Daughter-in-law Versus My Spouse Drama


Well-Known Member
First this isn't intended to be a DIL bashing thread so I hope this thread doesn't go there. I''m hoping that all the DILs and psychologists here can help me resolve this issue.

This really isn't so much about my DIL as it is my son/DIL family dynamics versus us. This has become an issue with DH because he doesn't see me as fully supporting his "attitude" toward the pair. I need to issue a caveat....my husband is ill and therefore his emotions are highly sensitive but I can't say that to him.

After husband's diagnosis I planned/covered a family trip out of the country for all of us. As a group we have never taken family photos so I arranged to have a photo session with a local photographer (referral) two months in advance. The focus of the session was for the grandparents to take photos with the grandkids....anyone else was fine but not necessary (just joking). I let my DIL help decide on a color scheme and she herself stated that we should use my favorite colors....they were not my original choice but it didn't take long for me to be persuaded. Doing the two months planning for the trip/photo session, I enlisted a personal shopper to select clothes for EVERYONE. In fact the personal shopper took pictures of all the intended items before purchase and sent to me which I forwarded to her.

The clothes for DS/DIL/GKs were purchased and provided to my DIL with the receipt. I told her if there were ANYTHING she didn't like she could take it back to Nordstrom's ...this was done at least three weeks before the trip. For the formal setting, all the ladies were to be dressed in white dresses (except for granddaughter which would provide a pop of color to the pictures according to the photographer). My dress was a floor length linen, my daughter's was a high/low dress, and DIL was a mini dress which is the correct length for her -but not the body-con style she prefers. DIL is a size 2-4 and while she has lost the vast majority of her baby weight her abs aren't quite back to pre-baby, this was MY consideration which I discussed with the personal shopper our styles.

Well as you can probably guess on the day of the shoot, DIL and son decided to dress in something totally differently. For the informal scenes they had on cut off shorts and she was wearing a belly showing crop top. They packed the clothes orignally purchased. I was not pleased and I did ask my son to change shirts because his shirt color selection conflicted with color theory (nobody was matchy-matchy). I did not ask my DIL to change. The formal scene--yep you guessed it here's comes a bodycon dress. This meant everyone was dressed in dressy "resort wear" and DIL was dressed for the nightclub. Yes, she has since complained that the pictures reveal her"pokey" belly.

HUBBY WAS PISSED. That night while alone at dinner he started crying. He said, " All they had to do were wear the %^$# clothes....that's all!. That's the only thing we asked." I tried to console him and explain that she wanted to show off her weight loss and that DS rather offend us that her. He wasn't having it. I'm looking at it as at a mental time and place thing. Hubby is looking at it as both of them were not concerned with our feelings especially since EVERYONE knew the pictures/memory book was really for hubby. He said she never would have done this to her parents, and that we really do too much for this kind of treatment.

I'm in the process of tying up some last estate planning issues and hubby is still mad. Therefore he's is not agreeing with decisions on minor assets to the GRANDCHILDREN. Example, we purchased Savings Bonds for 25 years and they are just put away forgotten. I suggested that we now direct them to the grandkids....in fact they could pay in full for a 529??? college plan. He said,"%^$# naw, I'm gonna spend my money and I want you to stop funding their investment accounts. WE"RE now not going to do....." I told him he is just being revengeful for something the grandkids are not responsible.

Now we are tip-toeing around each other. I could do everything behind his back because he doesn't concern himself with investments but I still want to make him feel that he is apart of all marriage decisions. At midnight last night I was on the phone with our investment advisor who lives in Denver....he knew about the phone call but refused to ask what actions I took. This morning he was argumentative about minor things like when to call the wildlife folks to get the bees out of the attic which is really major --he's allergic, I'm not. He is still just so mad.

Any ideas on how to make peace with everyone?
This is a tough one. Who to have loyalty to? I hate people like DIL that make EVERYTHING about her. That is so insensitive. I think it's DS's place to say something to her though. That's HIS wife. Her loyalty is to him and not yall's wishes. However she should have had more tact and respect than this.

And the grandchildren should not be penalized for this. I think I would quietly make investments and see if this blows over in a few months with my compassion towards my husband. If it didn't blow over, I would respect my husband and discontinue funding the accounts. It is what it is.

Your DH can be argumentative, but it takes two to argue so I wouldn't argue with him. It will just disrupt the peace of the house therefore I would just tread lightly and be compassionate to hubby during this time. "Whatever you decide honey." with a smile and a voice as sweet as honey. I would just leave decisions like the bees and etc. up to him. He's just hurting right now.
This is a tough one. Who to have loyalty to. I have no advice :( I hate people like DIL that make EVERYTHING about her. That is so insensitive. I think it's DS's place to say something to her though. And the grandchildren should not be penalized for this. I think I would quietly make investments and see if this blows over in a few months with my compassion towards my husband. If it didn't blow over, I would respect my husband and discontinue funding the accounts. It is what it is.

Your DH can be argumentative, but it takes two to argue so I wouldn't argue with him. It will just disrupt the peace of the house therefore I would just tread lightly and be compassionate to hubby during this time.

I'm really trying to keep the stress level down because it's not good for him.....but he is SO mad. My daughter who is always the calm in a tossing sea is not offering to mediate. She stated she raised an eyebrow at the clothing choice also and that it was just sprung on everyone---except DS.

Also it's hard when at dusk when the bees return to their hive in the attic...a few manage to come through the vents and buzz around. @Crackers Phinn. He's saying let them die off....I'm saying honey is going to drip through the vents.
I’m sorry Op, but YOU gave your DIL the bag with the receipt and told her she could exchange ANYTHING that she didn’t like. That’s exactly what she did. Now y’all are mad at her? Maybe if you tell your DH that it was you who gave the okay, he’d calm down a bit about the bonds.

I think this is a bit petty, honestly. Your DH is ill and wanted family photos. That’s what he got. Photos with his family. He’s going to let that be ruined because two people weren’t matching like he wanted?
Also it's hard when at dusk when the bees return to their hive in the attic...a few manage to come through the vents and buzz around. @Crackers Phinn. He's saying let them die off....I'm saying honey is going to drip through the vents.
As long as there is honey and the area is accessible, more bees will come to replace the dead ones. Spraying won't do anything you've got to remove the honey combs, clean the area and douse it with a bee repellent scent.
I’m sorry Op, but YOU gave your DIL the bag with the receipt and told her she could exchange ANYTHING that she didn’t like. That’s exactly what she did. Now y’all are mad at her? Maybe if you tell your DH that it was you who gave the okay, he’d calm down a bit about the bonds.

I think this is a bit petty, honestly. Your DH is ill and wanted family photos. That’s what he got. Photos with his family. He’s going to let that be ruined because two people weren’t matching like he wanted?

She didn’t return them. They were packed and brought to the resort and she could have mentioned it before the shoot began at 6pm. I have no idea why the two of them decided on a wardrobe change the day of the shoot. There would have been less tension if we had known belly baring wear was going to make an appearance.

I consider their actions insensitive but hubby is treating it as an indicator of their lack of respect for us.
I agree with your husband cuz I'm mad too. Let husband be mad. Telling folks not to be mad doesn't works especially when it's warranted.

Son and DIL had one job. ONE JOB! I would remind them of it frequently in the beginning and every time the subject of that picture came up. I'd say negotiate the investing into the grandkids 529 by saying that going forward son and DIL need to pay their own way on family trips. The new slogan should be punish the kids not the grandkids.

ETA - changed 503b to 529 - yall see where my head is at.
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I think this is a bit petty, honestly. Your DH is ill and wanted family photos. That’s what he got. Photos with his family. He’s going to let that be ruined because two people weren’t matching like he wanted?
I think he may be over reacting with cutting out the grand kids financially but I also think he has the right to be annoyed. OP spent two months working with DIL on planning out the photo session and involved her in the process. Clearly it was something important to OP and her husband so I think DIL was inconsiderate in making the changes.

I agree with the person upthread that recommended cutting DIL out of the shot.
I would remind them of it frequently in the beginning and every time the subject of that picture came up.

I'd probably find worst shot of her - the one where her belly was the pokiest - frame it and place it in a prominent spot. But I'm petty like that.
DIL was and is wrong, plain and simple, wrong. What right did she have to mess up an expectation that you and your husband had planned and PAID for? Make peace with your husband. He has a right to feel as he does. Minister love and compassion with understanding with him. DIL is doing what she wants no matter who it bothers or hurts. Hubby needs to mend and only you can do this. He's worth it and the peace in your home is worth protecting and fighting for / not against.

Why didn't your husband talk to his son about the dress preference at the time the pictures were being taken? Surely they could have managed to take a few photos with the clothes that were approved of months in advance and then change into what they wanted to wear.

I agree, whatever the feelings towards the parents, the grandchildren shouldn't be penalized. Can the last minute details of the estate planning wait a few weeks until your husband cools down?

