Capricorn Men

I think alot of traits rely on more than just the sun sign. You have to look at a person's moon sign, mercury, etc. For example I am born Dec 29th , but my moon is in Leo and Mercuy is in Sagitarrius. I am reserved and cautious but my heart allows me to be rebellious and impulsive. Its difficult to handle cappies like that because we are at war in our minds about what move to make next. We're fun though. :lol:

Bolded: Rebellious just for the f%*k of it!
Underlined: You are typically your best audience!:lol: Cuz, I promise=I. Don't. Get. It!
I am an Aries and I married a Capricorn. It takes a LOT of compromise for us to keep from bumping heads or shall I say locking horns (a ram vs a goat). We love hard but we can bring out the worst traits in each other. If I ever end up on the dating seen again, it will NOT be with another Capricorn. EVER!
The traits that drive me crazy:
Too bossy- A common phrase that I find myself saying to him is "Who da hale do you think you are talking to like that?!"
Too selfish and self centered.
Does not listen-But that is probably because he thinks I am too bossy as an Aries.
Brings up old ish from the past.
Can be mean and cold if his feelings get hurt.
Sweetgirl08 I think we might have dated the same person.

All the above DID NOT apply to my ex Capricorn.

He was:

•Bad with money

•A loyal platonic friend but he was a hoe and very unfaithful in all romantic relationships

•Family oriented but would drop his kid off in a heartbeat to go clubbing or hang with his friends

•Dumb as a box of rocks

•But he could put it *down* in the bedroom which probably why it lasted 6 yrs (with his cheating a**)

•when he did work, he worked his butt off to the point that he would get offered promotions with little time and no experience.

(((But maybe he was the exception to the rule....)))
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The descriptions pretty much sum up my cap man. He is very loyal, money/career focused, selfless. He enjoys helping others. But at the same time he can be very selfish. He comes across as cold and unloving but when I opened up to him and treated him lovingly he returned it easily. Cap men are what I call the secret Romeos. They are good affectionate lovers but you'd never know looking at their cold exterior. And in bed? Wow. Best lover I've ever had.

He is methodical. Methodical to the point it drives me nuts. Why does your entire day have to be planned out step by step? And why is there a need to strictly adhere to it?? I'm a Gemini so I totally don't get it. He is protective of himself and me also.

Downside is that he is bossy and pushy. As a Gemini woman, I hate it when it feels like someone is ordering me to do anything. It doesn't end well. We fight alot over that. Usually him telling me what I need to do and me telling him I already got it figured out. He loves to give unsolicited advice.

And the man has patience like I've never seen. He can be very impatient and irritable as well because he hates anything that isn't logical. But putting up with me proves he has a supernatural quality of patience because geminis are pretty much the exact opposite of capricorns and I have driven him crazy on several occassions. And once its all over he comes back to his center and says to me "you done now?" Lol.
My ex-husband and my current where both Caps, I'm a Virgo. I believe that my ex had other problem which is why we didn't work beside him being a Cap. We shall see with the current. It's still in the newness stage.
The last few years I've drawn nothing but Caps and Picses:perplexed. Caps and Scorps are supposed to be pretty good together but we both have cold exteriors. I'm not sure I can handle that, I want to be the emotionally complex one lol.:look: But I've also got a lot of Sag in my chart so I think im better with a sign that complements that like Aries.

hmmmm did some investigating....and idk what to make of things. i'll come back here once i get to the bottom of some things.
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My dh is a capricorn rising, very responsible, orderly, likes things done on time, has a routine. He's extremely conservative borderline boring lol! He's very athletic disciplined with money, he will spend on everyone else before himself. He likes good quality, nothing bugs him more than cheap low budget things. He's an amazing father kind of strict though, has a good sense of humor though...........

Cons- rigid, has to be right, dominant, can be arrogant, not open minded, old fashioned, bossy, little empathy, workaholic

I find that capricorn men a lot of time like women who are less accomplished than them or need some type of saving. Usually the women have the exact opposite characteristics of them. Every gf/wife of a capricorn guy I've met has been they exact opposite of them. I don't know if it's an ego thing or they just like " saving women"
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My ex-husband and my current where both Caps, I'm a Virgo. I believe that my ex had other problem which is why we didn't work beside him being a Cap. We shall see with the current. It's still in the newness stage.


That relationship didn't last long, as he was very selfish but life goes on. I am happy to say that my new DH is a Cap and we along perfectly.
I always see this combo together for some reason. Like they say leos and scorpios are not suppose to be together but I see them together (usually leo woman, scorpio male.)
Yes Goats and Lions are drawn toward each other.
Even in friendships. I find it fascinating.
I find them depressing. Capricorns do my head in generally.

Yes to the financial stability etc.. I have noticed that.
DD's dad is a Capricorn. He's an super amazing dad! Very patient, pays attention to detail and willing to do anything to ensure that she's raised right. But he sucked being in a relationship with. Maybe it's because we were only 20/21 at the time idk. He's much more mature now (26), but not financially stable at all. He was/is a really deep thinker, pro-black, loves to read, easy to get alone with, decent sense of humor. I just can't deal with someone who's unstable or horrible with money.