Did He Stop Talking To Me Because I Borrowed Money?


Well-Known Member
Ok LHCF my friend and I are having a difference of opinion on a topic and I need to know if I was wrong in the decision I made. So, I met this guy about a month and a half ago. He is attractive, smart and comes across as a gentleman. He owns his own business which is how we met. I came to his establishment to make a purchase and met him not knowing I was talking to the owner just thought I was flirting with a cute employee. He helped me make my purchase and our conversation kept going so I had him walk me outside to my car. The window on my car does not work and we talked about that he laughed and said he could fix it. I told him I would hold him to that and took his number to set up a time for him to fix the window.

I called him later that week and he told me he would come to me to fix the window. He fixed my car then we went and ate chatted and had a nice time. From that point, he contacted me daily either via text or call. About two weeks into us talking I asked to borrow $250.

Let me explain, I am a student, which he knows, and I needed $250 to complete a project. I asked my brother for the money but he could not get it to me in time. I told my homegirl that I was going to ask the guy I was talking to for the money and she told me I shouldn't because we had only known each other for a couple of weeks. I felt differently so I asked him for the money and let him know I would pay him back the following day. He gave me the money and I paid him back the next day as promised.

He continued to contact me and we talked regularly. We set up a date for Friday but I ended up having some car trouble and was not able to make the date. I told the guy what was happening with my car and he asked if I needed him to come help me out I told him it was all good my brother was coming to help me but I was not in the mood to go out that weekend. He seemed cool about it. The next week he contacted me a few times and then he stopped hitting me up. After a few days I reached out to him and he did not contact me back. We have not spoken since. My friend says he gave me the slow fade because I borrowed money from him. I don't think it had anything to do with the money I borrowed I thought he just lost interest.

So, what do you think was it me borrowing the money from him or was it just him losing interest?
It is good you paid him back, and did so as promised.
Unfortunately, IMHO, I believe this Businessman might view you as a (potential) Liability due to the one-thing-after-another situations within such a short period.

The good thing is that he came through for you when needed, and you kept your word to him. Relax and move on with a clear conscious; should he choose to contact you again that's great!!!! If not, that's great too.
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I think he lost respect for you. You could just have a stroke of bad luck at the moment, but in his mind he sees you as a, "What's her problem now," chick.

In the future please do not borrow money from men. It is a slippery slope from that point on.
It sounds like it was a combination of borrowing money, having car troubles and then breaking the date that caused him to lose interest. It probably gave him the impression that you are someone who may not have their ish together because you're asking him to loan you money for personal reasons when you guys have not known each other that long.
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Y'all continued to talk after borrowing the money so I believe the money wasn't the main/only reason...but like others said..the combination of borrowing the money, your window not working, and the car problems which led to you not making the date probably made him decide it wasn't worth it. Especially if he's older than you.
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Yeahhhhh if I was a guy I would assume it's always gonna be something new with you...like that Neyo song men like a girl that "she got her own".

I wouldn't ask men for money/favors so early in the game. It looks bad or thy might think your entitled to give them something in return other than conversation.
Ok LHCF my friend and I are having a difference of opinion on a topic and I need to know if I was wrong in the decision I made. So, I met this guy about a month and a half ago. He is attractive, smart and comes across as a gentleman. He owns his own business which is how we met. I came to his establishment to make a purchase and met him not knowing I was talking to the owner just thought I was flirting with a cute employee. He helped me make my purchase and our conversation kept going so I had him walk me outside to my car. The window on my car does not work and we talked about that he laughed and said he could fix it. I told him I would hold him to that and took his number to set up a time for him to fix the window.

I called him later that week and he told me he would come to me to fix the window. He fixed my car then we went and ate chatted and had a nice time. From that point, he contacted me daily either via text or call. About two weeks into us talking I asked to borrow $250.

Let me explain, I am a student, which he knows, and I needed $250 to complete a project. I asked my brother for the money but he could not get it to me in time. I told my homegirl that I was going to ask the guy I was talking to for the money and she told me I shouldn't because we had only known each other for a couple of weeks. I felt differently so I asked him for the money and let him know I would pay him back the following day. He gave me the money and I paid him back the next day as promised.

He continued to contact me and we talked regularly. We set up a date for Friday but I ended up having some car trouble and was not able to make the date. I told the guy what was happening with my car and he asked if I needed him to come help me out I told him it was all good my brother was coming to help me but I was not in the mood to go out that weekend. He seemed cool about it. The next week he contacted me a few times and then he stopped hitting me up. After a few days I reached out to him and he did not contact me back. We have not spoken since. My friend says he gave me the slow fade because I borrowed money from him. I don't think it had anything to do with the money I borrowed I thought he just lost interest.

So, what do you think was it me borrowing the money from him or was it just him losing interest?

All the reasons you stated in bold are the reason why he stopped talking to you. You must be young or very inexperienced in dating, because any woman would know not to say or act the way you did if you are in the early stages of dating someone.

You treated him more like a backup friend in need of some money, then a potential suitor. You first made him feel like he was a personal ATM (way too early) then you emasculated him when he offered to help you out with your car troubles for the two of ya'll date by saying my brother can help me. Then lastly you brushed him off (after he gave you the money) for a date, because "you were not in the mood that weekend". He probably though you were just using him for money and a flake.

I would stop talking/dating you too if I was him. Hope you learned from this for the next guy.
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OP just wondering...what made you comfortable enough to ask in the first place? It is because you know he's a business owner and just assumed he'd have it to give? Did he actually talk about money or something?
Nah, I asked my brother first who I would have preferred to have gotten the money from but he was just not close enough. The guy called me and I was a little stressed about it so, as I was venting to him I asked to borrow the money.
I don't think the money was a big deal or needing help the next time. In fact, it sounds like that's what drew him to you. He sounded all ready to save the day again.

However, I'm not all that convinced you were even into him. You got help from him and then made excuses not to go out with him. He finally gets another date. You have car trouble. Understandable. He wants to help because he's so obviously that type. But you suddenly don't want his help. In fact, you're not even interested in seeing him. You've already shut down the entire weekend. These are the types of things I do when I want to get rid of someone :lol:

Your friend believes he gave you the slow fade. In actuality you gave him the slow fade even if it was unintentional.
Not really you asking forthe money (although that was weird, there are ways of asking for something where it looks like they are the ones offering but thats by the by) its the fact after he helped you with that you made excuses not to see him, when it broke down again and he offered to come, you should have allowed him..cos he probabloy thinks you used him for money help and after that you suddenly started doing and saying whatever so you wont physically see him anymore
I don't think the money was a big deal or needing help the next time. In fact, it sounds like that's what drew him to you. He sounded all ready to save the day again.

However, I'm not all that convinced you were even into him. You got help from him and then made excuses not to go out with him. He finally gets another date. You have car trouble. Understandable. He wants to help because he's so obviously that type. But you suddenly don't want his help. In fact, you're not even interested in seeing him. You've already shut down the entire weekend. These are the types of things I do when I want to get rid of someone :lol:

Your friend believes he gave you the slow fade. In actuality you gave him the slow fade even if it was unintentional.

Exactly. He seems very much like a saver ESP if he's older, then he helped and she started giving him excuses for not meeting up. Poor superman :lol:
Men like to help and be the knight in shining armor

You let them!!!

and to be all the way honest I see no issue with the money part
I would've executed it differently
As I've accepted all types of gifts and money from men I was dating not in a relationship but just dating

Yeah, I think like another poster said, you gave the vibe you weren't into him. You didn't want him to help with your car, then didn't want to see him that weekend...kind of a bad look.