Could You Date A Multimillionaire . . .

No I wouldn't even consider it.... I grew up poor and very happy so looking forward to riches at the expense of my happiness is not something I value at all... I'm also fortunate to have a career that guarantees that even by myself I can enjoy a solid middle class life (talk less of my husband).... there is just no incentive for me to sacrifice my happiness for anything in this world... I cannot bite my tongue thru the BS...

I dont necessarily care what political affiliation my partner identifies with... I just will not compromise on someone who values all humans and fights for people who are oppressed... I will not compromise on someone who doesnt take advantage of people for the sake of getting rich... A lot of republican sentiments are almost anti-human currently so they are not the favorite on my list... but democrats might flip tomorrow and they'll be on my naughty list...
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No, no and no. For so many reasons. I just couldn't. Money is nice but no amount of money is worth having a verbal spat every time he said something I didn't like, or keeping my mouth shut which I refuse to do. Not to mention my family would probably stage an intervention because they'd think I couldn't possibly be in my right mind. :look: People who follow Trump are blind not just about the cultural wars but the economy as well and I would never tie myself to a sinking ship like SS Orange Hitler. :nono: I don't want to derail the thread but the way this economy is going, he may not have money in a few years. o_O
Ah date of course. I would allow a republican to do some light weight sponsoring (pay my college bills off etc..). Well I'd let any white person give me money for nothing.

Sex = no
Relationship = no
Marriage = Hell no

I can get with low level prostitution and selling myself out maybe 15-20% but anything more than that is too much :look: Its not worth it - especially mental health wise to be sexing a MAGA and breaking bread with him every day.
I would rather marry one and stay married for as many years as it took to get a big alimony and live happily ever after with a sexy lover.



Ah date of course. I would allow a republican to do some light weight sponsoring (pay my college bills off etc..). Well I'd let any white person give me money for nothing.

This is now my new favorite term! :lachen:
No, no and no. For so many reasons. I just couldn't. Money is nice but no amount of money is worth having a verbal spat every time he said something I didn't like, or keeping my mouth shut which I refuse to do. Not to mention my family would probably stage an intervention because they'd think I couldn't possibly be in my right mind. :look: People who follow Trump are blind not just about the cultural wars but the economy as well and I would never tie myself to a sinking ship like SS Orange Hitler. :nono: I don't want to derail the thread but the way this economy is going, he may not have money in a few years. o_O
Same. I could not do that. The ideals are far too off for me. If we're together to also have children, his ideas will not be the ones I want to instill in the children. He also might have a problem with you exposing the children to your ideas. I don't think any man like that would want his wife to take his money and use it on programs and such that he doesn't believe in. As a matter of fact, he may be the type to block you off and have an iron clad prenup to do so. It's his money, not mine to do whatever I want freely with.
I read somewhere (or maybe it was on one of Chrissie's videos) that Black Women limit their opportunities for dating out by being too political (I'm paraphrasing). This is my . . .I mean, my friend's :look: :lachen: first time hanging out with this person, and it's been interesting. Maybe this should be in the Relationship Forum, but I thought it was relevant to OT due to the political aspect.

I'm not really worried about what he wants to do to me, as I set the pace. I have heard a few comments from him that make me wince. I don't know . . .
@PretteePlease, what say you?

Maria Schriver staunch Democrat married Arnold staunch Republican

Lambo was a staunch republican didn't stop me from ridin in the Lambo, the PJ or holding that black card.
Live your life sis. Democrats started the KKK. Sometimes you got to work with a rich man. You don't have to
agree on everything in life. Just agree on the part where he takes care of you and your pockets and worships
you like the melanin queen you are and never let I'm disrespect us if he is other.

You are not a political pundit you don't have to talk direct politics with him. I mean most people are not politically active and they are just running their mouths. Don't let nobody turn you around like that old spiritual says :kiss3:

What aspects of trump does he support.
Is he a supporter because he always votes Repub?

PS Lambo and I didn't talk politics like ever he was a republican and on the mineral board google is your friend :look:
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Like he voted for Trump because he HAS to vote republican or because he LOVES him some Trump?

