Date for free food?


Well-Known Member
If you had no reason to go on a date - other than to get a meal knowing that he'll pay for it all - would you go? :look: As in, but for the free food you would probably not even go on the date with that guy.

I've seen this scenario mentioned on here and I'm wondering if women really do this.
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I can see it if you are broke or living paycheck to paycheck but other than that :nono: Money can be replaced but time cannot. I can not imagine just giving away minutes of my life. When I was young I was dumb enough to do this :nono: Wasted time, wasted life.
I've seen it mentioned here as well. But, nah I'm good. I have a stocked fridge and money to buy my own damn food.
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Oh and "food" can easily be replaced with networking, getting your foot in the door somewhere, I wanna wear my dress out somewhere, making somebody else jealous, Im gonna say in-advance, some of y'all better stop fronting like you ain't neva eva done so!
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No, and it rubs me the wrong way when women say that too. Trickin for food is one of the saddest reasons to trick IMO. Plus, I don't think women in the West are really that hard up for food anyway. I mean, this is America. You can find food lol.
Oh and food can easily be replaced by networking, getting your foot in the door somewhere, I wanna wear my dress out somewhere, making somebody else jealous, Im gonna say in-advance, some of y'all better stop fronting like you ain't neva eva done so!

I've never ever done so. The stuff you mentioned sounds silly.

But the OP said you have NO other reason to go out other than wanting a free meal.
I used to but I realized that was immature of me. I was wasting time opening myself up for all kinds of foolishness to rush up in me. It's also rude to string someone along like that. Just overall confusion.
I've never done that. Any guy I'd date would pay for dinner so why waste time with a guy I didn't like when I could spend that same time with one I did like. That was always my thought.
I would never go on a date with a dude I'm not interested or was disrespectful to me.

But I do enjoy dinner dates to places I normally would not go with potential love interests. If the date starts to go sour before dinner the free meal is up for grabs depending on the offense.
If you had no reason to go on a date - other than to get a meal knowing that he'll pay for it all - would you go? :look: As in, but for the free food you would probably not even go on the date with that guy. I've seen this scenario mentioned on here and I'm wondering if women really do this.

Yes, and I actually ended up marrying free food dude. Sometimes, God has other plans for you.
I think you guys are placing a bunch of negative connotations on this. It doesn't have to be as extreme as OP. You aren't desperate, whoring. Nothing. He's not disrespecting you. You just aren't in to him.

If I'm home and a guy I know likes me but I have no interest in calls me and asks if I wanna go out to eat, if my hair is combed I will say yes. I need to break in my new pumps anyways. Let me practice my conversational skills and seduction tricks. Staying home like a cat lady when I'm young and fun? No thank you.
I think you guys are placing a bunch of negative connotations on this. It doesn't have to be as extreme as OP. You aren't desperate, whoring. Nothing. He's not disrespecting you. You just aren't in to him.

If I'm home and a guy I know likes me but I have no interest in calls me and asks if I wanna go out to eat, if my hair is combed I will say yes. I need to break in my new pumps anyways. Let me practice my conversational skills and seduction tricks. Staying home like a cat lady when I'm young and fun? No thank you.

Exactly. I wasn't doing anything so why not? He was nice enough. I was hungry enough. I just wasn't particularly enthused about him and right in the middle of dinner I was running my mouth and I looked up -- the way that man was looking at me... :love: :love: :love: Never spent a day without him after that dinner.
No, and it rubs me the wrong way when women say that too. Trickin for food is one of the saddest reasons to trick IMO. Plus, I don't think women in the West are really that hard up for food anyway. I mean, this is America. You can find food lol.

Lmao the immigrant influences all up and through this post is killing me.

The only way I would lightweight consider going on a date that I'm not too interested in just for the food is if he was taking me to Daniel, Per Se, or Eleven Madison Park.
I'm a real h0e then...I was tricking for Olive Garden :lachen:

Seriously though, it isn't JUST for the food. Sometimes someone catches you at a moment that you just want to get dressed up and go out. MAYBE it will be fun.
No, never.

My time and effort is worth more than a plate of food. Besides, I can get a plate of food myself if I was that hungry :look::lol:
I used to do this. Not so much anymore. I wrote a blog about it several years ago explaining how it happens. I've never met a guy intending to date for food. However, sometimes it was easier to just agree to go out with them once than to explain how I'd managed to lose interest in him within a 5 minute conversation.
Nope, nevah! There is always food in my house and something else that I could be doing.

I am not wasting good makeup, an outfit and gas to get a free meal.....unless it's brunch at the Four Seasons
No. I usually accept a dinner invite just to wear a cute outfit. If during dinner I realize that I am not into the guy and never want to see him again I pay for my own meal. Game over.
Sure, women really do this. Some women are out having dinner 5, 6 nights a week on someone else's dime!:lachen:

I used to do it sometimes when I was single. Especially if the place was expensive or a place that I had been wanting to try for a long time. I never did it regularly though because spending the time to get dressed up to go out and then to have to spend a couple of hours sitting and talking to a dude I wasn't interested in was taxing.

Then there's the inevitable awkwardness later on when he tries to kiss you at the end of the evening or tries to make plans to see you again. All of that is too much hassle just for a meal.:nono: