I'm a capricorn and it seems like pisces men are Always attracted to me, and honestly, I'm usually attracted to them, until I discover, its another damn pisces, I can't seem to break this cursed attraction thats drawing them to me. They have this strange ability of tuning into my emotions without me saying anything and I love that, 2 actually had the same birthday, but they make me so nervous. I haven't met one that I could safely give my heart over to, cause they can be slippery, unreliable, and just down right liars. All were the cause of a deeply broken heart. One minute they can't live without you, and the next, well, you'll be lucky if they send an email your way. Before my experiences I never believed in that Zodiac mumble jumble, but now if I hear pisces, I'm running, cause I'm done.
I'm a capricorn and it seems like pisces men are Always attracted to me, and honestly, I'm usually attracted to them, until I discover, its another damn pisces, I can't seem to break this cursed attraction thats drawing them to me. They have this strange ability of tuning into my emotions without me saying anything and I love that, 2 actually had the same birthday, but they make me so nervous. I haven't met one that I could safely give my heart over to, cause they can be slippery, unreliable, and just down right liars. All were the cause of a deeply broken heart. One minute they can't live without you, and the next, well, you'll be lucky if they send an email your way. Before my experiences I never believed in that Zodiac mumble jumble, but now if I hear pisces, I'm running, cause I'm done.

Lordy, lordy, lordy where do I begin. Thanks for this thread cuz I need to vent.

I have been dealing with this PISCES MAN for about 3 years now. Its off and on, off and on. He is MOODY, CHANGEABLE, UNRELIABLE, SNEAKY, and they tend to be addicts of....somthing.
Mine, do I dare claim him?, I think its leaning towards alcoholism and I swear he is a sex addict.

He has given me HELL. Do you hear me, HELL. I have a whole diary filled up with him and his antics. And everytime I try to let go. He drags me back in again, somehow, someway. I have changed all my phone numbers twice, but one constant remains the same, my work number, and he always wiggles his way back through that way.

Positives: Great sex partner, artistic, fun.

I've learned to take him lightly for my own emotional safety. He tells me all this good stuff in my ear but can't back it up with action. And I just don't TRUST him. No way, no how.

But not to discourage you too much, cuz we are the enemies in the zodiac. I'm a Gemini.

I knew Gemini and Pisces was not a good mix. I think most Pisces men are big dreamers and procrastinators, this combination does not work well.

The addiction thing is so true. One Pisces guy I dated was addicted to Alcohol and sex and the other was addicted to video games and sex.

Do you think they have bipolar tendencies?
Oh my I have a crush on this Pisces dude, sound worse than the Cancer. Patiently waiting for my Taurus or Scorpio...
Well, damn. :perplexed

Glad you got out of it.

As for me, I like Pisces men. They're fun to be around, but they're difficult to pin down. Very slippery characters.... like fish. :yep:

I dated one while in college and I don't think I've ever clicked so well with anyone else. I think that if he had chosen to seriously pursue a relationship with me, I would have went along with it, which is saying a lot because I had serious commitment phobia in college. However, he was the type of person where there would be like month-long periods that we would see each other frequently, talk on the phone for hours at a time, and enjoy each others company, and then stretches of time that he might as well have just dropped off the face of the earth.

Looking back, I know its because he wasn't trying to settle down, and I'm definitely a "settle down" type of girl. At the time I just found him shady and unreliable. :lachen:I learned more about him after we stopped dating because we've became good friends.

And they are sensitive! OMGosh, they are so sensitive. And they won't show it.... at least he wouldn't. It took me awhile before I was able to see when he was bothered by something because he kept that type of stuff to himself.

Pinning them down.....oh lawd can't do it. Sensative....VERY! I'm trying to get over a Pisces now and my son is a Pisces. He is very sweet and very sensative. I have to remember that about my boy.
Lordy, lordy, lordy where do I begin. Thanks for this thread cuz I need to vent.

I have been dealing with this PISCES MAN for about 3 years now. Its off and on, off and on. He is MOODY, CHANGEABLE, UNRELIABLE, SNEAKY, and they tend to be addicts of....somthing.
Mine, do I dare claim him?, I think its leaning towards alcoholism and I swear he is a sex addict.

He has given me HELL. Do you hear me, HELL. I have a whole diary filled up with him and his antics. And everytime I try to let go. He drags me back in again, somehow, someway. I have changed all my phone numbers twice, but one constant remains the same, my work number, and he always wiggles his way back through that way.