Your daughter should not get involved in this- it is between your DS and his wife and your husband (to a lesser extent, you). Your husband needs to talk to your son about why these pictures were so important to him and how he felt when they showed up dressed in 'other' clothing. How DS responds might determine if you need to fall back on a few things. And don't put the blame squarely on DIL. Yes, DS's loyalty is now to her but he should have been sensitive enough to figure out the reason for the photos and convey that to his wife so that they would have been appropriately attired..
I’m sorry, @Transformer . I’m not a psychologist, I hope one will chime in.

I remember that when my friend was diagnosed with breast cancer, everything made her sad or mad.

Example: When her adult son forgot to take out her trash, she took it as a sign that he didn’t care that she was ill, that he was ungrateful for all she had done for him, that he might leave her to die alone, that she had failed as a parent. I mean she took it all the way to the worst possible conclusions. It clearly wasn’t about the trash, you know. Illness gave a new, dark context to things she normally might have laughed off.

Dealing with fear, sadness, regret, anger and who knows what else — will require patience and maybe some professional help? For your DH, for starters, it might help if the family knew how vulnerable he is right now. Maybe they would understand and indulge him a bit more until he gets his emotions on an even keel.

I do hope he gets better.
This is a tough call. Given all the planning and conversations about colors and buying clothes in advance DIL knew this was really important so making this change is inconsiderate. Having said that, the amount of planning for this photo shoot seems a little over the top. Nothing wrong with that but I can see her and DS thinking it’s not a big deal because there’ll still be family pictures. I wouldn’t personally pull a stunt like this if my in-laws paid for the trip and do so much for my family. Some things you do just to keep the peace and this is one of them. She should also know better than to voice any concerns about her stomach sticking out when she had a better option that she got for free.

With DH all you can do is talk to DS. Has he said anything about it? He must realize there’s tension. DIL was wrong but DS is the head of that house and your primary connection. Let him know how you both feel and hopefully he’ll see how important this was to DH.
I paid a flat fee for the photo shoot and the photographer has since provided 132 pictures. Not sure what happened to the rest of them because I thought there were about 500. There are plenty of pictures with just us and the grandkids. I was surprised that the photographer also shot just the core family members without the DIL---not my decision.

I have decided to only individually print the ones with the grandkids. The rest are in a photo album provided by the photographer. Folks that have viewed all the proofs ask...."where was DIL going?" Yep, I could be petty and display a picture where her abdomen is really not flattering....think they would get the message?

I have no idea what occurred with the clothes originally purchased. I think hubby will cool down around Christmas but in the meantime we have two birthdays to get through. He has no LONG TERM intention of punishing the grandkids or trying to redeem a total of 600 savings bonds--too much of a pain. He has has huffed and puffed before. But in the short term he is going to be PETTY.

He has already REFUSED to give DS the password to his subscription sports channels. I actually said, "don't you think that is being petty" and he replied "Yes."
Why didn't your husband talk to his son about the dress preference at the time the pictures were being taken? Surely they could have managed to take a few photos with the clothes that were approved of months in advance and then change into what they wanted to wear.

We were on a strict time schedule and I was 10 minutes late arriving. I was already frazzled because all the work I had to do with makeup, hair, including doing granddaughters' hair---that's another thread. Hubby would never say anything to DIL and I only managed to ask son to change his first shirt. When I'm pissed, I go silent.

Hubby and DS has had a conversation and while civility was maintained--it didn't go well. These were also our anniversary pictures.
Yep, I could be petty and display a picture where her abdomen is really not flattering....think they would get the message?

He has already REFUSED to give DS the password to his subscription sports channels. I actually said, "don't you think that is being petty" and he replied "Yes."
People don't learn unless you teach them.
Having said that, the amount of planning for this photo shoot seems a little over the top.

The planning WAS over the top and stressful and the reason I employed a personal shopper. My husband's illness is very serious and my thoughts were to make it as perfect as possible. It really did mean a lot to hubby...it was our anniversary and also an awareness that our time left is short. Those things factored into his tears.
@Transformer I’m so sorry you’re going through this. DHs health and the anniversary is reason for them to get it together. Any chance DS is being passive aggressive for some reason? I don’t get why he’d be okay with this.

Honest....due to DIL's fragility or pretend fragility--she plays that part well. He made a choice and chose her viewpoint. The option he thought was easier for him. I'm not mad....but I also understand that DH is probably thinking you didn't want to disappoint your wife, well my wife shouldn't have been disappointed either....now my turn for surprises.

When I saw what they were wearing my thoughts were simply ...."let's just get this over with."
I can kind of see DIL's point of view that you did say it was ok to exchange anything she didn't like, and I assume you didn't say she had to get her changes approved by you before the shoot. Her idea of what's appropriate may be different from yours and you did open the door by telling her that.

At the same time, she chose to wear the unflattering dress so she can't be mad if she didn't look good in it. You're well within your rights to blow up one of those pics and put it somewhere prominent where everyone can see her squishy belly when they come to visit, lol. She should have worn what the shopper picked or chosen something that she would have been happy to take pictures in. Surely she saw that her stomach was sticking out before she posed for the pictures?

I can see why your DH would be annoyed, but if you don't really care about the pictures with her in them, his anger seems over the top. You got the shots you wanted.
The planning WAS over the top and stressful and the reason I employed a personal shopper. My husband's illness is very serious and my thoughts were to make it as perfect as possible. It really did mean a lot to hubby...it was our anniversary and also an awareness that our time left is short. Those things factored into his tears.

Is the rest of the family aware of the severity of his illness?

Even if they are not, it was an anniversary photo shoot. The least that they could do was honor your wishes.
can kind of see DIL's point of view that you did say it was ok to exchange anything she didn't like, and I assume you didn't say she had to get her changes approved by you before the shoot. Her idea of what's appropriate may be different from yours and you did open the door by telling her that.

But she didn't exchange it....she just wore something else. She hasn't brought the clothes purchased back to me or took them back to Nordstrom's for a refund . And honestly, after presenting her pictures before the purchase I thought any exchange would be due to fit not selection. I even told her that I had alterations credits if the clothes needed to altered.

I want to be clear here. At 2pm, four hours before the shoot we were discussing which outfit to wear first, so I wasn't expecting a "wardrobe malfunction" at 6pm. Yes, I know her style....she wears Bodycon dresses to funerals. I had expected a switch-a-roo with the kids' clothes....she prefers her mother's selections to mine. I dress the grandkids like they are kids and her mother selects miniature grown up clothing in fabrics that are hot....I'm a cotton queen for kids. When she kinda suggested different outfits for the kids at 2pm-- " granddaughter just has so many outfits from which to choose:....I shot that down fast by saying...."changing their outfits now, will throw the pictures off" and she acquiesced.....I thought.
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Is the rest of the family aware of the severity of his illness?
Even if they are not, it was an anniversary photo shoot. The least that they could do was honor your wishes.

Yes, they are. They also knew that he wasn't making any additional courses of action decisions until after the trip.

My friends cousin hooked her pictures up, he crops better than Diddy. I hope you’re husband feels better.

Thank you, so do I. He has already lived longer than anyone in his family.--they tend to check out early with rare or deadly diseases like pancreatic cancer. That was a discussion at lunch one day with DS.
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If it were me I’d side with dh for the time being. Stop funding stuff like he’s asked, etc. He’s very stressed right now so I’d just go with the flow. Sounds like DIL didn’t want you purchasing her clothing. Just thinking about someone buying me clothing for a photo makes me cringe. I think they didn’t know how to tell you no or to just buy clothes for the grandkids. But your dh isn’t hearing any of it and that’s just fine. I’d be on his side and trust the rest will work itself out. The kids’ parents can finish the funding for their kids’ college or you can add more later. IMO right now the only thing that matters is being close to, loving, and supportive of your hubby.

And so so sorry about your husband’s illness. (((Hugs))) to both of you.
@Transformer I'm so sorry to hear about your husband.

I would have a real conversation with DS. After all, that's his Dad and he should be concern about his feelings as well. The same way he's committed to his wife is the way I would be about DH especially considering his condition. I would be over protective of DH during this time. I would make sure to keep the distance between DH and DIL until he cools off. Even if it means celebrating the GKs bday's separately.

DIL won't begin to change unless someone points out her insensitivity. She needs to be told! But that's up to your DS unless DIL comes at you directly.
Sounds like DIL didn’t want you purchasing her clothing. Just thinking about someone buying me clothing for a photo makes me cringe.

You are correct and that's why a personal shopper made suggestions and sent pictures. She couldn't go shopping because either her or the kids were sick or she had to attend two funerals on separate weekends. But she claimed she loved the choices---I putting it squarely on her for not speaking up and saying...." I want something sexier for my Mayan Ruins poses."
First and foremost I am sorry to hear about your husband's illness.

That said, is this the same DIL that you've posted about before? Because if so I'm inclined to agree with your husband. It sounds like she was going to wear what she wanted to wear no matter what and I think, all things considered, even if she didn't like what the shopper chose she could have worn it for the photo shoot and then changed.