"Do you want to go to the movies tonight? ...I'll even pay for it."

vivEz daNs lamouR

Well-Known Member
I'm on FaceBook and this guy, we'll call him Jack, dated a girl that I knew through my best friend, we'll call her Jane. They broke up and he randomly sent me a message going ":-P" so I said "hi to you too."

The past week has been filled with him text messaging me EVERY SINGLE DAY, sometimes more than once a day. He's said things like "I wanna work with you wouldn't that be nice?" followed by this tonight:

Him: What are u doing?
Me: Cleaning my apt, you?
Him: You have your own place?
Me: Yes.
Him: Can I spend the night
Me: No
Him: Why not? I can come and we can play monopoly.
Me: I don't like monopoly.
Him: Scrabble?
Me: No.
Him: Parcheesie?
Me: No.
Him: Then what
Me: Nothing that will somehow involve you and sleeping at my apartment.
Him: :-(

followed by

Him: I wanna go see The Day The Earth Stood Still, do you wanna go? You seem like good company.
Me: I SEEM like good company? We went to Six Flags together for an entire day, I AM good company. But no, after I finish cleaning I'm gonna settle down with pizza, wine, and The Dark Knight DVD.
Him: Come on, I'll even pay for it.
Me: LOL Are you serious?
Him: But it's not a date.
Me: You've got to be kidding me. *ends convo*

These 'boys' these days. :rolleyes:
Oh my goodness...that's crazy! :nono: So sad...sad indeed.

What I find most interesting is how he "tested" you in the beginning to see what type of "girl" you were. If you had said: "Oh yeah! Sure! Come on over!" He would have gotten what he wanted, seen you as a "good-time-girl only", and would have dropped you in about a month probably. :rolleyes:

But as SOON as he could see that you weren't going to "give it up" that easily, that you have standards and morals, AND that you have your OWN life (ie. watching "The Dark Knight" with some wine---go 'head girl! ;) ) I noticed how his tune changed. Now it's all of a sudden he wants to take you out to a movie, and Ooooo...wait for it.....even PAY for the outing!! Oh gee golly now!! We have a "winner" here! Oh, but wait a second, make sure it's not a quote/unquote "date". :rolleyes:

What do guys take us for these days?? Fools?? :wallbash: :nono:
Him: I wanna go see The Day The Earth Stood Still, do you wanna go? You seem like good company.
Me: I SEEM like good company? We went to Six Flags together for an entire day, I AM good company. But no, after I finish cleaning I'm gonna settle down with pizza, wine, and The Dark Knight DVD.
Him: Come on, I'll even pay for it.
Me: LOL Are you serious?
Him: But it's not a date.
Me: You've got to be kidding me. *ends convo*

This has got to be my son! Do you live in Maryland? He's not cheap...always willing to pay on a date (that's what he says) and he's available (not in a relationship now).

Mmm....not a big monopoly player to my knowledge.....

By the way, he was ASKING. It's the one's that come over and then try to force that's the problem. Hell, you might have said "come on over."

If you want me to spend my precious time with you, the least you can do is pick up the phone.

...folks who date via text messages, emails and Facebook/MySpace? :nono2::nono2:
But as SOON as he could see that you weren't going to "give it up" that easily, that you have standards and morals, AND that you have your OWN life (ie. watching "The Dark Knight" with some wine---go 'head girl! ;) ) I noticed how his tune changed. Now it's all of a sudden he wants to take you out to a movie, and Ooooo...wait for it.....even PAY for the outing!! Oh gee golly now!! We have a "winner" here! Oh, but wait a second, make sure it's not a quote/unquote "date". :rolleyes:

I like how you broke that down! :lachen: