Dealing With Leos

There is a difference between an emotionally retarded Leo and one who is emotionally stable. ER Leos are the worst. They can be extremely selfish and self absorbed. They want to be wanted, but do want to commit to you. They would be very happy if everything was all about them. They tend to be very insecure, its not even funny. They can be sooo STUBBORN that one must make a new word for it. They are very hard to love because they want things their way or no way at all. These traits are doubled if they also have LEO as their North Node sign.
A Leo who is emotionally stable can be stubborn, but know that they can be extremely loyal, especially if they have their North Node in Leo as well. Once they have made up their mind about you, they will stick by you no matter what. But, they also like to hold court. They can be extremely generous with you emotionally and financially if they are praised for it...they really need to know that they are valued so one would have to "play" them in this way to get what they want all of the time. They won't tell you directly that they love you, but they would praise you to other long as you don't find out about it. lol they avoid being vulnerable like the plague..but they will be vulnerable with you when it really matters, so that is a plus.

These have been my experiences with Leos.

This is a great description.
I'm a leo. I've casually dated a few leos. But since we're the same sign I didn't find them to be too much.

I will say that they have a lot of pride. If you can get them to admit their true feelings, consider yourself a lucky woman. They hate being vulnerable but they really are in constant need of attention. The "look at me" attention, not the "hold me" attention.

It's not an easy task to date a leo. You have to be consistent and persistent, without being annoying. They can sometimes be very good judge of characters, so if you're looking to BS and play games, they can sense that and will play your game right along with you. They are also very compassionate people as well. :yep:

This is me!!! If you want to bs me I will play with you and swat you away when I'm bored with entertaining the bs.

Case in point this guy I was just dating we weren't exclusive by any means thought I was a liar because he didn't know who else I talked to and saw. He was very candid about telling me who else he dated, but I felt it was more to make me jealous and didn 't come from a genuine place because he was still lying about stuff so I did what I want. I never lied about talking to other people he knew that, but I wasn't going to just tell him. If he wanted to know he would have to ask. He was an Aquarius and he was too stubborn to humble himself and show that he really cared and was jealous. So I never told him though he wanted to, because he was trying to play a mind game and guilt me into telling him who, what, when and why. Wasn't going to work.
I am a leo and can easily put my hand up to a lot of things. We do crave attention, but in my life i see it more as recognition for the things i achieve and what i may be doing. We do talk a lot and i try to listen i just butt in all the time.. trying to work on

but we are very very loyal people, i know people that argue and fall out with friends and family all the time, but for some reason i dont. If you treat me accordingly and i know we're on the same level i will fight for you tooth and nail, however i do not take betrayal lightly and i have to say whats on my mind. as to me thats what being real is all about, i however have tact in the way i say things, so as to not hurt the persons feelings too much.

Love love love my family, if you find a friend in a leo you find a true friend ( at this point they are the cutest little pussy cats) the trick is not to betray them, (at this point you will feel the wrath of the lions jaw) lol
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My experiences with Leo men is that they love the finer things in life, they are very big on appearance, they are very generous and don't mind spending money on you BUT they are very egotistical and is all about them. They NEED attention. They always have to be right. I hope all of them aren't like that, but that's just my experience.
I'm a leo. I've casually dated a few leos. But since we're the same sign I didn't find them to be too much.

I will say that they have a lot of pride. If you can get them to admit their true feelings, consider yourself a lucky woman. They hate being vulnerable but they really are in constant need of attention. The "look at me" attention, not the "hold me" attention.

It's not an easy task to date a leo. You have to be consistent and persistent, without being annoying. They can sometimes be very good judge of characters, so if you're looking to BS and play games, they can sense that and will play your game right along with you. They are also very compassionate people as well. :yep:

I agrea wholeheartedly...i'm a leo too
and unashamedly unapologetically extremely high maintenance
but if I invite you into my's yours & you will find it a warm
loyal loving palace....where the true hearted and courageous
entertain...we cats love to shake our manes and let loose
roooooooo arrrrrrrrrrr
but we also know when to purr :)
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I'm surprised to be dating a Leo (I am a pisces). What I have noticed is that he is outgoing, loud, talkative, humorous, giving, confident and a show-off (I like this lol)... He does not like indecisive, wishy-washy conversations... likes things to be concise and cleear-cut. That's cool with me. He does like to get 'babied' and told how awesome he is :rolleyes: and that puffs his chest out :)

What I don't like is that he could spend hours going on and on about himself and his issues. At times I've felt like I'm training Pavlov's dog because when he asks how my day is going or how I'm feeling, I have to make a point to THANK HIM for remembering to ask! I'm hoping this will 'train' him so that he knows he gets a positive response when he genuinely listens and asks me how I am. Whew! lol I have had to tell him point blank 'You are being selfish and not compromising AT ALL.' He gets this sad confused look on his face and I'm like :rolleyes: ... so he is making a concerted effort.

But it works some how. I do think there's more to it than sun signs (ie. he has a lot of pisces in his natal chart, I have a lot of sag and virgo).. so this might balance us out.
I'm a Leo dating a Leo. See my thread for the results, lol. I can relate and agree to a lot of issues discussed here.

1) If I am crossed, ur crossed off my list for life. Well not really but it's gonna be tough getting back right.

2) I love my true friends and i will do anything and everything for them.
3) I need attention, not look at me but a lot of emotional attention

Leo I am currently dating is a july leo. Very stubborn, my way or the highway guy.
Talks great about me to everyone else but me, which is probably why his friends and family think i'm so great.
Kind of quiet and not an attention craver but he does think he is God's gift to women though.
I've never dated a leo. Ha! I am a leo. I really don't follow that astrology stuff but I must say that aries are hard on leos as well. Aries sometimes make the soul of the leo hurt but we gotta love them especially if they are close.
My first boyfriend was a leo and let me tell you, I don't know if it was b/c we were young (15/16) but the sun, moon and stars shined on my butt.. I mean he loved me to death.. He was very friendly, compassionate, giving, emotional and loving.. Why did I break up with him for an aquarius :wallbash:.. The kind of love he gave I can't find it nowhere :nono:... The guy I'm dating now is a scorpio and is close but my leo nothing compares to him...:perplexed I know I broke his heart and I definitely paid the price for that.....:ohwell:
^^^Scorpios and Leo do have some similarities. I am a Leo and I really get along with scorpio women because I think we have the same mind frame (if that makes any sense).

Also MOONGLOWDIVA you are right about Aries dating leos, I think it is meant for me to marry an Aries all the ones I have dated we seemed to have leveled each other out.
I'm a leo. I've casually dated a few leos. But since we're the same sign I didn't find them to be too much.

I will say that they have a lot of pride. If you can get them to admit their true feelings, consider yourself a lucky woman. They hate being vulnerable but they really are in constant need of attention. The "look at me" attention, not the "hold me" attention.

It's not an easy task to date a leo. You have to be consistent and persistent, without being annoying. They can sometimes be very good judge of characters, so if you're looking to BS and play games, they can sense that and will play your game right along with you. They are also very compassionate people as well. :yep:

I too am a Leo, and I have to say that your assessment is quite accurate. My mother and ex and a few girlfriends are Leos. They are all powerful people with diverse personalities.
Some are bossy, stubborn and extremely possessive of the deepest emotions and feelings (I guard my feelings like Fort Knox, not my bet feature). What one sees on the surface is often hiding a much more complex deep thinker. They are more than "look at me" people. And last but not least, all are fiercely independent(which can sometimes be a detraction). But I think is one of my best traits.
I'm also a typical Leo.

I've been told that i'm demanding, but i'm not. I just expect certain things :look: I'm also stubborn too. Ah well! The sign I definately don't get along with is Pisces :nono:
The Leo man I dated was very loyal and honest with me, even when it hurt my feelings. He didn't do this purposely, he was just really blunt when he spoke his mind. This didn't sit well with my poor, sensitive, diplomatic Libra heart. :perplexed

He was one of those "hey, look at me" types too, which got annoying, especially when we went out. I would just roll my eyes and shake my head.

This man loved to talk me to DEATH. I think I was his favorite audience to listen to him talk about his thoughts and opinions about life. He would say, SB, you're the only one I can talk with about this stuff. Unfortunately, while he was great at speaking, he SUCKED at just listening.