Positives: Great sex partner, artistic, fun.

I've learned to take him lightly for my own emotional safety. He tells me all this good stuff in my ear but can't back it up with action. And I just don't TRUST him. No way, no how.

But not to discourage you too much, cuz we are the enemies in the zodiac. I'm a Gemini.

Are we talking about the same guy??? Mine irks me sooo much!! I've decided with him to just let that one go. The emotional drain is too much. But the sex is great and he is so fun to talk to.
This thread was very interesting. Can we get one for each sign?? Like Scorpio and Sags since we are in the Nov-Dec months. That would be very interesting.
Scorpio, I want to meet a good one, so bad. My male BFF is a Scorpio, and I could see myself being able to work well with one even though they have their negatives...
I knew Gemini and Pisces was not a good mix. I think most Pisces men are big dreamers and procrastinators, this combination does not work well.

The addiction thing is so true. One Pisces guy I dated was addicted to Alcohol and sex and the other was addicted to video games and sex.

Do you think they have bipolar tendencies?

I left it out but mine guy was addicted to all the above! :lachen:I forgot to include video games. All day EVERY DAY. Warcraft to be exact. Sometimes it even seems like he treated our relationship like a game. I always felt like I was in the middle of a chess game.

As far as the bipolar part....you know I've never really thought about it until now. But they DO mimick someone who is bi-polar.:yep:
I am a scorpio and according to the zodiac that is the sign I am most compatible with. I haven't dated one yet. For the scorpio women who have dated Pisces brotha's what were they like and were the both of you compatible?
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Are we talking about the same guy??? Mine irks me sooo much!! I've decided with him to just let that one go. The emotional drain is too much. But the sex is great and he is so fun to talk to.

Yep, we are talkin' about the same guy...more or less.:yep: You summed it up very well. The emotional drain is SERIOUS. Thats why I'm up in this thread right now, trying to let it all out. :lachen:And that whole fun to talk to and great sex is what leads you back on the saddle again.:nono:

It would be cool to get a thread going on every sign though.
I am a scorpio and according to the zodiac that is the sign I am most compatible with. I haven't dated one yet. For the scorpio women who have dated Pisces brotha's what were they like and were the both of you compatible?

I am a Scorpio and my SO is a Pisces. They are everything discribed in the thread. But we scorpio's have a way of putting them in check :look:. Game peeps game. Just like any man, Pisces will do what you allow especially if they can get away with it. :yep: That's why you have to check them. But I wouldn't trade my Pisces for nothing in the world. He is my best friend and soul mate. Scorps and Pisces are actually one of the most perfect matches in the zodiac. We are both on the cusp of our sign so that even better match.

The key for my relationship is we both balance each other out. Where he is weak personality wise I'm strong and vice versa. Pisces tend to be wishy washy, Scorpio are a very stable sign. That is what attact the Pisces to us we are a strong, domineering sign they like that because it balances them out. The flip side to all the negative is he is very emotional but keeps up a wall to act like he doesn't care but I can read right through him. There is a heart in that hard shell. They are funny, good in bed, they are dreamers, easy to talk to. We are connected emotionally and can read each other really well. Like I said wouldn't trade him for the world. In my case his good qualities out weigh the bad. If you read the compatablilty for Scorp and Pisces that describes it.
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My man is a Pisces and before him, I always avoided them like the plague. I've heard how overly emotional they are and I'm an Aries so overly emotional men are typically a major turn off for me but so far, so good. We seem to be a good match thus far but time will tell.
I am a Scorpio and my SO is a Pisces. They are everything discribed in the thread. But we scorpio's have a way of putting them in check :look:. Game peeps game. Just like any man, Pisces will do what you allow especially if they can get away with it. :yep: That's why you have to check them. But I wouldn't trade my Pisces for nothing in the world. He is my best friend and soul mate. Scorps and Pisces are actually one of the most perfect matches in the zodiac. We are both on the cusp of our sign so that even better match.

The key for my relationship is we both balance each other out. Where he is weak personality wise I'm strong and vice versa. Pisces tend to be wishy washy, Scorpio are a very stable sign. That is what attact the Pisces to us we are a strong, domineering sign they like that because it balances them out. The flip side to all the negative is he is very emotional but keeps up a wall to act like he doesn't care but I can read right through him. There is a heart in that hard shell. They are funny, good in bed, they are dreamers, easy to talk to. We are connected emotionally and can read each other really well. Like I said wouldn't trade him for the world. In my case his good qualities out weigh the bad. If you read the compatablilty for Scorp and Pisces that describes it.

