Dating Gemini Men

:nono: That's all I attract :whyme: I know their sign before they even ask me out! Never again :lol:. My ex-husband is a TRUE gemini. He can be one way (nice and sweet) and in a second he's someone else( bossy and annoying).
I dated a Gemini before. Everything was good at first...but then his other side came out to play. He was manipulative and selfish! Never again! LOL Gemini and commitment does NOT belong in the same sentence !:lachen::lachen::lachen:

Just from my experience...
I found him very arguementative, insecure, one minute hot, the next cold but loved me very much though. Unpredicteable and just not stable enough personality wise for me. Manipulative and selfish. Very intellectual and ambitious. It started out good at first ... very good but as time went on, I saw the otherside and can't live with it. I'm a virgo :)
my experience is Gemini guys are sweet and do say the right things BUT are definitely commitment phobes. Its like the say one thing and always do another, i cant deal with that. Im a Sagittarius.
Oh - and Aries + Leo = Too Much Ego. :nono: Not gonna work Mama.

As an Aries - we're drawn to confident men, because we're strong confident personalities and we hate when people just bow in deference. We like a little challenge and we need a partner that feels like an equal. So the Leo at first seems very attractive. But neither sign wants to take the backseat, and Leos have fragile egos.

With the gemini we never butted heads, but he could make me meek as a kitty kat whereas most other men would've gotten scratched. :lachen:

Very true. I don't want a push over man. :nono: Leos do have fragile egos.
I dated a Gemini before. Everything was good at first...but then his other side came out to play. He was manipulative and selfish! Never again! LOL Gemini and commitment does NOT belong in the same sentence !:lachen::lachen::lachen:

Just from my experience...

This Gemini is pushing for commitment. I also hear they are flirts too. As with anyone I will take it slow and see him in different settings so I can get a good sense of his personality.
my experience is Gemini guys are sweet and do say the right things BUT are definitely commitment phobes. Its like the say one thing and always do another, i cant deal with that. Im a Sagittarius.

interesting. :) i find it interesting that a sag is calling some other sign a commitment phobe. :grin: but the lady sags are different i've heard.
I'm a Cancer and I have a Gemini male friend who wants to date me but I don't like cheap men! Gemini men are C-H-E-A-P! This man gave me a bottle of Jack Daniels for a Christmas gift, turned out he didn't even pay attention to the hand written note on the side of the bottle addressed to him. This fool regifted. I mentioned it to him and he acted like there was nothing wrong with that. He still asks if he can come over to drink it with me. Yeah right!

My Mars is in Aries and I am compatible physically with men who's Mars is in Gemini.

Gemini's and Aries are compatible. Just have fun and don't take everything they say too serious. Remember you are actually dating two people.
interesting. :) i find it interesting that a sag is calling some other sign a commitment phobe. :grin: but the lady sags are different i've heard.

No they are not! They are just as commitment phobic and promiscious as their male counter parts. They will commit to a strong man.
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I'm a Cancer and I have a Gemini male friend who wants to date me but I don't like cheap men! Gemini men are C-H-E-A-P! This man gave me a bottle of Jack Daniels for a Christmas gift, turned out he didn't even pay attention to the hand written note on the side of the bottle addressed to him. This fool regifted. I mentioned it to him and he acted like there was nothing wrong with that. He still asks if he can come over to drink it with me. Yeah right!

My Mars is in Aries and I am compatible physically with men who's Mars is in Gemini.

Gemini's and Aries are compatible. Just have fun and don't take everything they say too serious. Remember you are actually dating two people.

I plan on doing that too. I am still dating other guys.
Overall, I think to generalize is bad. HOWEVER, my father is a gemini and whoa nelly. Two people in one body. One day he can be soo sweet and nice and the next, it is like the devil has inhabited his body.:angeldevi
My mother says after dating my dad for four years during college, and he was just the sweetest man. They got married...that next day she woke up to :mad:. She would ask him time and again why he looked so upset. He would then growl, nothing's wrong with me! Well, over the years, we have named my father's "twin", Skippy. Sometimes we ask her, is it him or his "twin" skippy out today?

I think women gemini's are less noticeable, then men.
My fiance is a gemini and he is sweet and attentive but there are those times when he acts strange. Like he will get quiet all of a sudden, its weird.
I dated a gemini in college and had a recent run in with him. He's matured a lot but has some of the same (crazy a$$ gemini) qualities that turned me off.

I have to admit, I've looked into whether he has bipolar disorder. The evidence wasn't strong enough, so I guess it's just the gemini in him. He switches back and forth about every 5 mins.