He was also very passionate and upfront about his feelings. He said I was the best friend he ever had, he loved me, I was such a good woman, and he wasn't ever gonna let me go - even when he started ****** up to the point that I didn't want to be in a relationship with him anymore. :look:

What ultimately did us in was his "my way or the highway" attitude about relationships. I felt like I was doing ALL of the compromising - and I got tired of it, so I cut him loose. And yes, he's still trying to get back with me. :nono:

ETA: I would date another Leo again. The chemistry/connection between us was wonderful, and when our relationship was good, it was VERY GOOD. But this particular relationship I was in went South due to some effed up decisions he made in his life, and being stubborn and unwilling to compromise with me to make it work.

This is my current relationship. I'm a libra too! lol I find myself being the one compromising the most.
Oh dear. I just met a Leo. We're actually going on our first date tonight.

Anywho, I don't know if I can deal with the attention thing. As an Aquarius I'm the complete opposite. People who need the "look at me" kind of attention overwhelm me. Especially if its someone I'm dating.

I guess I'll see what happens.
I am a leo. You can win every time with compliments, praise, adorement shuz just bow down when you see us coming hehe

We love to play cat and mouse games.

True to you if you win our hearts.
small penis.

the one leo that ive *ahem* colored with couldnt fit into Magnums:yep:
his marker was economy sized....

but they are attention seekers and they loved to be noticed
but the couple I know (cause they swarm around me like flies) are
EXTREMELY loyal I get along with them because I take loyalty very seriously as well.
I stuck this thread in the Dating thread but it is really in reference to dealing with leos period. I have a son, brother, sister and a friend that are Leos. They drive this poor Aries nuts. They can be really fun people, take charge and great leaders. They can be a pain in the Butt too. Very stubborn. WHAT'S YOUR DATING EXPERIENCE WITH LEOS.

It's interesting that you mention Leos in relation to Aries. I'm a Leo and I've never clicked romantically w/ Aries.
I also want to say as a Leo I can't deal with anyone who can't express themselves. I hate when people avoid talking to me. I would rather fuss it out than just pretend like everything is ok.

This is why I have a love/hate relationship with Pisces'. :wallbash:

I love creative/artistic people and a lot of pisceans fit in that category, but it's like 'dude, speak' wtf is on your mind. Don't gaze into my eyes and compliment me, even though I do appreciate the sentiment. What are you thinking about right now?
They don't like to answer questions. example:
Leo: What's up? What are you doing today?
Pisces: :;sigh:: hmmm, uh mmm I don't know, there's so much going on, who knows.
Leo: So what does that mean?
Pisces: I don't know. What are you doing today?
Leo: :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

I need to find an Aries or a Sag asap.
The guy I'm dealing with right now is a Leo and I'm an Aries. Most of this stuff is spot on. Either we're REALLY good or we're REALLY bad.
I was having a conversation with a leo guy the other night and I couldn't wait to get off the phone. He has a good conversation cause it's not onesided, but he came off as very demanding, this is what I expect and for the umptenth time I'm an engineer and I know what I want, I can take you shopping etc. . Sounded so desperate.
This is why I have a love/hate relationship with Pisces'. :wallbash:

I love creative/artistic people and a lot of pisceans fit in that category, but it's like 'dude, speak' wtf is on your mind. Don't gaze into my eyes and compliment me, even though I do appreciate the sentiment. What are you thinking about right now?
They don't like to answer questions. example:
Leo: What's up? What are you doing today?
Pisces: :;sigh:: hmmm, uh mmm I don't know, there's so much going on, who knows.
Leo: So what does that mean?
Pisces: I don't know. What are you doing today?
Leo: :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

I need to find an Aries or a Sag asap.

:yep::yep: I dated a guy that would never tell me when I upset him and then he would get super upset when I would keep doing the same thing, I was like boo if you have a problem explicitly tell me what it is, because I sure as hell don't have a problem telling you when do something I don't like.

I dated an Aquarius and while I loved this man to death that was the worse relationship I have ever been in. Talk about drama, LEOS and AQUARIUS are not good for each other. I wanted adoration and he was to stubborn to give it to me. :wallbash: Mad passion and beaucoup drama!!