saying that u don't have to assume anything but the reality is that I am not putting nobody down, I do believed that back then the SPANIARDS act like real dogs toward the tainos, and thas just to say the least cause to put innocent people go through slavery just so their pockets could be filled up with gold by the sweat and blood of innocent people yes I did, and I will keep calling them dogs,

And for the records I am talking about the actions of some SPANIARDS back then.

Now days is really easy to be consider smart just by the type or words people use and how they use it, truth is that thanks God there is google, anybody can find the right words and the right spelling an be consider smart without a problem.
I am not the smarted but I know how to google, so I do know what SPANIELS meant.

Oh and excuse my stupidity but I don't really understand what u meant by " keep it yourself "

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Re: Does the race card has to be played every time a Black man dates outside his race

Oh and excuse my stupidity but I don't really understand what u meant by " keep it yourself "

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I think she meant that even if you (meaning the girls in your OP, not you) have a problem with interracial dating (like the girls in your OP did), that you should keep it to yourself and not project your insecurities onto others. She was talking about the mean girls in your OP--not you. Atleast I think that's what she meant.
I think she meant that even if you (meaning the girls in your OP, not you) have a problem with interracial dating (like the girls in your OP did), that you should keep it to yourself and not project your insecurities onto others. She was talking about the mean girls in your OP--not you. Atleast I think that's what she meant.

Thanks, reading the post again I realized it. Thank u.

But I still thank God for google.lmao

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