I was with him last week watching the playoffs and he wanted to cuddle and he told me he loved me. When the game was over I went to look for him and he was in his car pulling out of my friends drive!? He texted me a few hours later apologizing for being rude and not saying goodbye and sent xx's and oo's. The next day we were hanging out and he told me not to sit next to him b/c I'm not his girlfriend and he doesn't want ppl getting the wrong idea.

I'm an aquarius. has some good info. We're supposed to be a good match b/c of our ability to communicate. Ironically, the only reason we are not together is b/c we argue about everything and anything. It's so ridiculous.
I found him very arguementative, insecure, one minute hot, the next cold but loved me very much though. Unpredicteable and just not stable enough personality wise for me. Manipulative and selfish. Very intellectual and ambitious.

This was my ex exactly. I thought the manipulative and selfish part didn't fit, but now that I think about it, it does. He always has me apologizing for stuff and conveniently forgets all the hurtful things he did to me.

I would say he was very committed. I dunno if that's a trait of geminis.
My SO is a Gemini and I'm a virgo. We've been best friends for 13 years. He is intelligent, has a huge heart, and he is very protective of me and his family. On top of that his spiritual connection to God is admirable - to say the least. He's hugely responsible for me developing a closer relationship with God.

On the flip side he is a straight business man. Honest - yet he knows how to get what he wants. He is VERY hard working and is great with developing relationships with people.
When we have disagreements, it's usually because I kick it off - - but he usually manages to keep his cool while we discuss the issue.

One of my biggest pet peeves with him is setting firm dates to do things. He likes to feel things out and that is what started a few of our past tiffs. . . Aside from that he is my heart and I feel very fortunate to have him in my life.
I love Gemini men! That split personality is sexy to me. . .but I'm a Libra and we're compatible so go figure :)

Nothing is better than a Leo man though. . .they have like this power. . .anyway yeah. LOL
I'm an Aquarius & supposedly Geminis are my perfect match. I'm surrounded by them. It's insane.

1. F - He's been chasing me for 6 years. Now he claims he wants a girlfriend but he's acting weird. IDK.

2. R - A former friend with benefit. Can commit when he wants to. But still loves the ladies & Lord how they love him.

3. D - An ex. Highly passionate & creative. Moody. Intelligent. Randomly shows up.

4. J - Energetic. Always on the go. One minute he's in love with me, next minute he can't stand me. Wants me all to himself but won't give the same respect.

All four are brutally honest. Extremely high sex drives (only been with two of them LOL). Can talk for hours about anything. But they have commitment issues. And they all want you to tell them that it's their cooter. IDK what that's about but that's a common thread. LOL.
I was with him last week watching the playoffs and he wanted to cuddle and he told me he loved me. When the game was over I went to look for him and he was in his car pulling out of my friends drive!? He texted me a few hours later apologizing for being rude and not saying goodbye and sent xx's and oo's. The next day we were hanging out and he told me not to sit next to him b/c I'm not his girlfriend and he doesn't want ppl getting the wrong idea.


LMAO!!!!! i don't know why this stood out to me cuz that is such a gemini thing to do. LOL. we are really :spinning::drunk::spinning:
I stay far away from Gemini men. All the Gemini's that I've dated in the past were very very superficial. Its funny, but according to astrology its my most compatible sign. I am a libra!

Gemini/Libra mix here :yep:

We have been together 10 years next Wednesday (his birthday) and married for 5 in october. He is one of the kindest sweetest person's i have ever known. But yes he has a dark side that doesn't come out too often. I actually named him Robespierre. When i call him that he knows I am mad at his behavior. He can have a short attention span which drives me mad but other than that I wouldn't trade him for the world.

and for us, if there is a dark side that needs to come out, he needs his to come out than mine. I usually try to use my powers for good but there are those times when :rolleyes:

oh and me and Leo's are a no go...wanted to kill an ex and my dad died and beat me to it (even thought he was my best friend). Leo men are soooo special lol
I'm a leo and married to a gemini. I agree with the flirtatious part. My DH loves old ladies. They seem to love him back. I'm talking 70 and up, so I don't mind too much, especially since my grandma adores him.
Bumping...I am getting to know a Gemini, I am a Leo. He is very forward and has alot of energy...seem to have a short attention span, and great converstation. Is that typical? I notice that his mood can switch up a little bit also, I feel like we both would keep each other on our toes. He seems real unpredictable. But he is extremely forward, he said it is because he know what he wants.