I said no after saying yes. He actually called me yesterday and apologized for ever asking me to borrow money. He talked to friends and reassured me that he saw were he went wrong and promise never to ask me for anything ever again! I was thinking, you had to talk to friends to see that was a punk move? Anyway, my best friend who also is my cousin decided to share the story with her brother; so I've been getting phone calls from guy cousins all day and they have not been pretty.
One of them said that even though he was sorry and has regrets but the fact that he went there showed that we were "unevenly yoke" (biblical) due to the fact that he lacked pride and I had a abundance of it. He said both are bad but we have no happy median and I would be wasting my time since he would not be someone I would respect. Basically, he said to leave the past in the past in this case!