Because yes to the former. No to the latter unless we can maintain separate households and I can just go around the world spending his money and maybe I have to have sex or make an appearance once or twice a year. lol
Nah,because if you can find one multi-millionaire,you can find another. It is you that is the prize, not them. Get a nice resellable gift from him and keep it trucking to the next one.

:lachen: I like the way you think. Oddly enough, I met ANOTHER self-proclaimed millionaire on the flight to the DR. This one is a black man who gets multi-million dollar government contracts. He said he wants to mentor me so that I can learn how to get them myself. :yep:

I have decided to level-up this year and get my coins! I think when you fine tune your vibration, you attract what you seek.

Earlier this year, a Nigerian woman with whom I went to law school told me that she thought that my declaration to only date men who make at least 50K was unrealistic :look: . . .I decided to step it up even further!

Anywho, my new friend and I had a wonderful weekend. We even had a spirited debate about Haiti and the burden the French debt placed on the country (sidenote: I am not Haitian), along with an Affirmative Action discussion (yes, we went THERE on the last day! :lachen: ). He said he likes my passion and that he learned some things from me. :)
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Oddly enough, I met ANOTHER self-proclaimed millionaire on the flight to the DR. This one is a black man who gets multi-million dollar government contracts. He said he wants to mentor me to learn how to get them myself. :yep:
See? Keep doing what you are doing as it is working.
at least 50K was unrealistic :look: . . .I decided to step it up even further!
Is this missing a zero? If not sis is a hater and she needs to bounce.

Enjoy yourself.
:lachen: I like the way you think. Oddly enough, I met ANOTHER self-proclaimed millionaire on the flight to the DR. This one is a black man who gets multi-million dollar government contracts. He said he wants to mentor me so that I can learn how to get them myself. :yep:

I have decided to level-up this year and get my coins! I think when you fine tune your vibration, you attract what you seek.

Earlier this year, a Nigerian woman with whom I went to law school told me that she thought that my declaration to only date men who make at least 50K was unrealistic :look: . . .I decided to step it up even further!

Anywho, my new friend and I had a wonderful weekend. We even had a spirited debate about Haiti and the burden the French debt placed on the country (sidenote: I am not Haitian), along with an Affirmative Action discussion (yes, we went THERE on the last day! :lachen: ). He said he likes my passion and that he learned some things from me. :)
I kept re-reading this line looking for a missing '0'.
My friend is married to a rich dude who seems super gay to me. But she is always out at spas, fancy restaurants, flying first class etc...meanwhile I am over here dragging my butt to work every morning. Love is overrated. I tell all my friends to marry rich now.
My friend is married to a rich dude who seems super gay to me. But she is always out at spas, fancy restaurants, flying first class etc...meanwhile I am over here dragging my butt to work every morning. Love is overrated. I tell all my friends to marry rich now.

I think it’s all about balance and what each individual woman craves and what makes her happy. I’d take quiet family time at a local beach any day or a backyard barbecue with laughter, over a fancy hotel and a too busy or cheating or gay rich man. Being poor is for the birds. But there is a lot of good stuff in between being poor and being rich. Now if you can get rich, loving, loyal, and kind, then alright :clap:.

I think what Jackie O said is true though ... “The first time you marry for love, the second for money, and the third for companionship.”

It would be nice to get all three the first go round though.
I think it’s all about balance and what each individual woman craves and what makes her happy. I’d take quiet family time at a local beach any day or a backyard barbecue with laughter, over a fancy hotel and a too busy or cheating or gay rich man. Being poor is for the birds. But there is a lot of good stuff in between being poor and being rich. Now if you can get rich, loving, loyal, and kind, then alright :clap:.

I think what Jackie O said is true though ... “The first time you marry for love, the second for money, and the third for companionship.”

It would be nice to get all three the first go round though.
I sometimes wonder if it isn’t a business arrangement. For some of these high jobs it seems appearing to be a family man is required to succeed. I often look at them and wonder if he needed a wife for optics and she needed him for her lifestyle. Whatever makes people happy.