This can be true. I have known some dynamic Pisces and Scorp relationships, but I have also known some that were disatrous. I think Venus and Mars signs must be look at too to determine compatibility.
Every Pieces I've dated (2) have been mean and verbally abusive.
I said no more. However, the new guy I'm seeing is a Pieces and he's just weird. when will I learn?
My man is a Pisces and before him, I always avoided them like the plague. I've heard how overly emotional they are and I'm an Aries so overly emotional men are typically a major turn off for me but so far, so good. We seem to be a good match thus far but time will tell.
Hiya E-twin!!!
I am a scorpio who has been entranced by a pisces boy oh boy what a ride, so many things is this thread are true. I am so over the I'm tough act....okay you want to have a bipolar moment let me know when the storm cloud settles. Interesting creatures but in the end its all about balence and keeping your sanity.
I'm a capricorn and it seems like pisces men are Always attracted to me, and honestly, I'm usually attracted to them, until I discover, its another damn pisces, I can't seem to break this cursed attraction thats drawing them to me. They have this strange ability of tuning into my emotions without me saying anything and I love that, 2 actually had the same birthday, but they make me so nervous. I haven't met one that I could safely give my heart over to, cause they can be slippery, unreliable, and just down right liars. All were the cause of a deeply broken heart. One minute they can't live without you, and the next, well, you'll be lucky if they send an email your way. Before my experiences I never believed in that Zodiac mumble jumble, but now if I hear pisces, I'm running, cause I'm done.


Seriously, she described my ex who is a lying arse Pisces.
I agree! They will get their feelings hurt in a second. Myself included. You have some who put up a wall and act like it doesn't phase them but it does. And then you have the Pisces that get upset (and possibly cry) all the time because they're too sensitive. The latter usually turns into the former over time.

This is dead on! I was in a relationhip with a Pisces for 2.5 years. Our relationship was passionate and intimate, but also emotionally draining for me. He was very sensitive. I'd be open to doing it again with the right Pisces. I'm a Capricorn and there was a lot that worked between us. :yep:
Lordy, lordy, lordy where do I begin. Thanks for this thread cuz I need to vent.

I have been dealing with this PISCES MAN for about 3 years now. Its off and on, off and on. He is MOODY, CHANGEABLE, UNRELIABLE, SNEAKY, and they tend to be addicts of....somthing.
Mine, do I dare claim him?, I think its leaning towards alcoholism and I swear he is a sex addict.

He has given me HELL. Do you hear me, HELL. I have a whole diary filled up with him and his antics. And everytime I try to let go. He drags me back in again, somehow, someway. I have changed all my phone numbers twice, but one constant remains the same, my work number, and he always wiggles his way back through that way.

Positives: Great sex partner, artistic, fun.

I've learned to take him lightly for my own emotional safety. He tells me all this good stuff in my ear but can't back it up with action. And I just don't TRUST him. No way, no how.

But not to discourage you too much, cuz we are the enemies in the zodiac. I'm a Gemini.

I agree with the bolded. Their sensitivity can lead to addictions that provide escape and comfort. This is true with some Cancers as well. :yep:

ETA: They can be very loyal once they're addicted to you. :-)
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This might have been posted already. I found this book funny and somewhat realistic to Pisces. I am a Pisces women and my SO has a hard time trying to figure me out. Any who, here is the book.
Wow, the Pisces men I have encounted have all been too weak. One of them is a mamma's boy, too emotional, and often times I found myself being his therapist. The other had delusions of grandeur, and is a terrible conversationalist. Not for me, I am a scorpio and we are suspposed to be a good match but I need a man I can not walk all over because I am aggresive. :nono:
Wow, the Pisces men I have encounted have all been too weak. One of them is a mamma's boy, too emotional, and often times I found myself being his therapist. The other had delusions of grandeur, and is a terrible conversationalist. Not for me, I am a scorpio and we are suspposed to be a good match but I need a man I can not walk all over because I am aggresive. :nono:

You got that right.

Do you find them to be jealous but hide it well?

What's his favorite color? They love shades of blue and green?

Does he decorate well? The ones I know do.